Egyptian atheist medical student, 23 years, answering your questions about savage shitskins, how Mudslimes are horrible, & what it's like to be an atheist in a shithole.
Did a thread like this a year ago. It was good.

Other urls found in this thread:'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Stoning)

Why should we care, when this isn't /r/eddit?

I don't know what to ask you that I don't already know. Your whole region should be nuked

Why do you hate Copts? What'd they ever do to you?

Do you have mostly female nurses?

Atheists don't hate copts. Arab atheists attack Islam more, so copts like that.
When the attack is turned to Christianity, copts then get mad. But it doesn't always turn to Christianity because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

What does the average egyptian thinks about the pyramids?
Also, are there any urban legends envolving them.

Do Egyptians at least flush their toilet paper? Or are you bin poopers?

What kebab sauce do you recommend your best customers?

how do you feel about black people being your ancient kings and whatnot?

What wuz it like to be Kangz n Kweenz?

What do female arabian nipples taste like? Have you sucked them yet?

Did you have to take a standardized test to get into med school?

Sissi, morsi or Mubarak

Do Egyptian girls put out?

Why in the fuck do you come to Sup Forums after posting this shit on the AMA subreddit?

Yeah yeah yeah, the perks of living in a highly religious country is because everyone is charitable and there's better health care.

Here comes the edgy dumb ass comment stating, "it isn't free if you pay for it with your freedoms."

What's your opinion on the genetic damage caused by inbreeding (i.e, consanguineous marriages) in the region?


In Egypt, 35% of marriages are inbred, and the IQ penalty is -1 to -2 points per generation. Do you think Egypt will be able to fix this somehow, or is it going to get worse?

Please guys, the bin pooping question is the most important. We need to know if he is bro tier or not.

Yes, male nurses are more in private practice but females are more in the hospital. Not a big difference though.

That they're the tombs of Pharaos & nothing much. They're pretty close to housing projects, so there aren't much urban legends or anything.
They just lie there.

We wash after we shit or pee. The toilet has a special appartus that pushes water to clean our asses. Then the clean ones dry the ass to prevent humidity & infections there.

That's a myth propagated by BLM to try and show that they can build a civilization like the white man.

In the last year of high school there's a series of tests on subjects like Arabic, English, French, Physics, Biology, Maths, & their score determines your college. Med school is always above 97.5%

Mubarak no question

some do

So you use a bidet. Not quite bro tier. But I accept you as an ally in the war on unhygienic pooping practices.

I'm like the OP.

The reason cousin marriage is encouraged is because you have less chance of being jewed by your husband or wife. Seeing as the economy is shut and everyone is jewing everyone... I expect cousin marriages to increase and Lower IQ

It's severely being advised against nowadays & there's a really observed trend towards marrying a person outside the family.
Only people still practising this are the Badw in the desert (tribes) & some families in the far south, but their IQ is dropping so low that they can't sustain jobs. They'll either have to customize themselves to marrying strangers or die out.

You've been reported to your local government officials.

They're coming.

Do Egyptian girls make good wives? Provided you can cure them from the Islamic decease in the first place.

Cananon here Good to see you're still alive Egypt bro.

My relationship with the Egyptian girl is done tho :(

Thanks for answering my Q's last time.

Stay safe buddy.

Whats the deal with the ficki ficki coming from Arabs, namely that one incident with the reporter during the Arab Spring. Is it Western dress or are they okay with assaulting outsiders? Is it chauvinism or hyper-sexuality?

what is the worst experience youve had with muslims because youre an atheist?

How do I marry a hijabi muslima without converting to Islam as an atheist?

Hey man, I remember that. So sorry to hear about that, bro.

How is Nasser viewed? I personally wish he had stayed in power, Egypt would be a better nation for it.

All good, she's perusing her career so am I.

What's the state of affairs like in Egypt? Everything mostly stable? Literally been off my radar for six months + If you ever wanna come to maple land I'd sponsor you fosho :)

Dude, you didn't answer my question!

