Joker's Identity

Thoughts? Theories? What's going on here, Sup Forums?









This is from Justice League #50, by the way.

wow thats the most stupid shit i have ever seen

Looks to me like there's three Jokers now, user


sorry, my mistake. this IS the most stupid shit i have ever seen

Cop out. The chair is all-knowing. It should have given him THREE names.

Still, the idea of 3 Jokers intrigues me. It helps to explain many inconsistencies.

It just mean something. Batman has killed at least one Joker. He came back, so he know is useless to kill him again.

>It's now canon that Batman kills the Joker at the end of the Killing Joke

>It helps to explain many inconsistencies.
That's BS.

how much do you want to bet that bruce wanks it to these pictures when he's alone in the batcave

My guess is we now know new52 is set up by dr Manhattan somehow for some test or game he's playing with Adrian
Maybe they decided to make 3 jokers in this universe just to fuck with Bruce to see if the normal human superhero can last

Is it actually Dr. Manhattan or is it Morrison's knock-off?

The last piece of dialouge Ozymandias & Dr. Manhattan exchanged to each appeared in the last pages of Rebirth so probably.

>dr manhattan made the watchmen world where nuclear death is avoided because in the original timeline the world got nuked


Obviously there's 3 jokers
Why is this so hard to believe jokers made many Harley's I wouldn't be surprised if he made more jokers
Bruce has the memory implant device he might have used it on others

This desu, felt pretty underwhelmed the answer to "his name" is "There's three". Sure it makes sense, but it's just a cocktease

This been storytimed anywhere yet? Anyone got a link to the thread?

It's referring to pre-flashpoint Joker, pre-crisis Joker and 52 Joker. It's all about Rebirth and Dr. Manhattan, the chair was trying to tell him that it can't give a straight answer because the timeline is all fucky due to Manhattan.

>three jokers
>two vaginas

One is the Comedian.

>it's just a cocktease
Welcome to the world of superhero comics. Enjoy your stay.

dude... timeline-universe-plotoverse fucked up. dont even bother.

One is first appearance Joker, where he was basically a gangster with green hair and purple suit.
Second is classic Joker, the one from most appearances and the one that killed Jason.
Thirds is grim-dark face off Joker.

All of them except Joker 2 are going to be killed off and none of this will matter.

Batman misheard the chair, it really said "Derese Thrie". Easy mistake considering the chair sounds exactly like The Godfather.


>there are three Jokers now
>and he won't even rape ONE

PLEASE tell me Tom King won't have to devote time to deal with this stupid shit and he can do his own fucking stories.

>Joker got shot in the face and forked his tongue
>His bullet wound healed and his tongue is normal again, but he had his face cut off for some reason
>Except now his face is fixed, but actually he's an ageless being who's been alive for at least a hundred years
>Just kidding about that, but now he's actually dead
>He came back to life, but actually there's three of him.

I think it'll be Manhattan,

It's actually Manhattan.

Earth 4 Captain Atom is dead.

>three jokers
>the world learns of batman and joker's final fight, where both died
>suddenly 3 idiots spring up to take joker's name
Its death of superman all over again

>joker who cut-off his face
>some random dude who wore his face and decided to be the next joker
>joker has an offspring that wants to be the next joker

>We're totally revealing the name guys no bullshit this time

I like the Three Jokers revelation a whole hell of a lot more than Cap Hydra. I think it's intriguing.

One of them's obviously The Comedian. The pin hitting batcaves wall is a dead giveaway, yet I see most ignoring this option.

>Asks about the Joker
Way to waste godhood, Bruce.

Batman is gay for joker. How is this a waste?

>or is it Morrison's knock-off?
You do realize that Dr. manhattan is literally a knock-off of captain atom because they couldn't get the rights?

>>some random dude who wore his face and decided to be the next joker
>>joker has an offspring that wants to be the next joker
I like that both of those sum up Duella Dent's gimmick

It's Manhattan but he's only a tool being used by something else.


Someone refresh me on what happened in the end.

Some team rescued black notThor then he started rescuing the remaining heroes to form a one last stand sort of thing but the bad guys were like "meh" and just fucked off?

they had the rights, Editorial just told Moore 'no, come on, we only JUST bought these rights, you can kill off half of them in their debut story'

this. the time line is blurred so the chair identified 3 different jokers from three different time lines.
shit, theres a bunch of flashes, batman, thomas wayne batman superman and new 52 sups- so it'll be alright

Those Charlton characters appeared in COIE as DC planned.

>Some team rescued black notThor then he started rescuing the remaining heroes to form a one last stand sort of thing but the bad guys were like "meh" and just fucked off?

The Empty Hand reveals the Gentry that everyone fought throughout the series are only just a few soldiers of millions. They still occupy Earth-7 and are working on building what's called an "Oblivion Machine" to destroy multiverses (plural intended).

Basically, the heroes won the metatextual day but the metatextual war is still going. That's why I think Rebirth is loosely tied to it.

