What has NATO ever done for us other than forcing refugees into our countries and forcing same sex marriage upon us?

NATO must be destroyed

NATO protects us from the evil Russians while we get invaded by millions of Mexicans that will install communism by vote when their population gets big enough.

As you can see its wildly outdated.

NATO is simply a monumental failure that became a military extension of degenerate American interests overseas, and Kept within the liberal definition of vertical state power as a watchdog to protect liberal degeneration and capitalist explotation. NATO is that vertical power but even more degenerate since its an international movement in the service of internationalist Globalism world wide. It Was also originally intended to to be completely Europeanized over time but simply became a thinly disgusied tentackle of the liberal Pax Americana and subordinated Europe to the liberal-capitalist system and cut It of from a traditionalist resurgence in Russia and the Slavic world, increasing the already massive damage It has Done to Europes geopolitical situation

they what?

nato is pile of crap

NATO is the watchdog of the liberal-capitalist system merging Frankfurt school freudianism and Economic liberalism which subordinates Europe to the global Pax americana and condems It to a slow death under free-market capitalism

nice word salad

No to trodno

Protected West Germany so it can become rich and developed, same with rest of Western Europe.

The Economic boom of western Europe past ww2 made It grow complacient and degenerated western Europe over time. The Soviets preserved traditional Europe but the fall of Soviet power led to an extension of the Pax americana in to Eastern Europe, destroying all industry built by Russians, which is the reason Eastern Europe suffers from lower living standards Today, because of Economic liberalism, not Soviet Communism which industralized the formerly Agarian societies of Eastern Europe

>forcing refugees into our countries
That's the EU.
>forcing same sex marriage upon us
That's your countrymen and politicians.

NATO needs to be reformed, but not for the reasons you listed.

>which is the reason Eastern Europe suffers from lower living standards Today

>destroying all industry built by Russians, which is the reason Eastern Europe suffers from lower living standards
Please fuck off and die.

The Baltics were in the top 10 richest countries in Europe before WWII and eastern hordes pillaged us for 50 years.

There was some industry built during the Soviet/Russian occupation, but it was mostly for their military complex and Russians destroyed and/or sabotaged the factories when they pulled out in the mid-1990's

1. NATO bomb Countries that oppose the liberal hegemony represented by the Pax Americana, flooding Europe with refugees in order to de-stabilize It and advance American capitalist interests. 2. NATO is the international watchdog for liberal degeneracy to thrive

> The Baltics were in the top 10 richest countries in Europe before WWII
Thx Russian Empire

It isn't about the actions of NATO, it is about its deterrent effect. But for NATO being in existance the USSR and now Russia would have a lot more satellite countries

They have been a drain on tax payer money and contributed to demilitarize and cuck Europe

1. Russia also does this now with Syria to destabilize EU and NATO.

2. It's completely up to member governments what NATO does. Hungary and Poland are very conservative, right-wing and they are the biggest advocates for NATO and EU. We need more heads of state like Orban.

Just another way to impose US-made weaponry.

Whatever makes a Swede this butthurt must be good for Denmark.

Only US, Poles and baltics posters will defend NATO. Why? Because they fear Russia.

The Baltics were Agarian basket cases before Soviet Communism ushered in industrialization and produced High quality cars, radios and worldvide selling perfumes. And what happend after the Russians left? All industry Was left to root and Eastern Europe, a region which once Held the entire world in awe under Soviet leadership became a corrupt and poor region exporting prostitutes and child porn. Face It, liberalism is embarrasing for all Eastern people after what happend during the 90s

NATO didn't do that, the EU did. Blame yourself, Hans.

The USA is the single greatest threat to the European races, arguably the greatest thread in our history.

> Russia also does this now with Syria to destabilize EU and NATO.

How stupid are you?

No, it's more that western European posters are brats that feel the need to whine and cry about a military alliance that has kept them prosperous, peaceful and safe for 70 years and blame all their self-inflicted societal problems on it.

Building of Hydro-electro plants, the VEF electronics factories and many other advanced industries and infrastructure was built and founded during the 1920's, after the Russian Empire.

But I would say it deserves about 1/3 of credit.
Even during the Russian Empire, the living standard in the Baltics was higher than in 99% of the Empire and even St. Peterburg, literacy rates too.

It was because of German nobility that were in leading social positions in the Baltics.

1. Neocon lies. The US destroyed Libya both to silence their pan-African prosperity project and flood Europe with refugees. That Was 3 years before Russias legal air strikes on fanatici islamists supported by the US to destroy the mideast and continue the refugee invasion. 2. Orban is pro-Russian. Just because some socially conservative elements still exist in Eastern Europe dosent change anything, they are cannon fooder for the liberal hegemony

top kek absolutely based

The UK and France alone could annihilate any coalition you can dream up with their nuclear submarines alone. There are 1.2m soldiers in Europe and W/S/C Europe alone could rearm and conquer the entire world if the desire was there.

