Why does Trump have more appeal to the uneducated masses?

why does Trump have more appeal to the uneducated masses?

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>New York Values

>The 2nd Amendment

>The American Dream


Cuz I took their jobs apparently

Because they spent less time in the government-approved reprogramming camps known as "colleges".

MAGA but lel nice one beanbro


You can only grow your power level if you recognize where are you in the first place

>inb4 hur dur liberal propaganda colleges

That's lazy

Uneducated does not mean unintelligent.

Though I haven't seen the methodology for these polls, i'd say this could be chalked up to Trump's visibility and plain-spoken nature compare to Hillary. Trump plays the "hard working American man done good" whereas Hillary comes off as pretty cunty and condescending (typical New York attorney). Despite being a NY prick, Trump knows how to talk to and appeal to people from many walks of life...probably why he's been so successful in business. He can make both CEOs and lowly construction workers like him.

>uneducated white men don't support this


Because the "educated" have listened to leftist lies their whole lives

>Speak in plain, direct language
>people who know who they are appreciate that
>faggots who convince themselves that they're educated and superior to the proles convince themselves he's an idiot

>illegal immigrants come in
>forgot their mexican literature college degrees at their cartels headquarters
>have to find jobs for those with no degree
>affects people with no degree in which they have less job opportunities now

People who rely on their instincts and real world knowledge like Trump.
People who have been indoctrinated don't.

Because the working class is the most affeected group with the shitty economy Obama left them

>American Intellectuals

Less brainwashing

But there are people out there who can't afford to go to college, why do these people constantly single out and degrade those who are less fortunate?

>make political promises that are short sighted and have consequences which go beyond the scope of the presidency
>dumdums eat it up because they don't know anything about history, politics, or international relations

>college educated people point out flaws in his reasoning and the possible long term consequences from his over simplified goals
>hurr you think you're better than us cause of your degree

It's checkers and chess man

Reds infiltrated America's education system decades ago

>Notice that the poll doesn't include uneducated Hispanics or balcks.

I wonder who THEY are voting for?

Way to fall for a narrative that is based on shitty statistics OP.

I didn't know there were some Monaco posters on here.

>what is Germany voting for Hitler in a time when their country was at the brink of breaking down
>which is abolishing freedom of speech laws
>which is disregarding the second amendment
>what is following Putin

This is the worst meme ever. The worst lie.

Every business prefers Spanish/English bilingual employees over English monolingual now. That is a guaranteed edge to Spanish speakers, namely bilingual second generation anchor babies. Mexicans are tribalist, they will always support and prefer their own businesses over Americans, naturally. This includes the hiring process, which is a partial explanation why Mexicans dominate various well-paying trade jobs.

Cuba's history in a nutshell

its funny how the "most educated" fall hook line and sinker for a 60 yeard old menopausal criminal who will burn America to cinders.

We will look like Brazil inside 8 years of Hilary. American cities will be reduced to un-policed crimezone-favelas where blacks and minorities riot like its Baltimore daily, and whites live in Insular gated communities and rural plots of family land as the granduer of the nation is obliterated by orgies of niggerdom, transexual, minority praising, nu-male insanity.

who's degrading them?
would Trump make education more affordable/attainable to those in the middle/lower class, or is he going to use more budget funds to increase the military (already largest in the world, by far) even more instead?

>being college educated automatically means you know jack shit about history
You're demonstrably wrong anyway. College kids rode Bernie's dick hard because "muh establishment" and it all ended up going towards helping the establishment in the end. They didn't know shit about anything.

Cuba wasn't breaking down, its economy was just stagnant and rigid because of the worker unions that didn't want to lose jobs to automation.

Well, the fucking commies fixed that, now didn't they.

White American men are currently second smartest in the world, behind Singapore.

Are you saying that somehow Demaniggers and Demaspics are smarter than White men? That's easy ... You're retarded.