Give me over/under on how hot your women are?

Ex. For every 3 average-ugly woman you have 1 attractive-drop dead gorgeous woman; 3:1

Are the Copts being systematically persecuted? Are they better than muslims? In what sense if so?

Are the young Egyptians growing more secular?

Pls answer OP

Fuck, marry, kill. Which do you pick

>Jews, Muslims, niggers

It's establishing dominance. Sex is a just a way for Mudslimes to break someone they see inferior to them (being a woman is a sin, being a foreign woman is the worst shit ever).
That incident made me sick in the stomach honestly.

They kept talking about how a bond of marriage between me & a woman is not a real bond & that they could break down the house anytime because it's close to adultery.
They did the same thing with Nasr Hamed Abo Zied, a famous Egyptian free thinker. They made law suits trying to seperate him from his wife.

Marry her in a foreign country. Muslims are pussies when they're a minority.

Nasser is the person that ruined Egypt. When Egypt was under King Farouk, all the religious shenanigans were at bay. Then Nasser came to seize power with no plan for the far future, & when Sadat came, he released all the Islamic prisoners that initiated terror.

I hope your career will do great, even better than hers, man. Egypt is on a rough patch now, economy is bad. Appreciate the offer but we need to stick together here & make this country rise on its healthy foot again.
You're great though, thought I should say that.

hahaha, haven't tasted them yet, so your question made me question why I'm still alive actually.

It depends on the region & age, but overall it's like 8:1 I guess. Off the top of my head.

Are you black?
Were your ancestors kangz n queenz?

Yes, copts in Egypt think that being the underdog will earn them points with Jesus or something. They perfer Sisi to Morsi, so whenever a problem happens with them, their priests tell them to shut up & keep quiet & they try to wrap it up real quick.
A rumor recently spread about a Christian man sleeping with a Muslim woman. Regardless of whether that's true or not, the people in that town undressed the mother of that man & made her march the streets naked.
The old poor woman was then contacted by the priests who gave her money to settle & made her appear on TV to say she's alright to calm all the copts.
I think they should revolts against their damn priests & start asking for their rights.

Some of them are better than Muslims, but I don't if they'll stay so when they're not a minority.

Definitely yes, the younger generations in Egypt are increasingly seeing religion as fake or at least developing a critical mind of the issue & are beginning to question the thoughts their being fed.
Thanks for the question.

Kill a Muslim (obviously)
Fuck a nigger
Marry the jew

No, caucasian. Blacks are more concentrated in the south of Egypt & are called Nubians. They're notorious for building one floor houses because they're too lazy to climb up & build a second floor.

You're welcome. In retrospect, the Arab Spring even if it failed or was a cia plot for some, was it a good or a bad thing? Has it set things in motion for the better or for worse?

>They're notorious for building one floor houses because they're too lazy to climb up & build a second floor.

> Egyptian intellectuals

It was a good thing in the since that it served to separate the radicals & make them more visible. They're concentrated in places like ISIS or in the Syrian (rebels).
Being grouped like this is bad because they're hurting innocent people, but it's good because now you can kill them off more easily instead of having to hunt them individually.
Of course, that's why most Arab Atheists support Trump. He'll take a more direct action in killing them.

You think you are any safer in a christian board, godless heathen? Your kind deserves no sanctuary anywhere. Deus vult!

We dont have much room to negotiate this, you either pick the guy that wants to debate you or the guy that wants to behead you.

Oh god that first answer rings true and it's fucking disgusting. I feel sick
This is a good thread

Justify this

I see. Why do you think the muslim brotherhood was elected in Egypt?

>Nasser is the person that ruined Egypt. When Egypt was under King Farouk, all the religious shenanigans were at bay.

Thanks for that answer user, surprised by it desu. I figured Nasser's nationalism was considered good by the general population.

What is a Egyptian dish that you would recommend to anyone?

When will you admit who really WUZ KANGZ AN SHIET?

