Wow, this really made me think. Looks like I am now an #artilleryhillary

Wow, this really made me think. Looks like I am now an #artilleryhillary

So, Obama was a small child in 2008 and Hillary is currently a small child?

Or did they both become president without thinking they could become president at some time in the past roughly coinciding with the civil rights movement?

front runners I should say.

In reality, whitey becomes a depressed, self loathing tax payer, nigger becomes a welfare recipient that abuses women and commits crime and the girl becomes a vapid whore that's a hairdresser or receptionist and never has any children and dies alone.

It's 2016

but they wuz kangz n shiet

>first world btfo

A woman ran for President in 1885.

Her VP was Frederick Douglass.

that's it

im a #shilldogforhilldog

We need to be even more progressive. I mean hello, it's 2016! How in the f*ck has America not had a vegan president yet? Or a crippled president? What about a trans president or downs syndrome president? Privilege much?

So before Obama was president he wasn't able to be president?

Freedom is best :^)

wtf I hate 2016 now

Literally doesn't count if you had to cheat to win.

>implying anybody born under a certain economic criteria realistically has a chance to be president
We're only equal when the president is homeless.

I could be President.

I agree with this to a degree, this shows women that even they could be president.

What's not so good is that it's a crook setting the example.

>Let's elect this woman because we want ALL kids to feel like they could be politicians some day.

I will never understand this logic

Its not supposed to make sense to anyone without a walnut sized brain

Man, this pisses me off knowing how fucking much the deck was stacked in favor of Hillary in 2008 AND 2016.

Not many of you will remember, but Obama actually had the Super Delegates against him at the start, the way Bernie did, and he fought hard and they eventually switched sides.

She was the favorite from the start in both 2008 and 2016. Of course, when the Feminist version is written, they won't mention that Hillary actually had the establishment behind her.

Now we just need a 5'7" president... :''''((((((

I laughed. I shouldn't have, but I did.

wow thank you for correcting the record

>tshirts and parted hair existed in the 1700s
Shit cartoonist desu.



I could be President

NOT so fast little missy

its saying "we need to elect hilary because young girls need to be able to think they can be the president!"

we had one in a wheelchair idiot
3 foot max

the dem debates were a shitshow
>I'm fighting the stablishment
>"you can't possibly say, that the first woman running for president can be called stablishment"
>*crowd cheers*

>mfw I'm a transnigger Muslim faggot
>that feel when I can't run for president unless some other transnigger Muslim faggot wins before me.

Relly cranium mks you think

politicians are the one job in the entire world that gives true power, that lets you become the true elite, you shape the world & get alot of power, you become above the law

only stupid kids dont want to be politicians

no to all of them
no more elections after this one

I didn't know the constitution forbade women or even niggers for that matter from running, it was just that the voting public wasn't so collectively stupid as to elect one until recently.

what was stopping them before

So what happens when she loses? Do women learn they shouldn't even try?


This shit irritates my mom to no end, she thinks it's the most insulting thing in the world that it's just assumed no woman could want to aspire for more in life before Hillary did. Nice to know she's voting for Trump like the rest of my family.

You were already in the 2nd panel

>Women only realise they can be president when they see another woman actually have a chance
>Can't figure out that they could be president just by reading the rules / law around it
>Women: confirmed retards

Do SJWs even think about the implications of what they shit out before publishing?



Holy shit...

So when do we elect a mentally retarded cripple?

We already did that with Bush remember?!


Tune in to Comedy Central for more great comedy like this.

Anyone who teaches their kid that they can be president is a moron. This "you can be anything, you're special" bullshit is cancer

yup, this

your life is set long before you ever have a choice in the matter


>Pissing you off just for the lulz.

Someone pls draw an illegal beaner on it.

Would Sup Forums support Trump if he were a woman?

>politicians are the one job in the entire world that gives true power, that lets you become the true elite, you shape the world & get alot of power, you become above the law

user lemme tell you about these fantastic companies like Wal-Mart and Microsoft.

I guarantee these companies and ones like them, have more global political influence than 99% of politicians.

