ITT: Stupid Fucking Plot Developments in Comics That Piss You Off

I'm still angry over this one

Try One More Day.
Nothing will top how pissed I felt with that.


Spider-Totem garbage


>One More Day
>Sins Past
>Lifetheft arc
>The entire second half of the Clone Saga



Virtually anything from Spider-Man in almost 30 years makes me angry.

>That Goblin Cult shit
>Robo Parents
>Connors is actually in control of the Lizard
>Sins Past/Remembered
>Spider Totem
>Anything Slott ever

I haven't paid for a Spider-Man comic in 10 years, minus Marvel Adventures.

Correction, current SM comic. Still buy TPBs of classic stories and runs.

I can't decide if this or how he beat Kyle by "outwilling" his ring to make it not work pisses me off more.


Because Spider man fans will buy anything with Spider man in it regardless of how terrible it gets, so Marvel doesn't give a shit
Stockholm syndrom

He's popular so people want to do a big story that "shakes things up" rather than tell normal good stories.

From what I've seen the X-men have a similar problem.

Civil War
Age of Apocalypse
Clone Saga
Blackest Night
Battle for the Cowl
Secret Six
New 52

Well he didn't actually beat Kyle...

That weird trend in the later nineties/early 2000s of fucking with origins, like Peter being a Spider-Totem, Logan being descended from Lupine mutants (or whatever) and Frank being a demonic pawn.

>Spiderman is about youth - Joe Quesada

Marvel is 50% stupid fucking plot developments.

Reminder that Gwen cheated on Peter and had sex with Norman just because she felt bad for him.

Death of Spiderman was the stupidest book I've ever read. It made me drop Marvel.

One Moment In Time shits over One More Day worse. Because it leaves One More Day as canon and doesn't retcon OP's story. Also it sounds like OP wants a storytime from hell.

I get you didn't like the Spider-Totem bullshit, but at least it didn't shit all over Pete's character until Civil War hit and they forced all the movie shit on him.

>Gwen cheated on Peter with Tommy Lee Jones
fixed that for you

>felt bad
The retarded explanation was "animal charisma" or magnetism. I turn my brain off by then.

Loeb touching the Ultimate universe

You gonna spam every thread with your pakistani puppet show girl?

$50 says they'll revisit it in the next few years and say that the magnetism was some sort od mind control or chemicals or some shit.


Well if that "fact" or rumor thread was true, Marvel wanted to kill off the Ultimate Universe but didn't realize people were super pissed off at Loeb's half-assed attempt, since Bendis said he wanted it similar to Crisis on Infinite Earths.

>You gonna spam every thread with your pakistani puppet show girl?
Lol wut? Point me to the spam pls


> Oh Jean Grey didn't die, that was just the Phoenix pretending to be Jean Grey
> the real Jean was safe in a cocoon at the bottom of Jamaica Bay
> Also fuck Madelyn Prior she wasn't in the Silver Age
> P.S. We're getting rid of Beast's fur because that also wasn't in the Silver Age

Connor on control of Lizard was great on the 90's cartoon.

First comic that I read. Made me like Deathstroke a lot.

It wasn't even just the killing off. He got detials completely wrong and killed people off in retarded or unnecessary ways.

That fat bastard blob survives the flood but the fucker with TELEPORTING powers dies?

I don't have a specific story in mind but I'm still incredibly salty with what miller did to Hank Pym in the ultimate universe. in 616, Hank is a somewhat emotionally unstable but still redeemable guy who broke down temporarily due to the stress of being a hero/scientist. Ultimate Pym is a psychopath cranked up to 12. Did mark miller genuinely hate Hank Pym as a character and made Ult. Hank who is out of spite?

So did Sue getting raped turn you on? Or finding out she was pregnant even though I remember there being hints that Ralph was implied to be sterile? Or that Sue's murder only happened because of Atom's psycho ex-wife for even more retarded reasons? Did you like the part where they made Tim just like Bruce by killing his dad in the most retarded fashion and in kill Boomerang for no logical consistency?

Anything that has happened involving Cyclops/Scott in the past 15 - 20 years, especially the stupid "LOL WILL WOLVERINE KEK SCOTT FINALLY???? ;)" bullshit they've been pulling.

Really, any time Marvel tries to cuck a character fucking annoys me.

The Spiderfags in this thread also have a very legitimate reason to complain.

Superman killing the Joker.

He's not the only one who was a psycho asshole in the Ultimate universe version

there were plenty of other characters like that

It still surprises me that this was my first time experiencing NTR in any fictional medium, especially because when this came out I was knee deep in my hentai addiction. But a spider-man comic is what plucked that cherry.

But why? Is Mark Miller just an edgy faggot with no self-awareness?

>all the characters have met their organic and fleshed conclusion
>but lets forced them back in a book again
and this is why the big two will never be great they just don't know when to just let go.

I think the Ultimate universe was trying to do something a little different, so whereas the silver age of comics was campy and silly, this version was more grounded and tragic

It wasn't just Millar's contributions that were violent and edgy

Mark Millar (Miller is a different brand of crazy) would rather write Hollywood screenplays because he hates comics. Where do you think the basis for The Kingsmen, an edgy MI6, came from?