Illiteracy. They kept saying "we'll fix this, we'll fix that", but they kept talking goals, never method to achieve that. No one fact checked their claims so everyone chose them because (THEY KNOW GOD. HOW COULD THEY BE EVIL?)
If the people was more educated, they'd be able to smell bullshit.

I grew up on loving the guy. His propaganda was tight. But when you read back on it, you realize he was full of it.
Only good thing he did was oppose the Saudis & jail the Muslims, but unfortunately, as I said, Sadat released them, & they later killed Sadat because Karma is a bitch.
Nowadays it's spreading in Egypt that Nasser wasn't a good guy after all, not because he jailed the radicals, but because he removed the authority that could keep the fuckers in jail.
Try rice & Molokhia, really nice.

Infidel apostate faggot

Even a stuffed animal has more social life than i have. Welp.

Do you see a civil war happening in Europe? Which country?

Don't you think that it would better if you started using Masri as the sole mean of communication removing Fusha from books, news programs etc.?

>rice & Molokhia

Looked it up, sounds pretty delicious, will have to find a place here that serves it. Thank you user!

Germany. They let in refugees for the cheap labor & I think they regarded the terrorist acts as collateral damage, but now the citizens are growing intolerant of that shit.

New books, novels, & programs are using Masri. Writing formal government paper or newspapers are still Fusha to prevent confusion, a sudden transition would be hard.
Personally, we learn medicine in English to keep up with recent developments & papers & research. But other countries like Syria & Iraq study medicine in Arabic, which is weird.

They sometimes add garlic for a great flavor. Hope you don't mind that. But even without it, you'll enjoy it. Bon appetit.

What do you think of Armenians? Do Arabs in general like them? Yad wahad habibi

Is it true what they say? If you want Arabs or muslims in general to behave or comply you better have a heavy handed approach to it. They only understand authority and power.

ِArabs haven't dealt with Armenians a lot, especially in modern times, so they don't have an attitude towards them. Not like turks "hate" them.

With arabs, you HAVE to use force. Muslims in South East Asia like Indonesia & Bangladesh are not very radical in general. However, the reaching tides of Arabic crimes are causing them to become more like Arabs.
They're still salvageable there, but Arabs here are too far gone.


hi OP, didnt read the read but wanted to thank you for existing.

one of the best people in the world I have had the pleasure to meet is an atheist doctor who grew up in iran, went to medical school, left after the revolution, went to medical school, again, here, and went on to be one of the most honest, helpful, caring people I've met.

if you're half as good as he is, thank you for being the exception to the rule.

no one here knows the opression and bullshit a atheist, native middle eastern has to deal with on a dail basis. you are literally living in hell. hope you get out on some doctor visa.

hopefully, eventually, the rest of humanity will learn to educate itself in the internet age, in the face of overwhelming, infinitely available knowledge.

Aren't a good portion of Egyptian "muslims" actually atheists? All the Egyptians I've ever met were surprisingly irreligious.

How do Muslim Egyptians see ancient Egyptian heritage, this includes both Classical Christian heritage and even older pagan heritage. Is it attacked? Do Egyptians see themselves unique as Egyptians or has Islam corrupted the volkisch of the Egyptian people?

>faggot ass christfags wont let a red pilled arab red pill other arabs because he's completely assblasted that he would believe in no god instead of converting to another equally dumb and just currently less violent religion

You are a fucking piece of shit. You will marry some stupid ex prostitute slut and she will raise two kids without you on your dime, who will go on to destroy western society.

You should be castrated before you get yourself cucked

Give me the location of the Amulet of Horus. I promise I won't use it to revive Set.

What do you think of Ahmed Subhy Mansour?

Do you think that Qur'anism has any chance of gaining a foothold in Egypt? What about an Islamic rationalism such as we saw in the case of the Mu'tazila during the Islamic Golden Age, who put reason above revelation and rejected the hadiths? What effect do you think this would have on the future of Egyptian civilization? There is, for example, no death penalty in the Qur'an; the verses about stoning apostates, adulterers, etc., come from the hadiths only.'an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Stoning)

This is really heart warming, man. I thank you for it.
It's not in my plans to leave Egypt, though. I think immigration from Islamic countries to secular countries drives the IQs of both countries down.
I think it's time the sane ones here stay & try to change our country for the better, for us, & for you. Still, thank you for the kind words.