6d chess

>who's degrading them?
The people who are calling them uneducated (read as: fucking retards who shouldn't be voting) rather than impoverished

>Why does Trump have more appeal to the uneducated masses?
A degree in feminism counts as education now?

Having a degree =/= educated

Most of the people I know that went to college are fucking idiots. Hell I just got 2 of my friends grunt jobs at my place of work. It's hilarious. I have a high school education making $90k a year, my friends with their bachelors degrees just got PT grunt jobs paying $20k a year. Top kek.
Trump 2016 bitch


but they ARE lesser uneducated, by definition.
And like an user said above, uneducated =/= unintelligent.

no one was making a claim that Whites were less intelligent than "brown" people. Whites also easily have a higher % of having post-secondary education. It's not a ridiculous correlation to make

Came to say this.


Because he's the only one that doesn't insult them or dismiss their needs.

you do realize that Trump went to a government-approved reprogramming camp too, right

Muh brainwashing campus makes me smart! Stupid, un-brainwashed rednecks!

because they haven't been indoctrinated with leftist cuck ideology


The "uneducated" are actually smarter people. They've avoided the brainwashing that occurs in educational institutions.

Because the media decides who is educated or uneducated

!00% this.

They wanted Bernie to win, but also knew or at least should have known that a woman president will cause enough stirring to open the door for socialism in the future in the event that berns didnt win.

Most people are people stupid with or without college, but I'd rather have Hillary brainwashing people than Trump.

If you think Trump is radical, wait until you see the republic who runs after Hullary gets into office.

>but they ARE lesser uneducated, by definition.
when did I ever dispute that
The fact that they choose uneducated, and further narrow down the selection by only including white men, hints at the strong possibility that someone just picked a demographic of people to say "look, only braindead bums vote for trump"

Lived in Cuba for a year, its dumb if you think about it, they wanted the "capitalists octopus" out so workers could be their own "octopus", but what happened instead was the creation of a super monopoly in the form of Castro, they (the goverment) controls the press, the phone company, the electrical company, gas company, healthcare, food production, even god damn fast food, everything is owned by the goverment there, how does that traslated in real life? try paying $5 bucks for a bag of chips, just because there only exists the national brand, no competition means they can charge whatever the fuck they (castro) wants, it gets somehow worst, because there's no competition and everything and everyone works for the goverment, the majority of cubans are lazy as fuck, like literally, sometimes they even skip office days just because is raining, or just because im not shitting you, "the uncle of the husband of my niece got sick, I cant get to work today" this happened to me at the bank, soI couldnt withdraw money because that BS reason, like wtf dude, its just like batman, you either die like a hero (Guevara) or live long enough to see yourself become the villain (castro)

>degree in feminist anal thereapy

> smarter then billy the welder

yea no

That pretty much coincides with the percentage of those students who took out enormous college loans for useless college degrees.

>why do the proletariat support a candidate who represent their interests?

Learn a little about the Marxist concept of ideology. It's produced by the ruling class to legitimate their rule.

Class conflict is inevitable and provides the motive force of historical development. To the old guard, the elites, the historical tide has turned. The people are realizing their destiny. Make way or consider yourself an enemy of the people.

Having a degree absolutly means you are educates.

It doesn't mean you're a smart or better person but by definition it means you're an educated person. Also Income has nothing to do with it.

A lot of people go to college because they like learning.

I have a bachelors user. Most degrees are useless and any nigger can get them

>Uneducated does not mean unintelligent.

100% correct, but this 'report' is actually using that influence since most people make that mistake. Nobody wants to be stupid, so they psy-ops goes, they'll lean toward the stupid decision of 'smart' people.

Globalist crap is taught in universities and HS.
Those people have nothing to lose.
Those people actually feel the civilizational and economical decline of the US. The others have their wage defined internationally so they don't give a fuck.

