China has a population of almost 1.4 billion and only 300 million of these are ages 0 to 30...

China has a population of almost 1.4 billion and only 300 million of these are ages 0 to 30. Is China fucked beyond belief? How can China hope to survive without gassing the elderly?

run over more kids with buses

slit more throats at neets who stayed at cyber cafes for more than two days

increase consumption of sewer grease

They could just eat some of the old people...

That's nothing compared to countries like the Netherlands where there are some 20 elderly for each young person.

I've started my own business just to avoid having to pay for their pensions.

you think the elderly will make it past 60 there? look at the air quality, they're gonna have more tumours than limbs pretty soon

This is actually a decent idea
Why kill whales when you can kill old people for food?

300 million is the population of US. Also Chinese have incredible work ethic if you haven't noticed. They work till they die kek.

>There are as many young men in China as there are people in the United States

That's why im getting the fuck out of europe as soon as i get my degree.


As a Chink myself I guarantee you in 30 years or so, all the elderly will die out and there will be internal civil war and end with China turning into a libtard nation. If you think American millenials are bad you haven't seen the University students there

china doesn't have a very long life expectancy

65 is all they get, most die at 50 of cancer

>Age: 31

Just look at the amount of the under 30 crowd that supported bernie sanders in America and what a failure he turned out to be. We world needs the "elderly" to inject common sense and smarts into the rapidly degenerating under 30 crowd.

Don't scare me.

>China has a population of almost 1.4 billion and only 300 million of these are ages 0 to 30. Is China fucked beyond belief?
It's called a "demographic dividend."
China had theirs in the early-2000s to now.
It's coming to an end. When it ends, their economy isn't going to be as robust as it has been.

>and only 300 million of these are ages 0 to 30
31-55 are basically "young" too, they can do any job just fine and don't have a lot of health problems because of age
If you add them too there's probably still a fuckton of Chinese, I don't see what's the problem.



Gotta love a soylent reference

Due to China's massive population, disease will eventually rip it apart.
Same goes for India, in fact I'm surprised India hasn't killed itself with it's pos sanitation and healthcare system.

Autimation is coming. Plus they have purposly over built to move people from rural to city life. They are actually reading for massive automation while the rest of us cannot stop importing cheap labor to save ourselves.