>new 52 sups
I've got some bad news

and then a giga justice league was assembled at the orrery of worlds, wit the MO of protecting the multiverse from meta threats

also the last monitor got paid 800$ so he could make rent

yeah about that. wtf is going on with superman. i seen theres a bearded one , with a kid and lois lane and then the new 52 is apparently dead? wtf is all that about? how can 2 supermen exist in the same city and have ANY problems what so ever?

>i seen theres a bearded one , with a kid and lois lane and then the new 52 is apparently dead? wtf is all that about?

It's pre-New-52 Superman. He survived Flashpoint and has been hiding out with pre-New-52 Lois, raising their son.

dc and marvel need to stop fucking with time lines and allowing multiple versions of the same character float around the same book/story. spider verse was the worst offender of that

thanks for the recap Hal

Nicholson was the mobster, so that means Heath and Leto were Red Hood and the stand-up comedian. Which was which?

Looking forward to all the detective shit. The reveal will probably be something stupid, but at least we'll get a few good issues.

Two words: Arkham City. You know. Role of a lifetime!

They're long lost triplets.

He's actual name is really Der R. Tree.

That would at least explain how the world's greatest superhero detective couldn't tell them apart. Anything less would feel rip-off.

Didn't even use it to ask about Bane and why he wears the mask.

Why does Bruce have such shit taste in men? Joker is nowhere near as big a guy as Bane. Is it because Batman has daddy issues?


The Red Hood version had his skin bleached. (So, leto, since he looks kinda pale.)

Which would mean that Heath Joker was the comic. His makeup rubs off.

Heath was the comedian and Leto was Redhood

Pretty much one thing Multiversity was critiquing was the sort of endless rote cycle of comic book events that has some villain do shit and after he or she is defeated, they just tease the next biggervillain, wringing his or her hands in the final panel, going "muahahaha," and it's just a meaningless cycle we keep consuming. Like, the whole "turn the page" thing. Stuck in a loop. The empty hand just advancing through the story, turning the pages, but at the end, it's still empty.

So, at the end of the story, though we see the heroes defeat the Gentry, we see the huge monster guy (the corrupted Ultraa?) being like, "hah, this was just a test, I'm doing even worse evil shit, see you all next time."

Kind of doubt anybody else will really continue the thread, as a lot of the time, Morrison's creations stay Morrison's. Plus, the whole thing Morrison was critiquing (though it was probably not his intention) was Johns' kind of wheelhouse. "Third Army was defeated, but look out, it's the First Lantern!" "You've banished the Crime Syndicate, but in the shadows lurks the Anti-Monitor, who was behind this all along!" I doubt Johns would use the characters Morrison created to critique this to do the exact same thing again in Rebirth.

I think at the end of the day, Multiversity was sort of like, "sure, comics are great, keep reading them; but, don't forget that they aren't life, and go out and play or something, I don't fucking know."

I'm am doing poorly at heeding this advice.

I thought Multiversity was about paying your rent

3 Jokers to rape

>Earth 4 Captain Atom is dead.
Nah, pretty sure those events were meant to take place before his appearance in Superman Beyond.

They could just make it so the joker toxin makes them and their blood identical.

I'm kind of disappointed that the Justice League reveal ended up being even more vague than the Rebirth one.

I guess JL was originally meant to be released before Rebirth, so the confirmation of who the three Jokers are (at least visually) would be new information on top of the three Jokers reveal.


This could very easily be mind control shit but I'm sick of "lmao Joker is a force of nature or some shit"
Why can't he just be a guy?

I don't think it's literally 3 Jokers, I think it's going to be some metaphysical bullshit where 3 possibilities, either for one man, or for 3, all resulted in the Joker, but blah blah chaos blah blah and they congealed into a single entity.

This is what I'm hoping for pham

Okay, so how the hell the world greatest detective never noticed this. There's no way that was the first time when Joker popped up two place at the same time.

it are clones?

He probably dismissed the extra ones as random copycats. It could still be just a copycat even in that Rebirth panel. He's just entertaining the idea that it isn't due to the 3 Jokers reveal.

So, if there are three of them, which one dicking Harley?

Maybe "There's three" is just his real name


What's to say it's three physical Jokers?

A new one gets created every time there's a crisis. The Joker is unique to each iteration of the universe, with a backstory to match.

Dude everyone knows CIA and Bane are a couple. Batman just doesn't want to ruin their perfect love.

They are obviously

Martha Wayne
Old Dick Grayson
And good ol' Mistah Jay

That very page.

I dont know why but I am not mad at all

There will be some "He's just too crazy to conform to the new reality" shit.

none. they all have an intense homolust for batman.

Everytime Batsy threw a Red Hood into a chemical tank a new was is born. He should just stay away from that fucking factory.

2nd one. Although these days she probably could get along better with the Golden Age one, depending on how they portray him.

>there's an entire Sup Forums board
>and you cant even force memes there

Out of three Joker's, only one is laughing. Something is wrong.