This is what Nickelodeon thought 10 year olds looked like

>This is what Nickelodeon thought 10 year olds looked like

you get to a certain age where all of school just blurs together

I knew I wasn't the only one who thought these motherfuckers were too damn big to be fifth graders. Even as kid I was like "dem niggas is huge."

Based Wolfgang.

Torvald is still friends with Arnold because of getting him that C-

That's called having an Ace.

>Arnold's original voice actor had to be recasted because of puberty after the 1st season
>Nick was nice enough to let him make minor appearances on the show as Wolfgang

>This is what Japan thought 10 year olds looked like

They were either a) huge and imposing from a fourth grader's perspective, b) complete idiots over 13 still in fifth grade.

I don't get your point.

Wasn't the latter true for Torvald, or am I thinking of someone else?

It's a little over the top, but in elementary school I definitely perceived the kids in higher grades as being way older than they actually were, even though of course I knew what their ages had to be.

Just being a grade/year ahead of me felt like a huge difference.

I thought the joke was they were clearly held back many times

Don't they acknowledge that she's not normal?

Wasn't that fat Jew Harold held back two years?

Yes, often.


nigga tried to steal a ham,

>This is what Nickelodeon wanted the watchers to think how 4th graders saw 5th graders


yeah, i felt the same
when i was in third grade, the kids in fourth grade looked like they were 16 to me.

When I was in like 4th grade the middle schoolers looked like this to me.
When I was in 9th grade the 11th and 12th graders on the football team looked like this to me too.
Then I hit a growth spurt and now I'm like 6'3, so it's kind of weird whenever I come back home from college and see all the guys that used to seem big as small guys working mechanic jobs or whatever.

Yeah when I was younger the older kids looked like monsters to me. I think it's because our perception of things is completely different as kids. Someone should test this out as ask like a little sibling or cousin that's like 7 or 8 years old to draw a picture of the family. Pay attention to how they scale everyone.

The first problem is that you stole.
The Second big problem is that YOU STOLE A HAM!

Pretty sure this was what the writers were trying to convey

what is this from?

When i was in 4th i legit had classmates that looked like teenagers

I definitely remember in the first grade that 4th-5th graders seemed like towering monsters.

Have you people ever seen a real ten year old? Motherfuckers deadly. They're the reason children should just be born adults.