Fucking lol europoors never got to be cowboys

fucking lol europoors never got to be cowboys

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Slavs were cowboys in the steppes


Where do you think the word buckaroo comes from


Errr you sure about that
What is
>A drover
>A bushranger

fggts thats what they are

Say that to my face and not online and we'll see what happens

europoors aren't australian m8

another aussiefag injecting themself into a thread uninvited
just another day on /int :D

Then why is Australia in the Eurovision? Checkmate open a map

>only americans had cows
can you be more autistic

OP said nothing about cows, you stupid french fuck.

dude looks like a fat racist grandpa that's pissed because he has mulatto grandchildren. hardly cool.

Are you really going to try to convince me Australia is in Europe...

they are nothing before the based butteri of Maremma

Why are french so fucking retarded

wow chill...

no chill

What do you think a cowboy is exactly?

Its literally just a farmworker on a horse. We had Jackaroos

Yeah but we can do it for free so fuck off

Last year or so I read an article how American ranch hands were going to the steppes to train and foster a generation of Russian cowboys to accommodate their growing cattle industry


I recently read Americans are fat and stupid

I recently read that Belgians insert cucumbers in their asses every morning in order to wake up.

your fat ass didn't either

Latinos were the original cowboys, white people just ripped them off.

we had cowboys here too

Yes yes, the Australians had their own little wild west for a time. Now please see yourself out.

Actually a lot of cowboys related words come from spanish
Lariat - La riata
Ranch - Rancho
Buckaroo - Vaquero
Lasso - Lazo
Chaps - Chaparrera

I went to a cowboy themepark as a kid and got myself a blank-firing revolver, so technically I have been a cowboy.


Might entertain you for a minute or two