Can someone explain to me why the Mexican Goverment is against Trump?

Can someone explain to me why the Mexican Goverment is against Trump?
To me it seems that it would be beneficial to keep their citizens in the country instead of them going over to the US.
Why hasn't Mexico endorsed him?

Other urls found in this thread:ósmica

prove that the mexican goverment is againts trump

pro tip: you cant becuase you are not even using the ip of your country fucking faggot

Mexicans are against anyone that is white and American. Is in their nature. Just like african nigger hate any White European.

>More mexicans in mexico means more welfare to pay
>More mexicans in USA means new consumers with more money to buy mexican products and american paid welfare.
>Mexico imports more things to USA and they pay their new consumers welfare and retirement funds.
>Also as long as people have the hope of leaving your shithole country the mexican goberment don't have to invest in their own people and put some unpopular financial reforms that would make mexican people vote for the other party.

>Mexicans are against anyone that is white and American. Is in their nature. Just like african nigger hate any White Europe

>soy blanco

>las islas malvinas son nuestras

jajajaj regresate a mamarle la verga a maradona no sabes ni hacer baits pinche perdedor pecho frio

Living proof of a typical Mexican.

Memes... just that
Mexicans hate Mexico until someone else says something against our country, then we go full Mexicohu Akbar

>talking like the little shityou are without knowing usa stattitcs
>mexico shithole country??? jajajaj mexico no es españa

jajajajajajajajaj el jodido cree que todos estan jodidos menos el

eres blanco?

esa es la base del problema, veraz la gente no habla mal de lo que tiene oh con lo que se siente identificado, la envidia es una emocion muy poderosa y negativa trata de sacarla de tu vida y tal vez algun dia logres algo con el pedazo de mierda que eres que ni trollear sabes.

a dormir niños

thats why someone should nuke Mexico

Heredaste lo peor de nosotros, el nacionalismo estúpido que te impide ver tus propias deficiencias, viva méxico y tal

why dont you come here and tell that to my face? so i can fuck you up.

kurwa faggot i will cheeky breakky iv your ass.

Dont worry poland, my city is bigger than your whole contry and still talking shit lmao

Lurk more faggot.

He threatened to stop Mexicans from sending money home. That's a huge portion of their economy.

Because it is my impression that the government sees immigration as a pressure valve, letting all the unwanted out so no dissidence is formed inside.

Also the money sent by the illegals is in the billions so they benefit on that side too.

Also the mexican government has agencies for procuring the well being of migrants on their way to the US and has ads on national tv paid by our taxes about how the migrants must take care on their way there.

I mean they focus on "saving lives" of the people that decide to make the journey instead of addressing the problem of "why are people leaving my country?"

Because every spic that crosses the border and gets a job sends money back home. The spic government then taxes that shit making a killing and it also gets rid of their undesirables.

The sad part is that some Mexicans are okay I guess but 99% of their population is like him...

And some people still ask why everyone in the Americas hate Mexico.

They're not, really.

Increased border security means drugs would be vastly more expensive to buy and finally end the price cutting war cartels have going. And what cartels want the Mexican govt. moves in that direction. Hence why only warlocks and burnout presidents have had anything to say.

dices "heredaste" como si hubieras sido responsable de hacerlo cuando lo mas sobresaliente que has hecho en tu vida es crear mojones tan grande como tu cerebro.

Nacionalismo? no te preocupes nunca estaremos tan jodidos porque si hubieran sido inteligente se hubieran mudado de esas tierras tan cagadas que tienen en donde nadie le importa. fueron lo suficientemente pendejos como para no tomar el pais completo y hacerlo nueva españa de porvida, que paso? tus antepasados pendejos no supieron como controlar a la gente, ni a su propia gente, asi que antes de hablar de historia primero hay que leer para poder enseñar, el idiota cree que todos son idiotas menos el.

>To me it seems that it would be beneficial to keep their citizens in the country instead of them going over to the US.

Mexicans in America pay nearly $25 billion in remittances back to Mexico every year. Remittances from the US are a major source of the Mexican economy. Mexico wants to send its dumbest and most criminal people to the US and wants us to pay for them.

asi de facil niño cagon.

Prove that the Mexican Goverment is against Trump?

protip:you cant and you wont even ague becuase you re a little stupid shit that thinks Sup Forums is like Sup Forums


dr.autismo lo necesitan en el pabellon de infantes

This user pretty much nailed it.

The media is pushing really hard the "le trump is hitler but with mexicans" meme.