Most are irreligious till they find out that you're an atheist or something, then they go apeshit & think that killing you would please the God they never worshipped in their spare time.
others are really atheist inside, they just pretend to be Mudslimes to have a social life here.

It definitely corrupted them. Classical Christian & Pagan history isn't attacked, if an attack occurs, a counter attack follows, so it's quiet. But, having Arabic desert dwellers storm the country some thousand years ago, kill our men, rape our men, steal our land, & have their filthy theif DNA mixed with our older Coptic pure DNA has definitely corrupted us.
I hate everything that is Saudi Arabic & I wish nothing but pure destruction around that region once its oil runs out.
They have ruined my beloved Egypt & they continue to have their dick up our anus till now.

This is a great reply.



The rest of your post is just projection.

You sound awesome dude. Religion really is a cancer huh? I believe in God and honestly I believe in the freedom of religion as a right but I can't stand fanaticism of anyone's religious beliefs

My best friend growing up was from Jordan and was basically the Muslim version of Christians here which is to say only celebrates the holidays and never goes to places of worship. I really dont even have a problem with Muslims at all, just the fucking religious nuts. Made worse by the fact this is all of my retarded government's doing by destabilizing the whole region

Stay safe my man


Too busy ducking lead in the favelas to pick up a book eh Miguel?

>freedom of religion
>not a constitutional right

Get the FUCK out of my country

I never said it wasn't. It's a known fact that atheists are bluepilled cucks.

Trips command that you use it to manifest Kek.

I haven't read anything by him, but I've heard about Ahmed before.
You might also enjoy the views of Nasr Abu Zayd

Quranism is definitely gaining a footing in Oman, Syria, Lebanon, & in some sectors of the youth of the better countires of the region but in Egypt & Iraq, frank atheism is spreading more. However Quranism is just a way to tune down the violence of Islam, but it's still violent, so we might as well reject it all anyway.

The last sora (group of verse) that were written in Quran, are called Al Tawba, & they were so violent that Muslims don't say (In the name of Allah the Merciful) before they recite those verses.
So Quran is till violent, just less violent that the Hadith.

>This is really heart warming, man. I thank you for it.
>It's not in my plans to leave Egypt, though. I think immigration from Islamic countries to secular countries drives the IQs of both countries down.
>I think it's time the sane ones here stay & try to change our country for the better, for us, & for you. Still, thank you for the kind words.

do whatever you need to do.

the guy i know frequently goes back to iran, even with a death sentence on his head. last time he was there to help people he had to pretend to be an electrician and carry an ak with him everywhere just to do basic doctor work.

the regime also held and tortured his sister for over 6 years then killed her. but he still goes back.

i know iran and egypt are entirely different places, but god damn, i wouldn't want to be in either lol. good luck


Thank you. Islam outstayed its welcome with all the blood letting it's been committing & I definitely agree with you on believing in God & hating fanatics.
However, the God I was raised to worship was an evil weak asshole who let people die & said several verses just about Muhammed's wives. So I think it's natural for me to denounce God right there & then.

Why haven't you emigrated yet? Sure Egypt has a glorious ancient history but is it worth the persecution? I had no idea it was legal to be an atheist in Egypt or anywhere else in the Islamic world.

How easy is medicine in your backwater country? Just asking so i can feel good about myself for studying biology,

Is drinking allowed in Egypt?

How do egpytians feel about the north sudanese?

Are they still considered southern egyptians?

You are, I think, throwing out the baby along with the bath-water. One can reject parts of the Qur'an and not the whole - and, at any rate, remember that you do not need to have a religion altogether to believe in God, as was the case for Franklin, Washington, Jefferson, Voltaire, and many others. Look into Deism. Atheism is scarcely any better than the most radical form of Sunni Islam. You will have nothing upon which to base the morality of your society and will decay just as the West is decaying.