70 years of societal collapse disgusied as Economic well being. If Poland Was not allied with Soviet Communism against Economic liberalism It would be as degenerated as Germany or the netherlands now

see >The Baltics were Agarian basket cases before Soviet Communism
VEF, Latvian acronym for Valsts elektrotehniskā fabrika (State Electrotechnical Factory), is a manufacturer of electrical and electronic products in Riga, Latvia. It was founded in 1919. Before World War II it manufactured large variety of goods, including Minox - then the world's smallest camera.

The Ķegums Hydro Power Plant is the oldest hydropower plant on the river Daugava and the third largest in Latvia located in Ķegums. The complex consist of two power plants. The first plant was built from 1936 to 1940.

> and produced High quality cars

Are copy pasting this from some pro-Communist handbook?


Libya pissed off tons of people shit they even funded the IRA and that was enough for justification for Canada and the UK to turn their country into a heap of ash. He also shit on the French since his second week in power. Good bye Gadaffi slow and steady immigration was a death sentence at least this shitskin wave has stoked a fire that has been smoldering since 1945.

>strategy of tension
Nato is the biggest threat to world peace

Cool, good thing we have NATO then so we can do that.

NATO is a judeomasonic association to help the USA spread degeneracy worldwide.

Of course some industrialization took part in 22 years, especially since latvians are a efficient and hard workkng people, but It Was nothing compared to the enormous Economic development spearheaded by the Soviet union.

Protected you from the vengeance of your European neighbors and the clutches of the soviets, then handed you a bloodless reunification.

Its time has passed, though.

Jesusfuckingchrist, I really, really, REALLY want whole Sweden to burn down to last faggot, because there has to be a limit to the stupid that comes pouring from that rotten circus.

Poles truly are insufferable. You'll lick the first boot that gets put on front of your ugly slav face.

NATO does not represents European interests, or the interests of Any Ethnic nationalists anywhere. It is simply the vertical enforcer of liberal degeneration spearheaded by the Pax Americana


Why not make an argument? This hyper individualism degenerate American way of life is destroying the European races. Just look at their shit nigger president 61% white 5/8 babies born to non-european parents country. It's a fucking disaster they can't police half of their third world streets and this is what is in store for the rest of us. Jewish oligarchs flooding our countries with utter garbage so we vote for zero liberty and zero social services.

Libya Was fighting the liberal-capitalist system, he Was the true Leader of Africa, bravely standing up to the Rotschild central Banks. His anti-European attitude is unfortunate but understandable for a victim of western imperialism

You just said you're so terrified of the Russian menace that you can overlook all the permanent damage NATO and it's American Jewish deciding class is doing to the continent. You're the very definition of a cuck. I now understand why most people I know wish Hitler finished the job in Poland.


This has to be troll. You do realize that czech car, Skoda, had completely reversed and nonsensical build, because glorious communist engineers wanted something that was completely different from imperialistic cars?

Holy fucking shit, when are Sweden and Canada finally going to be rangebanned?

When Germans and Russians occupied their lands they raped and pillaged.

The Germans weren't able to rape anyone in occupied France because they all were willing.

That's why France is so happy to accept refuges while eastern europe keeps them out. Fact.

Poles irrarional russophibia have cast them right into a deal with the devil, and IF they do not pull out soon enough, nuclear hellfire Will swallow them

I've heard these meme before but it's bullshit. He wasn't near the first person to sell oil in commodities and claiming to be the ruler of Africa is rather hilarious. He couldn't even get his failed mudshit republic to stick together nor could even get the other wannabe arab republics to resemble a somewhat stable state.

butthurt eh? not surprised. you bootlicking cowards always cry for censorship or the usa.

Assalamu Alaikum, how was your morning prayer?

how do you explain the unprecedented post war peace and major butt blasting to commies and muslims

Germans were far more brutal against slavs because they fought they were inferior, while the French were just..... French

They sided with Kosovoan Terrorists in the Kosovo War and lead air strikes on Serbians defending themselves

I'm pretty sure the Swede is just one guy that shows up in threads to spout horseshit about Eastern Europe, I see it almost daily.

Served as deterence for the soviets in 1949

Skoda were has Held High quality throughout its entire existance

My Lada is fucking ancient and still works well, simple mechanics a monkey could fix and simple as anything.
Made from the same design since 1976 until now probably says something about Soviet era engineering.

Nuclear weapons. I also find this hilarious as in the last 25 years you've done more to spread Jewish marxism and muslim mass immigration than any other state actor in known history. You've even managed let your Jewish ruling class out marx the Soviet Union. I often get asked why so many Canadians hate Americans these days and I say just turn on your television or look at the American census.

