Why not put your NEETS in brown shirts?

Why not put your NEETS in brown shirts?

Always hear complaints here, especially from the USA about the NEET problem.
Here is an easy and time tested solution.
Get God emperor to begin a pseudo civilian police force, secondary to the rozzers, pay them whatever thebnininus wage is for however long they are in uniform and working for the state.
Of course, this then gives you a ready pool to select your black shirts from.
Honestly, I'd fuckin join, and I don't even live in the USA, nor have any right to claim dual citizenshipship.

Honestly wouldn't be that hard.
Advertise for young men looking to improve their fitness, self discipline and contribute to their local communities.
Will do wonders as well to get nationalism to fever pitch amongst this until now unutilised population.

Already happening.

oh my god that logo

For dead set reals?

Can't claim it as mine, but is fuckin tight though.

Imagine if you will, 200,000 former NEETS, fit, trained, indoctrinated, screaming god emperor name from the white house lawn.
God Emperor appears
"You know why I have gathered you together, go. Do what must be done".
The media screaming, scrambling for foot hold, has no option but to watch as NEETs in brown and black shirts flood out into the streets and begin MAGA.

You also need poverty for neets to radicalise.

So, take away the tendies.

Because I prefer black

Shut down 4chinz and take away tendies, that would do it.

Yeah, valid point.

>NEETs in brown and black shirts

and don't forget red hats

See, what if it is the noble task of those of us still awake to drive the MEETs into despair.
What if God emperor is relying on us to radicalise the rest?

Sure, why not

>Why not put your NEETS in brown shirts?
because they are feminized. They can protest well, but anything physical.. they aren't very good.

So, make them strong.
Indoctrinate them.
Feminism has had its way through education, print and broadcast media, politics, business, everywhere these MEETs look, all they see is feminist thought.
Suddenly, an organisation appears promising to return their masculinity to them through exercise, community work and propaganda.
Plus, pay them a stipend.
This really seems like a no brainer.
Young men everywhere will flock to it, plus, uniforms will be fucking on point.
Girls love a man in uniform lads.

God, the possibilities.
Night of the Long Keyboards

It would be fuckin magic to see.
It's not going to happen by itself though.
We need designers, we need propagandists, we need song writers, musicians, people with military experience prepared to sacrifice their time, most if all, we need to meme it into existence.

>They don't know what the Nazis did to the brown shirts

The great unwashed of the regressive left are the modern day brown shirts and use the same tactics to supress free speech and lawful assembly. Can't wait for them to outlive their usefulness and get put down like the mad dog they are.

Obviously, we will try and avoid the cleanse if possible.
This is just the beginning.
We need thevpower of force behind us, and trained MEETs will do.
Surely they've earned the honor of being first through the breach?

NEETs, fucking auto-correct.

I just noticed your flag. Shitcunt the only fascists in America are at the Democratic nation convention.

Trump is about making America great again, not playing the regressive left game of identity politics and thought suppression.

It was fun while it lasted.