Learn japanese! it's easy as fuck

learn japanese! it's easy as fuck

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it is the hardest language in the world

I would if you didn't have that brain damaged writing system

english grammar is no godzilla it's usage and exceptions that make english clusterfuck


t. I wasted 10 years of my life learning kanji so I could read manga in the original, you plebs

t.takeshi in america


>no article before clusterfuck
>run on sentence
Possible fixes: English grammar is no Godzilla. Its usage and exceptions are what make English a clusterfuck.

English grammar is no Godzilla. Its usage and exceptions make English a clusterfuck.

but i type like dis bcuz i am lazy and dont care my point gets across n e way lmao

Learn Korean then.

>Used in nowhere except in best Korea

At least you produce a lot of various media content unlike Japan which only produces stuff for autistic pedophiles.
Korean is also much much easier because it uses a SINGLE set of actual letters made by humans for humans. Again, unlike Japanese which uses three different systems of writing all having little to no cohesion.

Learn chinese then

English grammar is no Godzilla. It's(it is) usage and exceptions that make English a clusterfuck.

japanese grammar is easy true, but remembering kanji is fucking shit

but you are chinese

I remember reading this thread from Japanese translation blog.


Wouldn't care if they translate this again.

>When China tries to devalue the currency
>ching chong leng long gong xi fa cai

I would gladly punch that neet Sup Forumsfag right in the face.

>all-nationz.com wwwwwwwww


>it is usage
Sounds wrong to me, though maybe you could say it is THE usage and exceptions, or it's English's usages and exceptions, or something else.

It's because of the usage and exceptions English is a clusterfuck.

studying japanese is the best way to learn chinese
I don't know how to pronounce your sentence but I know what you mean

>>it is usage
>Sounds wrong to me, though maybe you could say it is THE usage and exceptions, or it's English's usages and exceptions, or something else.
Sounds wrong becouse you anglos do not know how to spell nor the difference between a posessive determiner and a pronoun with a verb.
You say its usage not it's usage.

No, it makes sense. It is usage that makes english difficult.

Chinese grammar

Can you make your entire language katakana first?

It's easy to pronounce chinese, "gakushuu nihongo cho-kantan"

Japanese is an irrelevant useless language. I'm not into anime or manga so 0 reasons to learn it.

Actually, it does. I hadn't read the thread and just supposed it was an >anglo spelling case

>Japanese is an irrelevant useless language
mi pilin sama! toki pona kin li jo mute e kepeken.

and do what with that language?
watch animu?
go work in japan
>japan doesn't want me
no thanks, will do myself a favour and learn spanish instead

European languages are very bland and boring because they're so widespread. Don't you want to impress people by reading a non-roman non-slavic language?


Yeah, that would be cool too.

ты мeня хoчeшь нayчить тaтapcкoмy?

>watch animu?
All animu is now english-translated. Only use is to read some unpopular vn and manga for basement dwellers.

it's easier pronounce japanese than chinese or korean but hiragana is too difficult to learn

English spelling is as much of a hurdle as Kanji. Yes there are patterns but there are so many unpredictable exceptions I have you to YouTube to find the pronunciation

Doesn't sound wrong to me.
t. native speaker, professional editor

i think the grammar would be really fucked up and none speaks greek besides greeks and cypriots so why bother? i mean if u wanna learn a language just to impress people you can go with classical greek or latin or some asian clusterfuck

Even Tatars themselves don't speak Tatar that much.

greek language is VERY difficult to learn

Autistic and esoteric writing system = garbage language

cypriot can be very different than greek
they have more turkish and archaic words and constructions
greeks in /balk/ said that they can understand cypriots unless the later tries to speak standard greek

can't understand*

it's mostly the pronunciation that makes it kinda different, they have their own phrases and stuff but that's common in different parts of greece, i can understand everything a cypriot will tell me but i might have some problem with certain words.

Το ξέρω.
I am Hellene myself and still learning it desu.

I was in Cyprus for military service.
Even the punks hanging out in the town squares were throwing Ancient Greek slang between them.
Very cool!

Is English easy???
Don't lie your guys.....

kαλά kάνεις, μάθε
yea that accent tho, so weird

Very easy.

>hiragana is too difficult to learn

Πολυ ερωτιkη προφορα.
Aphrodite's island indeed.

>memorize +999999999 kanji so then you can speak like a caveman



Malaka, this chat made want to eat some Haloumi.

i am still drinking frape, file

Μεταξά είς τους αιώνες των αιώνων!

It's actually really simple compared to most Indo-European languages (excluding really languages with really simple grammar like English or Italian) but the writing system is fucked up. Thousands of kanji each with a couple of different meanings and pronunciation depending on the context, fuck this shit.


That just makes no sense. The best way to learn Chinese is to study Chinese.

Chinese need to use HIRAGANA KATAKANA


How canmo improve English? Thinkim, with slavskim grammarom it will be better. What thinkite?

They don't really need kana.

Replace Th with Θ, and Ph with Φ

the only problem in english is "present\past\future perfect continuous" In everything else it's just every other language. Learn new words and practice.
English doesn't have that much grammar as other languages.

3 kind of characters make expression 100 times richer than other languages.

Θink about it.

excuse me, that's too useless.

It me seem half-meansureyu. Just canmo that fullno replacemo latiny alphabet cyrillicnym.

Zhuyin is superior.

>He didn’t make any grammatical mistakes in his post.(actually doing good)
>simply sounds really Gaijin like, or, google translating.
>tfw I could gather my English would also be sounding like that.

get a load of this guy

Φ for PH is illogical. It's one letter in Greek. The reason English words with Greek roots use PH is because the sound represented by Φ was an aspirated stop until sometime around the 4th century AD. It isn't that sound in English, and it hasn't been that sound in Greek for over 1000 years, so just use a goddamn F.

Please learn finnish so I can start an overpriced online language learning service. It's not hard I swear.


>simply sounds really Gaijin like, or, google translating.




English grammar is no Godzilla; it's usage and exceptions that make English a clusterfuck.



いや、体言止め(ending a sentence by a noun)多用してるからちょっと面白く見えるだけで、多分相当良い線行ってると思う。




you should learn arabic, you won't feel like killing yourself i promise


Higher risks of becoming a suicide bomber.



Writting Φ was an honest mistake, but Θ is fair.

Nahh, there is room for all letters.

Historically, English already has used Þ and Ð to represent interdental fricatives. Borrowing a Greek letter isn't necessary, and the case is the same there as with Φ (the two-lettered representation TH stems from an aspirated stop in ancient Greek).

What's interesting, though, is that we stopped using Þ and Ð even for native English words that wouldn't have been pronounced with an aspirated stop at any point in time.

The sfakian accent has a soft "r" sound in some "L" morphemes, for me that's the weirdest.
That or the ungodly Tsakonian dialect which is completely unintelligible since it comes from Doric Greek completely.

BC actually. Spartans said "θεός" not "τθεός"

>10 years
it took me less than 4 months to learn kanji

Fricatives began appearing sometime around the 1st century BC. The modern pronunciations of Ββ Δδ Θθ Χχ (and Γγ in certain environments) were not fully in place until the 4th century AD, if I'm to believe what's written there.

Athenians made fun of the way Spartans pronounced the word and mocked them by repeating σιός σιός.
This is what I was referring too
Thank god those things dissapearred

Tell me your secrets my turko uralic friend