Non-whites are more likely to be uneducated compared to whites

Nobody talks about how democrats sweep uneducated blacks and hispanics. They just lump them with the few educated minorities and hope you don't notice that Republicans tend to carry educated blacks, hispanics, asians

>Why do poor people want a change?
Hmmmm, this really forces me to ponder...

I am "uneducated" and pull close to 90k a year.

The "educated" liberal left comprising mostly of whites in white majority areas vote with their feels and don't have to actually put up with niggers and spics. The rest of us that have to go about our day surrounded by their baseless wafting airy messages of unity and equality are bullshit.

I know you're joking, but I really wish someone invents feminist anal therapy. It'd be hilarious

Why do you think working class Americans shouldn't be represented?

Most degrees earned are easy social study degrees like gender studies, communications or business, and if anything, colleges have been proven that they're hopelessly liberal, even demonizing conservatism.

Screw the "more educated" statistic, getting a piss-easy degree and attaching the correlation of intelligence to it is laughable. But when it comes to politics, correlation == causation and then some.

Trade school doesn't count as an education in a lot of these polls. 90% of my family didn't even go to colleger but most of them pull like 120k from being electricians and ironworkers and shit.

If you went to college maybe you'd know that anecdotal evidence is unimportant.

This. Those who have a degree automatically believe they are superior in every way. Which, ironically, is stupid and narrow minded.

Honestly this. Every professor is hardcore liberal and the students suck it up like sponges. I do think the things Trump says would appeal to dumb people, but so does most of what hillary says. Also, getting through college doesn't make you smart.

The irony in your statement.

I think I'm better than you, but it's not because of my degree.

My buddy thinks you should have a bachelor degree to even vote.

He makes 14k a year and majored in CS but still can't find a job.

Anecdotal evidence made up roughly half of my required humanities courses workload.
>describe your experience in X
>in what way have you felt Y
etc etc

But I'd say you can become educated without going to college as well. Hell, you can learn more from youtube than any college will teach you, depending on your degree of course.

Universities are cultural marxist indoctrination centers nowadays

I wouldnt get so extreme to ask for a degree to have the right to vote, but at least the basis, maybe mid school AT LEAST, like why should the vote of a dindu should be equal to the vote of a doctor?


If you knew anything about anything, you'd know that anecdotal is the evidence used to make most decisions.

People make the real changes in the world, not the numbers on a spreadsheet

My main argument against a degree
I think the requirement to vote should be the same as military which is grade 10 or so. If you can pick up a gun and kill brown people for Israel, you should be able to vote.

Maybe GED but that would alienate a lot of the elderly who didn't graduate high school back in the 50s but still got jobs and contributed and shit.

If you knew anything about the literal definition of anecdotal evidence we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Oh fuck phoneposting.

Well I can't prove my friends are working for $10.00 an hour but here's my current contract. I've been at top rate for about 3 years now. It's currently $36.53 (extra .25 cents per hour due to being tp-60 "pup" trailer certified). I get time and half after 8 hours per day which is $54.79 per hour. Feels good for being uneducated. Glad I have house, truck, car, boat, debt and not liberal butt fucking debt.

Obviously not everyone who went to college is smart and vice versa, not everyone who didn't go to college is dumb

It just happens that on average the person that did go to college is smarter and when talking about a large poll like this it makes a difference

source : real life

(In before buttmad autists)

>why does Trump have more appeal to the uneducated masses?

bc they have the most in the entire world to lose the way things are currently headed, and they are mad/scared over it.

>you can learn more from youtube than any college will teach you

Watching a thousand documentaries doesn't make you an expert. Just like there is formal training to become a welder, electrician, or plumber, there is formal training to become an academic.


Because they haven't been brainwashed by "muh world citizen" nonsense of academia

You're a UPS driver?

What's the difference between spending thousands to tens of thousands of dollars for some limp wristed liberal bitch to tell you how to do something and watching it done for free on YouTube or having a friend/family member show you how to do it? I almost wish bernies free tuition plan got put into place. That would secure my career even further.


