Today I am going to storytime my absolute favorite Jason comic since people seemed to like if you steal

Today I am going to storytime my absolute favorite Jason comic since people seemed to like if you steal











This got me into Jason.
The punchlimr (answer to the title questions) packs some punch I have not expected.






Well that was certainly a tone shift


















>Let me see your eyes
>Natural aversion to looking people in the eyes
Ah, so that's how they'll get me.















Hope you guys liked it.


Fuck yes, my favorite comic by my favorite cartoonist. You're a pretty cool guy OP.

I suppose it's set in Belgium

this is also my favorite. thank you.

And you'd deserve it for being such an autist.

I'm sorry user. Society just isn't meant for people like you.

>I hope she dies of an overdose

hypercrisis killed Whitney Houston, not cocaine

My fucking soul.

After years of reading this again I just realized how the police never came.