Wtf america

wtf america

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wtf mexico

The midwest is a shithole

perfect for flooding

Someone post the gif

>be american
>have a region called fat pig in Spanish

i see no problem here

In the old days they were just giving rich dudes giant pieces of land. So they did some experimenting.
For the same reason Philadelphia has one of the most uniform city layouts on earth.

I thought it was cerDo.

>Independence Mall
>Independence Hall

acshually it's cerro gordo


Do they have bridges and infrastructure in Mexico? Congrats on your progress.

Hold your mouth, at least that bridge was built by mexicans, everything in this fucking country was gifted to you by americans and ever since then you've failed to build anything of value.


We have bridges older than America. How do you explain that?

This is how counties are properly done

Not even close.

Those are natural features beanbreath

What natural features are you talking about, Leafriend?

>his states counties are amerindian giberish

I was jesting Panabud, I apologise for any confusion I may have caused.

Love you :)

Spanish names all the way up in Kansas?

Looks kinda cool in a strange way desu

>they don't know about jerrymandering

What the fuck flyover even is that?

It's okay.

Very clean.

It's broken up into manageable townships. Unlike the mess of counties and land boundaries in Europe

what's wrong with that
societal cleansing is the way to the future


t. braian ixkaq tercero de nueve hermanos alias "el mata negros"

What's up with the zig-zig between Navaho and Apache?

Iowa isnt real america