Why is there such a lack of right-wing comedians? They're sitting on such a goldmine

Why is there such a lack of right-wing comedians? They're sitting on such a goldmine

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conservatives don't see being a comedian as a viable or respectable profession. many think they can't be successful in a realm dominated by liberal thought. conservatives also to take a more serious and traditionalist view of politics, ie. its a serious matter not to be joked about.

Liberalism is literally joke though, even Sup Forums is full of amazing material

there's not a lack. they just don't get on tv.

Because to make it as a comedian you are heavily reliant on mainstream media support

can you hook me with a few?

not really, nowadays it's something you can do on the side online

says the stupid asshole who thinks he can speak for everyone.

Kill yourself, we need more air and water for thinking people.

>not really

Seriously, Liberals are so ripe for the mocking.

because the (((entertainment industry))) actively suppresses them

There are

Larry The Cable Guy is rich from doing right wing comedy

nick dipaolo, colin quinn, anthony cumia, dave smith are the ones off the top of my head

We don't need comedians with Trump making jokes out of everyone else in politics.

>that OP

I don't understand, was the Munich shooter a comedian in the past?

Unless you're Joe Rogan you are not going to pull it off.

SJWs would destroy you.

This is it, really. There hasn't been a comedian critical of the left who was permitted to get a big break. Milo the fag jew can't even stay on twitter. Imagine someone with his anti-sjw sense of humor getting on mainstream comedy circuits. It would draw huge revenue for the producer jews, but they won't allow it because it'll ruin their narrative.

Is there a link to this?

I like (((Dave Smith's))) political talk, but I've never heard any of his standup

my fear is that I'll see a clip and he's terrible and I won't be able to listen to his political stuff anymore

>why doesn't the liberal controlled media hire right-wing comedians?

you don't need the media on your side to do comedy


>many think they can't be successful in a realm dominated by liberal thought.
So basically, conservatives are pussies who can't stand for what they believe in, in public

>links to a liberal controlled video streaming website


Hows this guy not in prison yet

What is there to laugh about in a jewish enslaved world?

Blue collar, not right wing.

Actually he's saying you couldn't make a career of it as a comedian, which is completely different

Because right wingers aren't funny, just look at this board for example.

I can only think of George carlin and a few black comedians that are actually very redpilled. There's more black right wing comedians then white ones.

What conservatives find funny a lot of people view as immoralAlso for the same reason we are on an anonymous forum



That's his surname

What about Greg Gutfeld. He's horrible...

Dennis Miller and Adam Carolla to an extent.

classic sweden

why the fuck are you here?

People (especially women) don't have a sense of humor in the genuine sense, they laugh at what they approve or because they're expected to laugh or because they're trying to make someone like them (girls laughing at every joke of a guy for ex)

Hollywood and media is owned by atheistic Jews who won't touch conservative topics or anything that doesn't suit the Multicultural/Communist/Globalist cause.

Also the Bush era made it a liberal playground in the comedy sphere for a long time.

Comedy in general has suffered a lot during the Obama years because no white male can criticize or make fun of a black president without being called a racist, and most good comedians are white males.

This. Right wing entertainers exist, but for some (((reason))) they don't get on TV where they can reach mainstream audiences.

Andrew Lawrence in the UK broke ranks but he's not that great. I think he snapped around the time of the EU elections and got shit on by the media.

SeeI wonder why this happened.

because the US entertainment industry is completely dominated by liberals to such an extent that most conservatives need to be in the closet about it

Another problem we don't have in Poland.

Then again, we don't have that much of a stand up scene either.

Comedy works best when the social criticism is directed towards some meme groups with dumb but not dangerous beliefs (Christians, ignorant rednecks etc)
It's not easy to have a relaxed, humorous athmosphere while joking about the biological differences between the races, or discussing how we should let all those immigrants rot in their home countries because free immigration is unsustainable.

Nice infographic. Any more?

because Jews/

The reason those jokes don't fly is because you won't get hired if you talk about race realism or da joos. Da Jooos won't hire you.

But it's still a top tier method of gaining popular support.

If there is one thing right wing movements need across the West right now, well, they should get to it before they're completely swamped with brown lefty voters.


What about dumb muslims?

Too many (((privileged Whites))) in college.

basically what this user said. As a conservative who is also an art major no only do I have to deal with the all the idiots in one of the most liberal dominated fields, but I also have to deal with other conservatives asking me "why are you doing this if you will not be guaranteed to make at least 100k right out of school".

The one percent is highly Jewish.

This is wrong. Comedy is horrifying vulnerability, comedy is Kali dancing her lover to death, comedy is Loki murdering Baldur. Jokes about race are hilarious, provided they force us to confront the truth. Sneering liberal knowitalls reminding us that they consider thenselves to be superior are not funny because there is no vulnerability.