In the wars, occupations and revolutions that America has instigated, financed, and participated in, from Dixie, to Cuba, to Mexico, to Panama, to Italy, to Germany twice, to Japan, to Korea, to Vietnam, to Iraq, to Iran, to Lybya, to Bosnia, to Serbia, to Waco, to Ruby Ridge, and on and on, the dead and maimed number a bare minimum of two hundred million, half of them being White people. In it's determination to mix and destroy the integrity of races, nations and cultures, and particularly to mix, overrun, integrate, miscegenate, reduce by wars, and ultimately exterminate the White race, the Red, White and Blue traveling mass murder machine is, and has been, an engine of holocaust, genocide and death, unmatched in human history. As always, the tyrants falsely accuse defeated freedom fighters of the self same holocaust tactics which the tyrants employ themselves, thus claiming false moral authority. But observers with personal integrity and uncontaminated reasoning ability look at the big picture, i.e. two hundred million holocaust victims, and recognize that the propaganda of the Victors becomes the history of the Vanquished. America denies us White nations, White schools, White neighborhoods, White organizations, and everything necessary for racial survival, then unceasingly promotes inter-racial mating for what will soon be the last generation of White women. That is deliberate, malicious, conscious genocide. True moral authority belongs to those who resist genocide, in obedience to Nature's first and highest law which is the preservation of ones own kind. - David Lane, American White nationalist

And destroyed Yugo cars and their heavy industry.

I really do wonder what god forsaken corner of lala world you live in where you think Canadians hate America for being too diverse and Poles are cowards.

NATO is a fucking disgrace.

NATO should have been dissolved when the USSR fell.

It's also hardly unprecedented fewer people died from war during the Pax Britannica than have died since 1960. Pax Americana is a myth that only Americans believe.

You're right friend it is hopeless for america has 44,000,000 negros and is 61% 'non hispanic white' which includes europeans, jews, arabs, berbers, turks, persians and north indians. I concede it's actually much worse as this figure doesn't factor in the 20,000,000 illegal economic immigrants nor does it consider the fact that more than 2/3rds of American babies are born to non-european families.

I feel for you guys as no other situation on earth compares, at current rates Australia and Canada will be more ethnically european 300 years from now than the USA is right now. Next time you shit on Europe remember Sweden and the UK are 90/92% swede/brit and the USA hasn't been 90% anything in nearly two centuries. It's a sad state of affairs I agree you need to stop worshiping your jewish ruling class and its media and two party state control. I'd say take back your country and stop being such a cuck but it's probably 40 years too late statistically you'll be outbred within a generation or two. The majority electoral support for a back to back nigger president said it all really.

so, the jews. okay. just say the jews.

>hurrduurrr NATO is bad meme

Established and protected Western superiority in the world for decades you clueless fucking faggot.


Eesti auks, tuleviku pandiks!

It fucked Russia over real bad. That's good enough for me.

>no Bulgaria

As it should be

I wonder who's behind this post.

There isn't a Warsaw Pact anymore and NATOs' old use was to protect us from the big scary commie.
As with any major alliance or club it eventually stagnates until we are siding with Islamic fighters and bombing Serbian Civilians.

>What has NATO ever done for us
Kept the fucking Soviets from over running your pathetic little countries one at a time for a generation?

What is it doing for you NOW is a different question...

It's no use, they're convinced a military alliance caused them to import a million shitskins. Just have Trump kick everything west of Poland besides the UK out already I'm sick of them acting like dindus and they don't contribute anything anyway.

fuck nato. you dont need it, no one needs it.



Western civilization is not liberalism. Liberalism is the terminal cancer Killing the occident from within. And NATO is the gangster holding us hostage while we are dying

Yeah man you can't even get elected dog catcher in the USA without pledging allegiance to Israel but fuck Russia amirite?

> There is NATO
> There is EU
> And there is German Government

Please, learn to distinguish those 3 organisations...

Liberal Globalist detected

There will come a time when the military alliance will come in handy as deterrence to Chinese ambitions

It also keeps regional power Turkey on a short leash

Americans won't even speak up about being made a minority in their own lands what makes you think they'll do anything to stop NATO. Everyone seems to be sitting around waiting for the USA to finally collapse in on itself, with $500b structural deficits for more than a decade it'll probably be sooner than later. But hey at least we'll be able to buy shit for pennies on the dollar like we did in 2009.

EU- Economic, social and cultural degeneration. NATO- military muscle that defends the degeneration. They are the same organism, that exist in symbiosis with each other

No, Euro-Russian alliance to bring down the American liberal system Will keep Turkey and China in check

An EU + UK + RU alliance could conquer the entire world within a few years of rearming at most. This is what I pray for every night.

Me too

Nato sure stopped Ukraine revolts




waste of cash.

Ukraine part o... flag