Obama probably didn't actually think he'd be President until around 2007

>Or a crippled president?
Pick up a history book son.

President is for the elites
Last president to not go to a top tier school was Reagan
Obama transferred to columbia but he still counts because he just got in due to affirmative action

It's part of the "we're all equal no matter what" mantra. The rest of us live in reality. No, the vast majority of mouth breathers could never become president or even amount to anything.

Crank up the time machine, manlet.


Gender doesn't matter to me. I would vote for Ann Coulter.

This, desu.

But I thought they WUZ KANGZ since the dawn of time?

the only thing stopping them before was unpopular public opinion.

Why were they looked upon so unfavorably?

Women have been capable of being president since the 1920's the only thing stopping them is that men where not complete cucks who took them seriously back then.

Every White man needs to read this.


>James Manletson


If all it takes to "really make you think" is a cartoon - holy shit you've got be mentally retarded.

Can someone please post that pic of that black mtv cunt saying uuh sexist racist much?
I wanna rage

Leaf with the hard truths.

The message is they're inspiring children of the same race and gender. Fucking retard.

it doesn't matter, you live in a third world shithole where people can't even speak their shit dialect of spanish right and the only thing you're country is famous for is flaming homosexuals and fat assed whores

Holy fuck, that's a bit strong

>downs syndrome president


I'll gladly take one of those "fat assed whores" - Brazillian ass is muh fav.

Wait. Vietnam has Internet? When the fuck did that happen?

>since tuesday
>not since 1984
>stoking the pride and narcissism of millions of children by telling them they could be something only 45 people have been over 250 years.

vietnamese monkeys do not have internet. vietnamese monkeys only have ladyboys they kidnap from thailand

it needs to be said. who else but a brazillian would support hillary. brazillians and corruption are like brazillian women and hepatitis or brazilian men and aids

>women and blacks are so retarded that they're literally incapable of envisioning something they haven't seen with their own eyes
No wonder it took them so long to be nominated president

no, you are #MentallyHill
0,5 cents were deposited to your account
forum slide thread

I'm pretty sure women and black people could be president before that.

>Race and gender isn't real
>But you're only allowed to be inspired by people of your race and gender

I forgot, they did finally pass that law making women allowed to be President yesterday. Thanks for the reminded.

Pretending to be autistic isn't funny

how can you be an artilleryhillary when you are a dirty fucking monkey that's inferior to germany at football?

you should be grateful that you live in america if you lived in africa then niggers would have fucked you and gotten aids or eaten you and gotten ebola.

>quincy adams so insecure he makes sure to throw on the extra .5 inches

the most pathetic one desu

We could be president.


How come there are never any fat assed brazilian refugees? This would be ok

That made me so mad at the speeches yesterday. All this talk about the "glass ceiling" that needs to be smashed. There is nothing, literally nothing, that keeps Hillary from being electable as president. There was nothing 4 years ago, or eight years ago, or fifty years ago. The first woman running for president in the US was, when, almost a hundred years ago? Forgot that chicks name, some sufragette.
They are really desperate to give Horrible Hillary some bonus points.


Same with Columbians...

This is the most passive-aggressive bullshit I've seen today. Literal hate speech.

I'm sick of editing these.

The one on the left is a human, the one in the middle is a homo erectus, the one on the left is a human.

Homo Erectus BTFO BLMAO

>need people to do something before they believe they can

No wonder white people did it first, they have vision.

I guess blacks and women are dumb assholes.

I wonder if one of them made this cartoon?

The message is entirely fucking moronic. He was pointed out the terrible premise this is based on, which asserts that nigglers and cunts don't have aspirations and don't believe they can achieve, and have only believed they can achieve only when when of their number already achieves the goal they weren't supposed to be able to achieve.

It's a shitty comic and it doesn't make sense.

So you admit that the bipartisanal party blocs stops third parties and independents and is therefore unethical?

There were legal restriction for blacks and women?

And they were repealed in 2008 and Tuesday?

That's an interesting way of thinking about it. I agree though. Nice.

I'm an Asian/Hispanic guy. I guess I can't be president.
