Is this going to be a Disaster?

Is this going to be a Disaster?

Why would it?

Scrolling by I thought that was Mark Walhberg and now I'm disappointed

No, he going to be Wonder Man

hes too old for this

You do know Wonder Man is a past-it actor, right?

that could still be someone on his late 20's

For what purpose? They're not building a franchise around Wonder Man, they don't need an actor that they can sign to a multi-picture deal over the next ten years. He's a third-string C-lister whose most famous for being dead and whose most significant contribution to the Marvel Universe was having the Vision based on his brainwaves.


Sure, it'll be a disaster. Just like Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant Man and Civil War.

He's only on the posters.

Antman was a disaster that Mexican undertone was so horrible

thats a shitty way to look at it

I'm sorry that your husbando isn't more popular but the facts are the facts.

Hmm, won't people confuse him for being Wonder Woman's significant other or something lol :^)

op, are you really that dumb?
>Is this going to be a Disaster?
no, it's going to be an easter-egg
a little cameo at best

Well I doubt he's going to be more than a cameo. But I think he'd do a fine job regardless.

His brainwaves will be used to repair Vision's fucked mind in Infinity War.

Won't it just be a glorified cameo as Simon Williams the non-powered actor? Or at the least just his picture on a poster?

I think if they went for it it would work. Fillion is perfect for a hammy actor who gets powers. And he doesn't have a show anymore, so he has some free time.

I mean he already ruined Castle so this can't be much worse.

Castle was created around his personality, how can he have been the ruination of what was basically a televised focus on him? It's a paradox.

Yeah, we all enjoyed Firefly, but Nathan Fillion is 10 years older and 100 pounds heavier.

So is it confirmed that Peter will go back to Earth in Volume 2 or something?

ugh, that is not a pretty picture, but hey, maybe he could get in shape.......i mean if fucking hugh jackman can stay relativly in shape i don't see why he can't get back in shape.