Wtf I hate Trump now


Have you ever heard the song "Simple Man" by Charlie Daniels? Life makes more sense when you think in much simpler terms.

I was considering being a package driver but I left before the probationary period; stuffing shit into cars at high volume and being told im not moving fast enough no matter how fast i went broke me. How long did it take for you to get to driver, and whats the hours like? Sorry for the derail, but im considering a career change...

Well sure, if you go to an ivy league institution perhaps. But most colleges are are useless, all of the professors follow the same formula, here is the book, here is the bullet points of the chapter, here is the test. You don't need college, except for when you are filling out the job applications.

Because "uneducated" people have jobs and work for a living, while the "educated" have liberal arts degrees and bitch about cis white men on the internet for a living.

"Educated" is a misnomer in this case. What liberals consider "educated" is really indoctrinated. It's no secret that higher education institutions are pretty much leftist propaganda factories. STEM kinda keeps it under control but anything in liberal arts basically forces you to adopt their twisted multicultural worldview.

I graduated with an eng degree at a university in California. Most of my classmates in math/sci/phys were more or less conservative or did not give any fucks about social agendas. Most of us loathed the humanities that they forced us to take, not only because of the ridiculous course material, but the brain-damaged idiots who willingly enroll in these courses. They were not logical, not even rational, and trying to converse or debate with them is like witnessing explosive diarrhea of emotional irrationality. Worst of all, they were smug and falsely confidant that their worldview (which only exists in their coddled leftist environment) was "right". After a few semesters, we stopped considering them people, just mindless parrots lobotomized by PC and incapable of original thought.

Actual educated people do see Trump for what he is: a salesman who will say what you want to hear in order to make the sale. But he is needed. To break the slow death spiral of western culture and the false shepards who herd us into the abyss.

Does this really need any justification?
>modern """""education"""""

>why do the ones not living in an ivory tower dislike leftists?

Because Liberal Arts is considered an education, whereas an apprenticeship or trade schools aren't.

because education is a code word for marxist indoctrination. why do you think their big issue is "free" college? (you will pay for their marxist indoctrination)

Because they are not subjected to ten years of feminist dance theory courses to get a degree in queer theory.

I'm going to hide these shill threads from now on, it's getting a bit out of hand, even for trolling purposes.

>what is Germany voting for Hitler in a time when their country was at the brink of breaking down
wait did their sovereign currency plan not turn Germany from a destitute shithole into one of the wealthiest nations in Europe in under five years?

I think reddit or tumblr is raiding us.

Cool, I used to work there before I went to college. I have a lot of respect for those guys. Tough work.

And the difference is that learning in college is about more than just the material and learnin g"how to do". Critical thinking skills, writing skills, and learning how to read around a text are skills that a youtube video won't teach.

A lot of people want the structure of a school system for their education. The knowledge you get from a youtube video doesn't need to memorized if you have it in a book on your shelf.

It's the difference between history and historiography. A history discussion I might have with you is entirely different than the one I would have with my professor and I like it that way.

I got lucky. Only took me 2 years to get the call to go driving. I know plenty of guys that spent 5+ years working preload/local sorts. It's extremely tough work. Driving is amazingly easy if you can manage time well, read a map, and be incredibly patient. Hours are usually anywhere from 8:50ish AM to whenever you're done. I'm still not a bid driver (don't have my own route - just get bounced around on shifty junk routes) and package volume changes daily so it's hard to say when you get done. Today I was done at 5:30pm. Yesterday I was done at 8:30pm. Different routes, different volume, different mileage, different stop counts, etc. Bottom line, it's hard work, but it pays well. You wanna become a driver, it's all in timing of when you get hired. If 20 guys are about to retire, you'll shoot up in seniority immediately, thus a higher probability of going driving. With all that said, go join union pacific or bnsf. Totally bitchin retirement and benefits for being on the railroad (not to say UPS doesn't have top tier benefits and retirement)