You can use it to cushion and entrench quite retarded and dangerous beliefs, though.

I'm not saying other factors didn't play a part, but there is a reason the whole fucking white male and muslims are totally peaceful and tolerant belief set took root with people bred on The Daily show.

Feel bad about Slavery goy!!!

You are an autist or an idiot.

Humor is one of the most powerful methods of connecting with people and getting them to be open to your ideas or side.

Its a sign of good social skills, and helps create a sense of comfort in the audience.

Its one of the biggest reasons the left has been so prominent culturally. They are good at jokes and up til recently the conservative movement was the butt of jokes.

Humor is a key facet of manipulating both individuals and the masses. Denying this only shows how out of touch and knowledge you are.

Suggested partially related reading: "Propaganda" by Edward Bernays

imagine this... what if you were both right?????


Why haven't they gone after Sam Hyde yet? Are they scared of him?

Have you seen the Forbes article about the Shooter-Identified-as-Sam-Hyde meme?


There's this gem:

>Hyde admits he has been questioned by law enforcement over the Twitter rumors, but won’t go into detail. Friends and family members have also been fooled into thinking he is a violent gunman. Hyde explained in an email: “My wife’s boyfriend (open relationship) heard it from the news first and so he and my wife’s son were both scared silly for a few days before everything was explained. I also got a call from my rabbi frantically trying to talk me out of doing anything more violent until finally I managed to explain to him that it was a hoax.”

Because the right wing isn't composed of clowns like the left wing is.

>Why is there such a lack of right-wing comedians?
Because that gets you black listed by Hollywood Jews. Patrice O'Neil is a good example. RIP muh nigga.


Four words.

>No Viable Media Platform


Nice meme.

Because being big in comedy is hard.

When almost all tv, media outlets, and liberal arts careers are ruled by left-wing ideology, being big and conservative in comedy is ridiculously hard.

Also racially based slavery has a strong basis in the Talmud despite the claim it didn't start until the Transatlantic Slave trade. Jews were slave middlemen in Muslim Spain because they sold Christians to Muslims and Muslims to Christians. In reference to

Watch Red Eye, they are pretty funny

The German Civil War of 1918 that no one fucking remembers.

nigger do you even listen to TRS Radio

I remember a few years ago, I was posting this and ppl called me a "conspiracy theorist."

They should apologize.

I will make them apologize.

It feels like libertarianism and socialism started off as two extreme opposite jokes to compliment each other, but then some fucker took one of them too far, and the result was European politics.

We should strongly consider genociding these "people".

Conservatives have a limited sense of humor. Satire oftentimes goes right over their head.

Good luck with that.

Jews are pro immigration because they fear being a prominent minority. In turn of the century England the Jews were the most prominent non-English group. Since mass immigration England is now English, Indian, Black, Chinese, Polish, Romanian, and Jewish. This shouldn't be controversial just like how Catholics are against abortion Jews are for immigration.

They'll genocide you first.

Probably the same reason there are few conservative tv shows, news, and musicians: kikes censoring non-degenerate opinions while promoting Kikedashians and Silverkikes.

Jews need to be expelled--not horizontally but vertically.

Vertical expulsion for jews. It's the only way.

Right wing Comedy shows

Border town
Rick and Morty
Malcolm in the middle
Family guy
Any anime

That's about it

you are literally fucking retarded


>Rick and Morty
>seth macfarlane shows
>right wing

Dual citizens run our foreign policy and we're not allowed to say it. I think we should allow Jews to move to Israel on the grounds they give up US citizenship.

Not an argument.

Yes you stupid nigger. They make fun of lefties.

>Family guy

They pointed out how the left ignore black on black crime in the last season.....

What are you talking about?

There are many hilarious right wing comedians!

Pic very related

isn't mike judge a conservative? he kind of makes fun of both but he never goes for the epin "consevratards is automatically the stoopid ones" low branch.

You literally only had to say South Park. That's it. All of those shows you just listed are filled with leftist anti right messages



South Park literally made trump die from farts or something last season. They're not right wing.

>bill burr
>no results

am disappoint

He's redpilled on most things, except race

Seth Macfarlane writes that from time to time to get more appeal for the show.

But seriously most of the stuff in the show liberal. Seth Macfarlane is one of the most left wing comedians there are.

pretty sure that they are libertarians

Basically all right wing comedy that is actually funny is sort of liberal satire, or pointing out how stupid people are. So inherently right wing comedy would not exist without the left, and the right would like to live in a world without the left. Ideally there are no comedians to the right.

The most important issue. He's not smart enough to go all the way though. He's a simple man funny, but simple.

I think he is. King of the Hill was undoubtedly conservative. Even though one of my favorite moments was Hank not respecting George Bush when he had a weak handshake

Sam Hyde says something similar on his interview with that music hipster who shot up a school