It was also used in the past governor elections to boost popularity between candidates, it became a contest of who can say more bull shit about trump.

Also liberals from america come to drop propaganda here, I shit you not.
There is this jewish comedian from the US that comes to the football matches and goes "I'm so mexican guys I love soccer just like you!! Also remember Trump is the worst and hates you all :^)"

mexicans want lebensraum

Because they are in Hillary's pocket.

havent you been payign attention the last 8 months?


jajajajaj pinches chairos dando opiniones.

Bienvenidos al crapfest

they? who are they?

America is Mexico's release valve. If the poor and a uneducated were forced to stay in Mexico, they'd probably be a failed socialist shithole like Venezuela, but worse because of the drug cartel violence.

>$0.01 pesos han sido depositados a tu cuenta.


only the lazy and rapist and criminals are send to the usa, you didnt get trump? are youa fucking retard?

criminals only

dont be so fucking hypocrite to suck on trumps dick and now come here and say that you stupid burger

>like Venezuela, but worse because of the drug cartel violence.

Venezuela is much more violent than Mexico

Ai, yo al menos salgo por la calle tranquilo sin que me vayan a cortar la cabeza.

Mexicans in America send back billions of dollars to family = free income for mexico.
If this stopped it would crash Mexico ' economy.

>chairos dont have bank acountts

asi es todo el pais es una gran conspiracion orquestada por peña nieto para oprimir a la gente floja y a la gente pendeja que no sabe como un sistema capitalista funciona donde toda su vida sera un obrero y se quejara de sus condiciones porque no sabe como salir o mejorar.

el gobierno te da las herramientas, pero la gente ya no quiere ver, y el que aprovecha estos apoyos es un corrupto y vendido?

mejor pongase a estudiar niño que le va a servir en un futuro.

mientras disfruta tu vida culera, yo la semana que entra voy a san francisco de vacaciones.

Prime example of a poor and uneducated Mexican.

You should learn English before using this website

Buttmad burrito fucker. No one really cares what your shit hole country thinks. The best thing to come out of your country is chainsaw beheading videos. Hope you're on the next one, Paco!

sounds pretty parasitic desu

So you support Peña Nieto? What the fuck are you doing in Sup Forums? I though this was a Right-Wing board.


Google Mexican remittances.

You're kidding, right? Mexico gets a huge economic boost from migrants sending money back to their families. They even have brochures, paid for by the the Mexican government, telling people how to apply for aid and send it back to Mexico.

Forgive me Padre for I have sinned, but it's so true.

no es cierto no sales a la calle tranquilo porque como tu situacion economica esta jodida despues de estallar la burbuja inmobiliaria que asnar creo, si no hubiera sido por la union europea hubiera pasado lo mismo que paso en grecia la gente hubiera sacado su dinero del banco? ohh sorpresa lo que habia en el banco ya no era dinero, todo era deuda por no saber administrar y regular los proyectos inmobiliarios de vivienda y las empresas.

como puedes ver solo un niño cagon que entra a hacer shitpost no se compara a alguien educado que comprende la situacion.

y si de verdad crees que en tu pais no hay un gran indice delictivo por la situacion tan precaria del trabajo y la educacion?

vive ignorante pequeña oveja, asi es como vives mejor

Because the mexican media is also controled by the jews. The mexican media controls our goverment (but unlike America's one, this one is fully controled by them).
The kikes ordered our media to bash Trump and support Hillary, so they do that.

In reality, a wall would GREATLY benefit this country, not only we get more work force, but it also makes the country a little bit safer again, most of the guns that reach Mexico come from people walking in and out from the border. With how things have been since 2006 to today, over 160k mexicans died mostly for all the weapons that they bring from US, so if we get the weapons from the cartels one by one the killings will start to slow down every year.
Then the mexican people hate Trump because they think he hates mexicans, doing what the media told them to do. You did be surprised how easy they turn in Trump's favor after they know the reality, and mostly that he is against mudslimes.

Not for much longer

did i hurt your burger feelings? sorry i wont be so harsh so you dont cry yourself to sleep tonight

Because they are all a bunch of nigger-tier retards. Mexico is a shithole and a cancer that I hope one day will die out. MAGA.

