Dresden Codak

What a twist...? This makes no sense, but why start now, I suppose.

Dresden Codak is garbage and Aaron Diaz is a hack; neither of these things are recent developments.

At least this panel layout is actually readable.

>You've indulged a prosthetic fetish since you were 18
Did Diaz just describe himself there?

I kinda wish he was. The world would be a better place if he amputated his body.


everyone in this thing treats science the way religious nuts think everyone else treats science. as a thing to worship, instead of the ever present search for the truth.

a) Did this guy show ANY signs of being evil before or is he just turning because ALL MEN ARE EVIL?

b) Lilith here leaps 15-20ft here before this guy can get off a shot? BECAUSE GIRL POWER I GUESS? Or is she also a robot secretly?

a) He did not.

b) Maybe the gun isn't real. It does, after all, look like a gun I would've drawn when I was 14 and didn't know what guns actually looked like and was too lazy to look at reference.

Mary-Sue: The Mary-Suing : Electric Sue-galoo

Diaz is a gigantic hack.

The closest thing to an evil hint I can think of is that the guy was busted out of jail and 'sent' to help Kim by that opposition guy in the hat. Its possible there were strings attached to that deal.

But the opposition guy opposed the dark science cabal and wanted to help Kim "oppose" them for...reasons?

Jesus this is terrible.

panel 1: incapacitates bad guy
panel 2 & 3: no idea what she's doing

can someone smarter than me explain the other two panels

Shit, the women have such similar facial structures (and hair) that at first glance I thought the darker skinned in the second panel was just a closer look at automail girl with a shadow cast over her face.

Is she also a half-japanese half-whatever cyborg? Are they lesbians now?

It's painful how bad the three panels at the bottom are conveying action. And that "gun", holy hell. And the "grip" of the "gun". Has Diaz never heard of a reference picture? Or is that just for lesser atists?

> retcon identity to self-implanted delusion
Interesting idea
> this asspull to retcon knowing the place with no confrontation of the concept from kim followed by balthasar taking her through proofs of it

This is why editors exist

They convey three different, unrelated actions. I have no fucking clue what arm spreading is supposed to do with close combat or what she's looking at if Balthasar is already on the ground.

Maybe this is stuff they do in JoJo and Diaz thought it looked cool.

>can't even spell "allegory" properly

>can someone smarter than me explain the other two panels
Wild flailing dance moves and ice skating.

...I'm guessing that what Diaz imagined in his head was her tossing him around with mad kung fu skills shounen jump style, but forgot to draw the parts that would show any of it happening.

I have no idea either. Diaz could actually know what he meant for her to be doing, considering how much time he spends tweeting about martial arts, but if so he did a piss poor job of conveying it to the reader.

> Kim is frozen in T-pose for no reason since Asmodea/Lilith is clearly capable of defending herself

Even if there were a good reason, no one stays in the same posture for an entire scene.

> This is meant to show how frickin' fast Lilith is

If she has enough time to speak the final dialogue Kim has enough time to relax her limbs.

> giant cartoon eyes on B in threat mode

The paneling outside of the action sequence isn't bad and the coloring/shading's decent. This page really doesn't go to shit until the last row of panels.

and it's not even a dynamic T-pose like leaning forward slightly to imply a threat, it's just a mannequin bolt-upright 100% symmetrical T-pose