Russians are huma-

>Russians are huma-

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop bullying sminem you virgin

At least they aren't fat.

they look like good friends
i never had one

The brown guy is Azerbaijani and proud of it.

Stop bullying the poor kid.

Only a subhuman fat piece of shit would bully sminem kill yourself

Sminem is doing better in life than you.


rude :^(

Who's that fucking guy

He looks like he doesn't give a shit about looking like an elf

who are you quoting??????????????

This. Sminem has a beautiful girlfriend.

Kek I made almost the same thread

same haha

Where can I find more pics of Sminem?

>hanavesiryssä :D


I don't want to post his profile here because i fear his life will be ruined and destroyed.

NO. I want to be his friend

I always wanted to have a Slav friend

why russian girls always wear some sock-like stuff on their feet even in ballerinas or high heels
it looks weird


The girl in the middle has good tits

Is this the product of centuries of inbreeding by Slav farmers and foresters living in Siberia?

she's his sister

Who are the retards who keep making these threads?

You are a bunch of sub 80 IQ animals.

Good assessment.

>Brock in the back



>bullying sminem

Dont bully sminem EVER!!!!


If you believe in karma then stop trying to ridicule this man. Sure, he is slighty unfortunate than his fellow russians but they all look the the same.

Ofcourse, the americans found the only person less fortunate than them and decided to bully him

If you mess with Seminem you mess with all of us.

He has autistic looking children around him on the pics. Is he a special child or normal person with really fucked up facial features?

I'm all for bantering, but not this poor kid. He always looks so happy with everything. He's probably content with life so good on him.

What is normal?

he only has big ears.


TBQH he looks a bit like Taylor Swift, particularly the eyes

Also big hands and big nose. Seems like somethings up with him

Some Russians said he could be from some special ed class.

big hands=big dick.

he must have a mosnter dick.

Where is he from? Judging from the demographics it doesn't look like it's EUropean Russia


russian have special classes only for ugly people.



The situation is getting out of hand...

I like to think Sminem is a good kid who's trying his best. I hope all this internet stuff doesn't get him down

The irony is that he is more fortunate than most of us here.

She is the sister of the Mongol in the back actually, who is Sminem's classmate.

It's Volgograd AKA Stalingrad, most of the population died or was displaced in WW2, so they had to repopulate it with minorities of the Soviet Union, not like Southern Russia already isn't filled with Turkic people though, but it became a race mixing town after WW2.

Lol, dude looks like young Taylor Lautner.

delete this fucking burger

>Sminem is ug-

Is this guy half middle eastern?


so, he's finnish?

Sminem is in a relationship and he's a happy guy with a lot of dedicated friends he's known for years.
Meanwhile you're a sad sack of shit, filling the void in your life with hours of shitposting on an anonymous imageboard. You're trying to bully the objectively ugly guy to feel better about yourself, but in fact, you've accomplished less than he did, even though you've started from a much better position. Let that sink in.

The Slav and the Turk are friends forever

i think i found his instagram. I cant read russian so this might be a fake account

Yes, he is.

Fake. He doesn't have instagram.


So whats his name

I want that shirt

is this guy like the russian version of this?

Roma Zuyev


we are not worthy enough to know

Objectively true


You are an angel

Can someone make a gif of Sminem's face turning into Eminem's face?

Is that picture photoshoped? How the fuck he can have those massive hans?

Sminem is the Russian Napoleon dynamite

Sminem is the Russian Napoleon dynamite

Nah, it's not shopped.

where do you get all these pictures from his vk account only has 7 photos?

He has 3 profiles that has dozens of pictures.

never heard of that site. thanks

truly a amazing person

Sminem is the reincarnation of Jesus.

>tfw will never be friends with sminem

always visiting cool places with his friends

*Le 56% face intensifies*

okay Sup Forums. could you win in a fight against him?

pls only answer with the true.

There is no beating sminem. One can only hope to join him

Have you seen the size of hands? I feel like he could choke out anyone with a one arm vice grip

You know, this thread unironically activated my almonds. If Sminem can look like that and be happy, why can't I?

cuz you are dead inside.

because he has healthy and sustainable sources of self esteem unlike you

He's happy because he's stupid. We're too smart.

you know the story of ivan the fool?
smart people will never be happy

Sminem bullying will not be tolerated. He is a good boy

>marfans syndrome

Because the issue is within you.

Do you assume he is happy because he smiles on the photos?
There are plenty of photos of me where I smile, yet I'm still depressed.
That's just what you do when someone aims a photo camera at you, you start smiling.

>That's just what you do when someone aims a photo camera at you, you start smiling.
Bullshit. There are absolutely no photos of me smiling even in my childhood.
So I assume the numbers of people like me seem to be monstrous on a world scale

Don't act like your not impresed.