>Tfw visiting mexico and have italian flag with shitstain

At least achmed can't bomb me here.

i think you are the one who needs an "economical boost" so america can be great again.

but you really believe those fairy tales? lmao so fucking naive and stupid.

if you are this stupid then you wont be successfull in life, ppl will always take advantage of stupid ppl just lieke mr trump has been fucking your ass since day 1

Currently, yes. What I'm saying is, if all those poor uneducated Mexicans stayed in Mexico, they'd likely vote in some commie that would promise all kinds of gibsmedat. When that would inevitably fail, Mexico would turn into an even bigger shithole of a nation.

Comparar el crimen y la pobreza de España con la de México es de subnormal profundo.

>"asi es todo el pais es una gran conspiracion orquestada por peña nieto para oprimir a la gente floja y a la gente pendeja que no sabe como un sistema capitalista funciona donde toda su vida sera un obrero y se quejara de sus condiciones porque no sabe como salir o mejorar."

Oye wey bajale de huevos y porfavor lee los post a los que respondes.

En primera nada de lo quedije implicaba eso.

Si El gobeirno es corrupto, pero no todo y que te hace pensar que no hago cosas por mejorar el pais, no com tu que deseguro eres activista en facebook por el tipo de projecciones que haces.

en segunda todo lo que dije paso en mi estado todos lso candidatos a gobernador solo hablan de 3 cosas, como no se ivan a robar dinero, que ellos ivan a acabar con la inseguridad (aunque facil mas la mitad estaban apoyados por un grupo ilicito) y de como ellos le ivan a mentar la madre a trump.
Literal todos los spots de neuva alianza fueron sobre como le ivan a mentar la madre a trump, y lso otros partidos tenian tambien.

Tambien, hace unos dias incluso peña reprocho el comportamiento de trump y dijo que nunca se pagaria la susodicha pared.

Porfavor el que debe poner atencion eres tu.

Does Mexican even have welfare or any social programs?

bob burger is that you? why are you using a proxy? so they dont find out you are a burger becuase anyone knows achmed comes froma video were a guy is holding a pupet.

so all you know comes from mainstream media?, youtube and tv?

lmao and you come to Sup Forums?

lol just kill yourself so you can save some air and food for other ppl who really needs it #blacklivesmatter #69%ofyoungniggersdontwork


Because they don't really believe their rhetoric. They know that more citizens that they can't figure out how to get remotely decent jobs to will create more discontent, and they know that when their security issues truly become their own they will have to answer for it.
They have a big fat burger tit to suckle on and are scared of us cutting them off.

Is this the time of the day that the mexican intellectuals come return home from the welfare office?

Boy, it is almost like they don't want to have to deal with all of the rapists, murderers, leeches, and drunk drivers who can for now hop across the border and become someone else's problem. Really makes you think. Unless you are a Mexican intellectual.

kill yourself

Indeed, this guy post all the time on Sup Forums like this.

I don't know what he get from it but is pretty sad to waste hour of your day to bait people.

How does it feel that the only time I come to your country, its to fuck your women? Otherwise it's a shithole. A literal shithole, I might add. Literal open sewage rivers. How does it feel? Your women are shaped like avocados.

bajale de huevos jajajajajajajajaaj

el maricon aqui eres tu porque incinuas que soy un "peñabot" como toda la comunidad pendeja mexicana en las redes sociales.

de seguro eres de los que se cree los videos falsos que salieron, no estas viendo lo que esta pasando en tu pais y aun asi te atreves a hablar de vuelta pinche cagada.

No se preocupe Chairo toda la vida se va a qeujar la gente nunca puedes complacerlos a todos, pero como el pendejo que eres haces tu parte y vas y das una realidad falsa de lo que es tu pais solo porque escuchaste durante años y años a tus papas quejarse del gobierno.

El sistema capitalista es eso, aprovechas tus habilidades y actitutes en bien de tu pais, no andar tirandotela de gringo odiando a los mexicanos y tu eres mexicano, la verdad que me das asco y me enfermas.

Pero las personas como tu nunca llegan lejos, solo miraras a tus amigos con celos de lo que han logrado porque no son la mierda que eres tu.

Felicidadez Chairo, espero que disfrutes de tu ignorancia toda la vida.

el ignorante no ve lo que no esta presente en el, solo puede alcanzar a ver lo que su podrida mente ha generado un mundo bizzarro donde todo encaja a tu conveniencia y no al hacer de los hombres.

A chingar a su madre niño cagon

>una publicación por esta ID

> implying Spain isn't overrun with Moroccans

When are you going to give up your little brother as a tribute to Ahmed?

>1 post by this ID
A jew who doesn't understand Mexico is leeching money? I don't think so.