God, he sounds like a saint. Best of luck for you & for him, man.

I think immigration from Islamic countries to secular countries drives the IQs of both countries down.
I think it's time the sane ones here stay & try to change our country for the better, for us, & for you. Still, thank you for the kind words.

Outdated. It's government education so not much fees, almost free, so it's sure to be shit.
When I graduate, I have to get all kinds of tests & degrees just to get a decent pay to live off of.

Yes, we have Drinkies here on the 162A 26th of July St in Cairo.

They've blend in really well, you can see a lot of them in Alexandria, too, especially after they immigrated following the High Dam construction in the south.
Some Egyptians are racists, but the majority just doesn't care because being a racist is a luxory they have no time for.

You know, that last sentence you said really got me thinking. I think exploring Godly entities is a working progress. And just as I was a Muslim yesterday, & today I'm an atheist, tomorrow I might be a deist.
Nothing wrong when changing your beliefs when the information you have changes, in my opinion.
I'll definitely look into what you suggested, be it Ahmed Subhy or Voltaire. Thank you.

Thank you for so kindly considering my opinion. I respect your openness of mind, and wish you luck in your intellectual journey, wherever it may take you.

Is your family all muslim? Since 5% of Egypt isn't, do people just say they are muslim and not really care about it like we do in the us?

I would hate muslims more than anything if i were you. I guess i don't know much history of the middle east after islam began (if it was good or not for the people).

>Yes, we have Drinkies here on the 162A 26th of July St in Cairo.
There is a single bar?

How does the average Muslim Egyptian view other Muslim countries? Specifically Turkey, Iran, and Saudi-Arabia.

user, could you do be a huge favor and go to the ruins near El Ashmunein and ask Pepe to turn on the Happenings machine again?

My family are all Muslims. I'm the oldest brother, have a brother & a sister.
My mum & dad flipped when they saw me eating in Ramadan 2 years ago, so I pretended to repent. Ever since, I've been pretending to be a Muslim when I visit them on holidays, but freely practice my atheism when I'm away from them at college.
Most atheists here are free to express their atheism, & recently there's a growing trend in critizing religious institutes when they issue a Fatwa like (it's prohibited to show yourself eating & drinking in the day in Ramadan if you're an atheist) for example. The criticism was so sever on that Fatwa that it got taken down.

No, a lot. But that's the most famous & it's downtown so it's accessible. You can drink in almost every site that attracts tourists, too.

They like Turkey, hate Iran, & have mixed feeling about Saudi Arabia.
They hate the government of Saudi Arabia but they like the people (because it has the black box & shit)

>Germany let in refugees for the cheap labor
What makes you think that?
We have the highest industrial complexity in the World, meaning there is little use for unskilled labor.

Coke or Pepsi?

I think that's the closest as I can get when speculating about Merckel's motive to let in all these people.
I can't accept the idea that it was just out of humanitarian good nature.
Of course, my conclusion is based upon my information, which of course could change & thus alter my conclusion.


A pox upon your house then. Filthy savage

How poor is Egypt actually? How hard is life for the average Egyptian?

I heard that two-room appartments for a single person are a luxury in Egypt.

What do you want to specialize in OP? I'm a med student myself, wouldn't mind traveling and working as a doctor when I finish. Also is ISIS an issue in Egypt? I remember seeing a video of them beheading a group of Christians in Egypt

It's moderately poor. An average Egyptian wouldn't have much trouble, but he'll complain a lot.

ِAlways a pleasure to meet a colleague.
I don't know yet, I've always been fascinated by neurosurgery, but my preferences might change, I still have one last year in college, then I'll choose. So we'll see.
ISIS isn't in Egypt. I don't remember any issue of beheadings here, if it was, it would have shook the country for days. If you could provide me the vid, I'll tell you where it's from.

I don't believe this shit. If inbreeding drops IQ, how are Jews the most intelligent race on the planet?