Hispanic is a bullshit term because some "Hispanics" are white with European descent and some "Hispanics" are browner...

Hispanic is a bullshit term because some "Hispanics" are white with European descent and some "Hispanics" are browner than a beaner's unwiped asshole with their indio latino genes.

We need to go back to calling Spaniards Spanish and Mestizos Mestizo

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I'm a white hispanic with european descent but I consider myself latin

Castizo is white. Mestizo is mixed, brown. Indio is squat shit tier groid. There ya go.

>some "Hispanics" are white
nice try paco

Here user, a guide

Let me guess

You think think Spain is in South America?

Let me guess

You think the colonist were germans

REMOVE TACO remove taco
you are worst hispanic. you are the hispanic idiot you are the hispanic smell. return to mexico. to our mexican cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,canada we will never forgeve you. commie rascal FUck but fuck asshole hispanic stink mexico sqhipere shqipare..Invasion of Mexico best day of my life. take a bath of dead mexico..ahahahahahMEXICO WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget the alamo.Chiapas we kill the cartel , communist return to your precious venezuela….hahahahaha idiot hispanic and mexican smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE TACO FROM THE PREMISES. you will get beheaded. usa+russia+chile+britain=kill mexico …you will ww2/ tupac alive in america, tupac making album of america. fast rap tupac america. we are rich and have jew gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink mexican… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

tupac alive numbr one #1 in america….fuck the canada ,..FUCKk ashol mexican no good i spit in the beak eye of ur flag tand contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the hispanic farm aminal with rap magic now we the amerca rule .ape of the zoo presidant obama fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and mexico wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. america greattst countrey

uh my flag is american so you can't call me a beaner taco

uh brazil don't you have a gay dildo college degenerate party to do to? We're trying to have a civil conversation about race in this thread.

Brazilians are descendants of niggers and the native primate species who were taught language and how to build a shit state by the Portuguese, who then left after realizing spain got the better half of the Americas.

Honestly, I'm hispanic, and the only white features I have are greenish eyes and fair skin. I was born with blue eyes and blonde hair I believe. I'm considered mestizo I guess

Hispanic doesn't mean Mestizo.

Most retards don't get that.

You are a Mestizo if you have Indian/Indio/Aztec blood. If you don't, then you're white, aka, Spanish.

No. I know what I am. Hispanic is culture, mestizo is race, Indian mixed with European genes. I am Hispanic by culture, mestizo by race.

hmmm interesting. It's weird how you have green eyes and are a Mestizo.

I'm guessing that you have less than 20% of Indian genes

You do understand that there are white mexicans who didn't come from spain



I don't care what you call me my man just keep them welfare checks coming

Real talk: I thought "Hispanics" were all the brown cholos who wear white t-shirts and have goatees until I turned 23.

He's right. Don't support the obfuscation of statistics with misleading labels. It inly harms the image of white people by elevating shitskins.

If people realized the white hispanics living in "hispanic" communities commited significantly less crime, the world would be allowed to change.

>We need to go back to calling Spaniards Spanish and Mestizos Mestizo

But there are people in South America of Italian, Leb, French, Welsh, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, etc descent and they're latinos.

How does this prove that the main hispanics aren't Spaniards?

True Hispanics are Spanairds their children are various different ethnic groups.

>reddit tv show image

opinion discarded

Well the brown Meszitos literally hijacked the word "Hispanic" and made everybody think it was a "brown thing".

I knew a guy who was a big Charlie Sheen fan and he'd say that "All Hispanics are scum" when he doesn't realize that Charlie Sheen is a hispanic

We are all of Sons of Iberia but we belong to different families, depending on what our fathers fucked in his journey.

There isn't only two groups, Spaniard and Mestizo.

just about sums it up

I still Kek about when your soccer team lost to Germany
>inb4 it's called fútbol

Once you go black you'll never be a Spaniard again.

Yeah it's called football.

Blacks forever btfo by Spaniards.
>shieet I got raped by Pedro, am I white now? Mulatto? shieeet
>shieet I got raped by Pedro, am I white now? morisco? shieeet
>shieet I got raped by Pedro, am I white now? albino? shieeet
>shieet I got raped by Pedro, am I white now? torna atras? shieeet


Sorry about deleting my post, I realize I was wrong about a few things and I deleted my post before your reply got posted

Spaniards are ultimate trolls.


Hispanic still doesn't mean Mestizo though like a lot of people think

If I pulled out a map with no labels, could you locate Spain?

My friend tells me I cant be a white supremacist since Im not white since Im cuban. My father's side is all from spain and my mom's side is aswell except her side is from the canary islands so technically theyre blancos de la orilla

White supremacist is a meme, an invention of the Jew to weaken the political power of nationalism.

Hispanic is a measurement of failure on the US census. Because Hispanics can be of any race, what it measures is how much they failed to integrate into America.

America is a piggy bank that exists to fill peoples pockets, there is no reason to sacrifice culture and identity for a false one.

"Hispanic" is not a culture

It didn't used to be a false culture. We lost our culture deliberately over the last 50 years. We used to be 3/4 White protestant, now we're 1/4 White protestant. Our history has been replaced by bix nood and stronk womyn footnotes. We're demoralized, but our vestigial culture is keeping us afloat.

Castizo isn't white. Castizo is 3/4 white and 1/4 Indian.


>Hispanic origin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person’s parents or ancestors before arriving in the United States. People who identify as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be any race.

It isn't a race either.

you're a dirty spic

I believe Hispanic is a bullshit term for everything really.

But the closest thing it has to a real term is that it's basically a fancier way of saying "Spanish descent"

also """"""""""Hispanics""""""""""" hate each other



Hispanic is a designation for people's whose is derived or partially derived from Spain's. It's not necessarily about descent.

How so? Whites are the objectively best race with only really east asians competing.