Which Slavic language is the most purest? Polish?

Which Slavic language is the most purest? Polish?

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They have Hungarian loanwords tho

bulgarian, canonically speaking

Slovene, of course

No headcanon allowed

Minus those.

Moravian Wallachian Czech

How come Serbocroatian is the only language aside from Norwegian that still has tones?

i heard that Bulgarian is the most similiar to what proto slavic language was
as for polish, too much german influence to call it pure

where i live, people often use many german words

>i heard that Bulgarian is the most similiar to what proto slavic language was

Don't you mean Old Church Slavonic?


this song from Witcher 3 soundtrack is in old bulgarian language because it sounds extremely slavic

Pretty sure it's Bulgarian.

i don't know which language is the purest one but i can understand most of what's written in both east slavic language(transcripted to latin alphabet) and south slavic language, words are very similiar
couldnt hold conversation with them but i can get the idea what they are talking about in /balk/ threads

Unironically Rusyn

Try this:
Medžuslovjansky jest jezyk, ktory Slovjani raznyh narodnostij koristajut, da by komunikovali s soboju. To jest možno, ibo slovjanske jezyky sut shodna i srodna grupa. Znanje jednogo jezyka obyčno jest dostatočno, že by imělo se priblizno vpečetljenje o čem jest tekst na libokakom drugom slovjanskom jezyku. Hvala stolětjam blizkogo susědstva Slovjani dobro znajut, kako dogovoriti se s drugymi Slovjanami s pomočju prostyh, improvizovanyh narěčij. Jednovrěmenno medžusobna shodnost vsih slovjanskyh jezykov nadyhala jezykoznavcev i drugyh do bolje naučnogo podhoda, imenno: do tvorjenja generičnogo slovjanskogo jezyka, razumlivogo vsim Slovjanam. Najstarějši priklad takogo vseslovjanskogo jezyka jest slavny staro(crkovno)slovjansky jezyk iz 9. stolětja, ale od 16. stolětja pojavili se takože mnoge ine projekty, vse osnovane na tyhže samyh prědpoloženjah, čto čini je skoro identične. Oni imajut jedin obči cělj: služiti kako jezyk na samoj srědině slovjanskoj oblasti, ktory vsi Slovjani mogut razuměti bez nikakoj poprědnjej nauky i koristati poslě minimalnoj nauky.

the beginning in polish goes like
Międzysłowiański jest językiem z którego Słowianie różnych narodowości korzystają, żeby się ze sobą komunikować

>where i live, people often use many german words
na przykład?

I understand 90% this :(

No way, tons of Turkish loan words.

This is the closest we got imo, mountains do a great job in preserving languages.

I can understand it, as the text say, priblizno (assuming this means approximately and isn't just a false friend).


I don't understand only this words.

I'm assuming it means to inspire (it would be navdihnila in Slovene)

To use

The oldest, it's the same in Slovene but with a regular e. Well, it's pronounced with a "half-vowel" (like e in the).


polish: natchnęła(inspired)



Polish is so fucking ugly


I read this word out loud now and understood what's it meaning.

Analog in Russian -- Haиcтapeйший (Naistareishiei)

An unfamiliar grammar is a bit confusing me, but the pronunciation of separate words will clarify their meaning.

Not even half as ugly as english.

for us it sounds like brutal and archaical Russian

Lol, Bulgarian is the most "unslavic" language.

Brutal? I hear the South Slavic languages as more feminine than our barbaric langs

Slovenski zborni jezik

Made me gag desu

Purest in what sense? Phonetically, gramatically, lexically?

everything combined


> language
> racially

The south Slavic languages are a lot less 'tight' than Russian for example, and of course less complicated than Polish

I think the purest Slavic language is Czech (even though I know only Serbian and Polish). Serbian has a lot of Turkish and Greek words, and Polish has a lot of German ones. Russian is just kind of weird, but Czech seems to be the perfect compromise

Czech probably. Music = hudba, but in polish = muzyka and in russian = мyзыкa

Also about Polish i wanted to add that it evolved pretty weirdly:

the word for book comes from the same root as others: kъnjiga
but for some reason it became księga
and now for some reason its diminutive is used as if it weren't one: książka

Looks like you haven't expanded your mind yet

No way, tons of German loan words. Koukat, bryle, hercna, ksicht, hajzl, šlagr, čuz, etc.


That's true but usually they've been slavified to the point of unrecognisability like Reich vs říše

Sloveneboo please

Proto-Slavic =\= Old Church Slavonic

But old church slavonic is the best slavic language

Serbodrocher, please



Slav tongue ruined the Greco Roman Balkans.

It doesn't even have cases


>even though I know only Serbian and Polish

Pa zasto mi nikad nisi rekao u ex-yu tredu da znas poljski? Mogli bismo da pricamo i ucimo dva jezika zajedno.

Btw, there is no "purest" Slavic language, every Slavic language retains some archaic features that have disappeared in other languages, and has some additional new features. Basically, no one speaks Proto-Slavic now. And we don't even know this Proto-Slavic, beacuse "Old Church Slavonic" is just the southern dialect of the common Slavic language that already diverged much from the dialects spoken in Moravia, Poland or Rus'. Even though it was still understandable for proto-Czechs, it wasn't exactly the same language they spoke at home (typical diglossia).

But definitely, Serbian is the cutest Slavic language, it's also quite easy in written form.

Precisely not our.

1. Varangians influence.
2. Bulgarian influence.
3. Greek influence.

t. Silesian

Wishful thinking.

dual btw

Moram priznati da je Slovenija lepa zemlja, volim vase gradove i vase kuce kad onda ne bih bio bijeli Hrvat, siguran sam da bih sanjao da zivim u vasoj drzavi.

probably Bulgarian
and Hungarian has Slavic loandwords

>tfw crni hrvat

>Serbian is the cutest Slavic language
you mean Slovenian
Serbian is too harsh

>bijeli Hrvat

Ukrainian. Closest to church slavonic. It's also the best sounding, alongside slovak

Hrvati su u pocetnom trenutku istorije bili bijeli, ali neki deo Hrvata je odlucio da dodje na Balkan gde se smesili sa lokalnim plemenama i prestali su biti bijeli, samo Poljaci, znaci Hrvati koji nisu napustili rodnu grudu, ostali su bijeli.

Ne, mislim da je srpski stvarno lep, ovo je razlog zbog kojeg svi vole da slusaju srpsku muziku, zar ne?


>Ne, mislim da je srpski stvarno lep, ovo je razlog zbog kojeg svi vole da slusaju srpsku muziku, zar ne?

also btw the white and the red in white and red croats come from cardinal directions
in slavic culture north is white, east is green, south is black and west is red, so they're north and west croats


sound very slavic

>in slavic culture north is white, east is green, south is black and west is red,

lol, nije to slavenska kultura, to je t*rsko kulturno nasljedje koje su pozajmili iskljucivo istocni slaveni. Nikad neces da najdes takve boje u stvarnim slavenskim mitovima.

Video si izvor na vikipedii?

>Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedic dictionary, Kiev, 1987.

Nemoj da odnosis kulturu istocnih slavena na kulturu slavena uopste

English and Chinese have tones though English only uses them for expressional purposes and emphasis

almost none


best meme ever lol, its fucking dialect, i understand rusyns more easily than east slovaks