One chance at life

>one chance at life
>don't live in american suburb

why even live?

You don't want to live in suburbs. Better to live in rural area, especially if it means you get well water system.

Why do you want to live so close to others? They will know all your business and good chance at least one neighbor will be super asshole.

>Being jealous of the suburbs
literally the worst part of american culture, right after bootlicking murder and racism.

Only if it was in the 90's and I went to high school and played DOOM when I got home.

Life in a shitty American suburb is infinitely better than life in Britain.

Yeah living in a nice big house with lots of room is terrible I wish I could live in a tiny flat instead.

Why do you want to live so close to others? They will know all your business and good chance at least one neighbor will be super asshole.
lollll , your suburban neighbors won't give a fuck about you if you don't approach them. I only know 3 names of all of the people who live in my neighborhood
why it's comfy
>bootlicking murder and racism.
this is Sup Forums m8

>in horrible place
I'd rather live in an African mudhut than amerihovel aka suburb


lol yeah you do
nice dye faggot

>wanting to live in suburbans

>ywn grow up in a 1950s suburb where all the neighbours are friends and have weekly BBQs and everything is in black and white

Feels good to live in a suburb desu

That's beautiful. New England?

new guido

I didn't expect it would look like this.

Sorry, but some people have other values than pointless hedonism and hypocrisy.

>believing jew York lies
40% of nj looks like that

Unless you try to build a brick/stone wall around your yard, or have a small vegetable garden, or dog forbid you forget to mow your lawn. Then you get sued for millions of dollars worth of emotional damage to your neighbors.

If you want to be different you have to take a predefined path, like have your wife make soaps or try to fix an old car and abandon the effort halfway through.

living in the american suburbs is an extremely fucking boring existence


At least there's no noise.

Why would you even know your neighbors? Life isn't a hollywood movie.

imagine being this hick

well my dear finn suburban people are diverse and come in all kind of types so I'm sure you will find some similar values in one of the million suburbs. What are your values?
>Unless you try to build a brick/stone wall around your yard
why would any one need a thick wall in a place like that
> have a small vegetable garden
ahhh i do
>or dog forbid you forget to mow your lawn
I only mow my lawn in summer and no one ever complained to me

why you can find everything in a 5 mile range and you can form friendships easier than in the city

This is why older HOAless neighborhoods are always the best.

I wish I lived in a McMansion, we are all packed here

I think that people underestimate how miserable life in Britain actually is. You are crammed together on a tiny island in houses with rooms hardly larger than closets, little sun and warmth, and constant mud and drizzling rain. The people are cold, unfriendly, crass, emotionally dead, wholly given over to consumerism, depravity, alcoholism, and violence. Any attempt to raise yourself up or exert autonomy over your life met with scorn and government meddling. You are surrounded by grey, damp, and depression, with crumbling reminders all around you that your country was once a great empire that ruled the world.

>he doesn't live on at least 100 acres

The only issue with living there is probably just the housing prices and the fact that youd have to slvae for decades just to get the mortgage paid off. Aside from that Britain is much better than here on average and rain is comfy.

I've actually lived there. The standard of living in Britain is nowhere close to that in the US.

I mean better in the sense there are much fewer minorities.

Depends, really. Our minorities are dirty, welfare-dependent, criminals. Their minorities are minorities are dirty, welfare-dependent, criminals who also want to blow them up and murder their children.

>ywn also have a dindu fill up your tank
>ywn drive 59' american car to freshly opened McDonald's
why live

I was agreeing with everything you said until now. The US is a significantly more violent country and it isn't even close. If you want to bash the UK focus on how small and expensive are houses are. Also ugly women.

Our minorites are 44% of the population. Their minorities are 10% at worst.

Yeah, but I'd leave a very large tip for the fine African American gentleman.

It isn't just the houses though. Everything is expensive, the wages are shit, the weather is awful, everywhere is cramped and damp and dirty, the people are a mess, etc. The whole country is just rather dreary, depressing, and hopeless.

Yes thats it. More. Talk about how fat people are too.

>ywn also have a dindu fill up your tank
they still do in my state

They are pretty fat. Not quite as fat as Americans, but pretty fat compared to much of the rest of the world.

Insanely fat considering the shitty food

Eh, the food is generally one of the better things about Britain. It isn't as bad as it used to be, though some of it is pretty shit.

Suburbs are awful. Less community activity, and when it's there it's devoid of much culture. I wish I lived in an older city neighborhood like in a townhouse built in the 1800s in a dense community with things like theaters, music halls, and dancing establishments within walking distance.

The expansion of suburbs was the death of American culture.

>The expansion of suburbs was the death of American culture
Not totally across the board though. My town still has large sections that were built in the early 1900s and are extremely comfy with brick streets and all and people there are a lot more tight knit and walk to each other's houses and have neighborhood activities and shit. I wish I lived there.