Who is more to blame for the obesity problem in America...

Who is more to blame for the obesity problem in America? The fat fucks who act like eating healthy and exercising are nigh impossible, or the huge food conglomerates who do everything they can to make the food as unhealthy and addicting as possible?

I'm more inclined to say the former. Supply and demand. Fat fucks demand unhealthy food, businesses give it to them.

>blaming someone else for your issues

You and you alone are to blame for your inability to limit your caloric intake. Blaming companies for selling 1L bottles of coke is blaming yourself for being a weak willed fuck who cannot say no to a black acidic liquid.

So yeah, the fat fucks


In the past they stayed home and cooked healthy food.

Now people don't have time because of work so they get fast food and microwaveable stuff

This is now a dubss thread

Check this fools



Niggers and spics mostly with the acasional white trash who don't take care of themselves.


I will say though, that companies do try and make their shit as addictive as possible. But, again, have some fucking will power.

Women didn't do it, human beings as a whole have gotten lazier.

I'm a misogynist and I can see that fact.

Be honest, would you fuck them if their faces were skinny?
Like, the fat on face/throat is a killer, right?

No, fat is fat.

It's all fucking nasty and unhealthy.

>unhealthy and addicting

Count your calories people it ain't hard.

Not gonna lie pol, this picture is hot. I want to be buried in those tits.


Nice quads.
The parents in this country are to blame. People are too obsessed with working shitty jobs to take the time to cook a healthy meal.
Also, it doesn't help that modern children don't get much physical activity.

Of course, there are the walmart peasants who simply lack all semblance of self control, but they don't account for most of the obesity.

This. I've seen fat girls with what would be pretty faces if they lost about a 100 pounds.

It's a shame, too.

Fat fucks demand unhealthy food, this is true and it is half of the picture.

The other half is that we subsidize certain vegetable farming industries (corn) disproportionately, which leads to other fresh vegetables having a tough time competing in terms of price. It's why you see high fructose corn syrup replacing sugar, it's why you see huge govt research grants into turning corn into fuel, and it's basically a huge fattening diet.

Is that why so many Mexicans are fat, because corn IS so fattening?

>companies try

What the fuck else is new? Companies try to make their product the most attractive to sell more. If it were legal people would be putting heroin in their food but it's not. Companies aren't to be blamed for wanting to do what sells the most of their product.

>fat girls with pretty faces

Is there a bigger tragedy? To look so beautiful while covered in lard makes me want to cry knowing just how beautiful you could be if it weren't there

Ya my personal restraint issues are totally other peoples fault.

Thats why even tho it's "Current Year" and the information about what eating poorly does to you is everywhere it's still not my fault.

I smoke crack too (also not my fault) I mean can you really blame me it's the drug dealers fault for selling addicting products.

Even tho I know it's harmful I do it anyway because it's impossible to make good decisions if something is addictive.

Hold on to your tin foil hats gents! It got started as soon as Micky D's made their straws bigger. Right around that exact same time good old Splenda and a montage of diet soda came out. Pumping out their 'sugar free" bullshit down people who were already starting to rock an extra x on their shirts. Well after awhile of those people "raising" their children on a nonstop fastfood diet and letting the picture box babysit for them we have a whole order of degenerate ham planets with Asperger's Syndrome from never actually socializing. That are now old enough to vote

>processed sugar in every meal makes you eat more
>most people have a lot of money for food and drink
>people lose self-control
>people get fat

Statistically speaking, blacks and hispanics.