>you have an opinion you must be with the goverment


el autismo no tiene cura pero se pueden aceptar a las personas autistas de todos modos.

Because it`s Mexico... it`s a narco state and they benefit from any kind of illegal work (an easy way to gain power) just like the chinese capitalize from cheap work

Im germonic my trigered burrito friend.


asi es chairo estas jodido por culpa del gobierno y porque tus papis asi te enseñaron a vivir en el mundo como un pinche chucho muerto de hambre y toda tu vida estaras hambriento por algo que no mereces.

Chinga tu madre pendejo no iba a comentar aqui pero tu post es una estupidez tan grande que tengo que decirte que te mates, puto traidor.

> fucks avocados


we suck fucking nuke this place

Don't say that, your women are among the best dick suckers the world has to offer.

Wouldn't it be mutually beneficial?
I mean, it'd stem the flow of stolen (and gitfed from the ATF) guns form the U.S., and slow the flow of drug money, thus weakening the cartels.

And on the U.S. side, it'd help curb the illegal immigrants and drugs coming in.

I like Mexico.


are you really naive enought to belive in a wall?

i will tell you why, you have never been in the border, and you will never will just like 90% or ppl who talk here the gringos? they havent been at the "wall", so how are you going to build a wall in the middle of the desert? with no roads? you even know how much money and how much ppl you need for that?

even if you do it. narcos have thousands of tunnels in all the border, they have connected houses that have more than 50 years.

the wall is bullshiet and you all know it, but you like you play dumb.

>mexicans fighting each other
wew lad

>be at roach hotel for a few days for a job with a couple of coworkers
>get drunk at jacuzzi with 6-7 mexican workers
>they can't stop laughing at how much money they are making and sending back to mexico and how they live like kings when they go back

which one?

which one what?


It isn't a literal roach hotel.

It's been done plenty of times throughout history by lesser nations with less of a reason to do so.
Do not doubt us.

LOL alright

Isnt that what Mexicans are known for? The reason there are like 10 cartels?

Hahahaha, what? Whatever, nice dubs my nigger midget beaner!
Its the current year taco faggot. You bettter start believing the new shit humanity can do every decade. The border is completly possible, and whatever tunnels some niggers with AK47 would do, would be found and then destroyed.
US, with whatever they send for border patrol will surely be more competent than mexican cartel's "tactics" and tunnels.

Because Mexican gov is a CIA money laundry front, about half of them are cartel supporters, and we all know how much they love Hilldog

I'm doing my part trying to spread support, but about half the population are borderline retarded

so how you like to hang out with roaches?

only roaches hang out with roaches.

Annon dont have the enought money to get the nicest mexicans not the meztizo brow shits that only poor ppl get becuase that the only thing they can get becuase for your own race you are a betta basement dweller.

>why the Mexican Goverment is against Trump?
they are not
nobody gives a fuck about Trump from this side of the border
>inb4 Fox ex-president talking shit against him
he did but he is an irrelevant political figure

pic related is what i meant

Spain off the top rope!

Because Mexico was the first country to make racism into a political ideology:ósmica
They belive in nation-states, like me and you and literally any Westerner. Mexico is no better than ISIS.

>They don't believe


>The border is completly possible

You cant possibly be this deluded, mexican trumpfags should not exist.

Im ashamed of the weak bantz from most of my fellow mexicans.

And how easy they get baited by subhuman argeniggers / ameriburgers

The Trump Wall would harm the cartels and the corruption politicians in Mexico. The Wall will stop significantly harm the flow of guns and cash into Mexico and the flow of drugs and cartel members into the USA. The cartels will lose money and power. The politicians in Mexico that are paid by the cartels will lose money.

Vote for Trump and Make Mexico Safe Again.

>Implying you are not a shit tier mexican

From my experience, white mexicans dominate english much better than yourself.


You don't get it my white friend. Even if it can be done it would be pointless to do it. A wall in the middle of nowhere can still be scaled and a tunnel can still be built underneath connecting any two buildings at any point along this freshly built wall. It serves no purpose other than boosting the economy the old Keynesian way by building and building and the multiplier effect from "paying the glassman". It's an artificial boost though, nothing more. Ask China about that seeing as they loved inflating their GDP by building ghost cities and roads to nowhere just so that their numbers look good on paper when in reality their economy is shit and most people are poor.

Because trhe mexican goverment obviously gets it's share of drug money.

Because he's going to stop the $20bn a year remittance, if they don't cough up $15m to pay for a wall.