But isn't the point of Comics to be a form of escapism? Why would people want to read grounded and tragic stories if real life is already full of hardships?

As I said, it was my first time reading comics. Why the hell would I care for Tim's dad or Sue?

So I was only ever into comics in the early to mid 90's, and all I remember from Spider-Man is that bitching about the Clone Saga was a thing around then. I read mainly X-Men, but I remember everyone just hated it, and I've always been sort of curious about it. Is there a trade of it or anything? I kind of want to see just how terrible it was.


wait, was it rape?

>Why would people want to read grounded and tragic stories if real life is already full of hardships?
because I'm not a little kid who can't tell the difference between fiction and reality and don't need everything sugarcoated.
Besides edgy, tragic stories can be fun. Millar's Ultimate Avengers is edge turned up to eleven and it's amazing.

I don't know, sir

Because it was a badly written book. Even with a passing knowledge of Green Lantern and Flash is enough to tell me everything with Deathstroke was writerwank of the worst kind.

Ultimate Marvel was a mistake

Pretty sure that's Peter talking.

The same can be said of movies and books, while they may have been around longer, they still rely on grounded and tragic stories that most times have depressing endings, like the actual Hunchback of Notre Dame story by Hugo.

oh god, that's even worse

Here, have the reaction page.

wait, how would Deadpool know what Norman Osborn tastes like?

What next, they'll have a time displaced uncle ben watch this all happen and he actually hires the burglar to kill him in a form of assisted suicide?!

They just cant leave well enough alone.

Most of the stuff done to cosmic but this is the point where I got mad.

Bendis has so little respect for the characters he dropped every single thing he did because lol timeskips. And the worse part is, the new stuff he set up after Secret Wars and hyped so much in interviews and teasers? HE DROPPED THEM ALL AFTER A FUCKING ARC AS WELL.

It's like he's sabotaging his own story on purpose. Like he wants the Guardians to fail as a franchise for some reason. I mean, I can understand ignoring other people's ideas because Bendis is like that, but ignoring your own stuff? What the fuck is he doing on that book still if he doesn't wanna be there?

Deathstroke's evolution is kind of weird. He's a guy whose powerset is literally Captain America's (except he got super serum for Vietnam rather than WW2) and he used to antagonize a bunch of teens, without being much successful in direct combat outside of fighting Robin since most of them have actual superpowers. And then someone thought he was cool and suddenly he could take on the Justice League like it ain't shit.

>Is Mark Miller just an edgy faggot with no self-awareness?

He has self-awareness.

Doesn't change the fact he's a raging faggot that's edgy for the sake of being edgy. He's shadman if Shadman wrote comics

the problem with bendis is exactly that, in uncanny x men, the whole book is nothing more than buildup buildup and buildup that at the end of the day leads to nothing, he doesn´t know how to do payoff like in ultimate spiderman or daredevil where he justified the buildup he made

Obligatory Avengers Arena/Undercover reference

Fuck that book. Fuck Dennis Hopeless.

>Xorn/Magneto retcon
I'll never not be mad about it. Fucking Marvel editorial ruining a great story.
They could have revived Magneto another way anyway, why ruin the finale of Morrison's run?
I swear editors are such whinning assholes.

reminded me of when marvel revived green goblin despite it being a pivotal plot point and evolution for spidey

You can't honestly think Captain America fighting Captain Islam with a lightsaber is any less stupid than Spider Man webbing up bank robbers. The latter tries to be fun and enjoyable, while the former does what Miller does best to spew the author's political views at the expense of the plot and characters.

Bringing back May was worse. Because it gave them fuel to fucking do One More Day and OMIT. It did give us one of the best put-downs on Osborn.

Man I really love JRJR


oh that´s another thing that made me mad, the best thing that came fro the clone saga gets killed, RIP ben

Not really.
I recently got the big time ultimate collection volume one.
Heaviest buyers regret since I bought that clone saga collection, shitty ramos 'art' coupled with slotts shit excuse for writing.

You're thinking of Ultimates 2, Ultimate Avengers is the Ultimates if they were bigger, badder and fucked more bitches.

but yeah, the Ultimates wasn't grounded at all, and neither is any of Millar's work. I also can't compare a Spider-Man story premise to an actual fully realized comic about US foreign policy (as badly as it was used). There are certainly some Spider-Man fighting crime stories that are miles above the Ultimates but there are also many that worse than the Ultimates.

Almost everything the Marvel has done to the Inhumans

>universal inhumans
>crippled gorgon
>Karnak suicide
>Medusa dating johnny

How many times is JR jr. Gonna use the same sketch of a guy flying backwards? I saw it in his run with JMS, I see it here, I saw it in WWH.

Karnak is back. He has his own run.

I know but the suicide thing was still stupid and never got a real explanation.

That retarded fucking twist in Pandora Trinity of sin #12

Because JRjr is literally a dimestore version of his dad. Also he's more suited for detective noir stories, but almost never touches them anymore.

He's just following the Wallace Wood rules "Never draw anything you can copy, never copy anything you can trace, never trace anything you can cut out and paste up"