Fuck we have to choose don't we?

Allright American Sup Forums users we have to choose. From a retard or a twisted snake who do you choose and why?

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>retard or twisted snake

yea but what about trump?

I choose Hillary simply put because I like not living in a third world country, but that's just me.

That'd be the retard I was speaking of.

Fuck off Pedro.


White guy living in marshall arkansas. I'm as white as they come.

Sup Forums used to have a few decent people lurking around behind the idiots that don't know what the fuck they are talking about. I'm all for supporting Donald Trump if you can tell me how he won't further bankrupt this country.

>grand master shitposter or boring evil witch

atleast with Trump we're gonna have some fun

> Allright American Sup Forums users we have to choose. From a retard or a twisted snake who do you choose and why?
burny is out mate so no worry about that retard

How typical of consertives. Talk shit about everybody else ignore your own problems shoot the minorities.

Well, he already told you, he's going to raise tariffs on imported goods and stop just handing money to China, because we're losing in trade and he's going to win, win, win.

So when China and then other countries push for trade sanctions against us and we can't import goods we will make our own goods right? Bullshit. We live in the twenty first century where we have a global market. It'll just lead to another recession at best or a total collapse like the thirties.

I'd vote democratic
Hillary won't destroy the country, she's really a stop-gap until the next election. The US can recover with her in office.

With Trump, I don't think that's possible. There won't be much of a country after he's done with it, we'd be in ruins. Even if we manage to keep our pants, we would have voted in what we supposedly hate the most: a tyrant. Our credibility would be lost forever leaving the door open for the next guy to come in and have his way with us.

>Hillary won't destroy the country, she's really a stop-gap until the next election. The US can recover with her in office.

Have you seen how Europe looks today? Any capital is filled with shitskin arabs, and they are far worse than niggers.

Hillary will bring those to the US, they breed like rabbits, once they are planted there, it's already a lost cause.

In the netherlands there were 120 muslims in 1950, now about 1 million.

Its called globalization retard of course there are more Arabs and africans travel is cheaper and the population is larger not just theirs but whites Hispanics blacks asians. Developed countries have slowed population growth but not curbed it. Humans in general breed like rabits.

No, I've never been there and I won't take your sensationalism seriously.
I'm also a minority so your racist fear mongering is useless against me.

>China is the only other country in the world

Watch this


Anyways try the other boards because everyone here is a maxed out level boss.. You'd be better off battling level 7 wild boars

>humans in general breed like rabbits
Not true, europe's birthrates have not grown for a long time and is rapidly ageing.

Not taking the bait

Did you honestly expect anyone here to agree with you? No of course you didnt. Fuck off and take your shitty bait with you.

I can't even tell if this is a satirical post...

You do know that deportation of mexicans and other people of non asylum seeking countries has increased under Obama don't you?
He's deported more people than any republican president ever has, this is common knowledge to immigrants and has been way before any of you knew it - if you knew it. In hindsight Bush was bro tier to illegals, the only reason latinos hated him was because spanish language media is in the democratic parties back pocket, they're openly biased. I'm not saying Trump isn't capable of sticking with his stance on immigration, I'm saying that the fear of democrats opening up the borders goes completely against what they've been doing for decades, it's goes against their doctrine

hello plebbit

I can't wait for these reddit shills to leave

its 2016 you idiots. What don't you understand about this? Holy shit its 2016 and you still think America can't produce its own goods.

Are we pretending Trump is a bad choice here?

Memes aside, he's not that great, he's just the best option

>voting for a kike shill
You were never from Sup Forums
>inb4 I'm voting johnson
Still means you were never from Sup Forums

No, he's a great choice. Name some one alive who is better.


Real easy fucking choice, pal.

He isnt that bad either if you guys actually read his policies on his website.

That's wrong. Obama started including people caught crossing the border. Before he started fudging the numbers, only people deported from the interior of the U.S. were included in the count.

When accounting for that, Obama has deported less than any President in 70 years.

I don't understand why so many burgers ironically hate the two candidates given after the primaries.
These 2 combined are definitely the top choice of at least 50% of your population.
Your ideal candidate is a magical fairy that

>Holy shit its 2016 and you still think America can't produce its own goods.
>American goods
Holy KEK. America can produce its own goods alright. Yeah, we're really good at mass producing synthetic CDOs.

>That's wrong

No it isn't. You aren't talking to someone living in your insulated snow globe. He's deported quite a few. A few members of.. a friends family were deported, numerous times even. Their first hand stories of plane fulls of undocumented aliens being sent back, just recently another one busted and shipped back. These are stories from the front
Your speculations are from your ass

I can't tell if this is genuine opinion, shill, or bait.

Webb, Paul and Carson were all superior choices to Trump. Unfortunately, none of them had the backbone to win.

I choose Trump.

America can react with sanity to Trump, even if he's insane. They'll know he's a villain. They'll push back. There will be resistance, and it will be harder to disarm it since he's on the NRA-backed right wing. It may not come to that, but they'll be in opposition to him every step of the way if he goes nuts, and everybody will know he's nuts.

With Hillary, it's a different story. The fact that she's the first woman president (or would be in this scenario) would make her untouchable. Hell, she's already shown that the media considers her untouchable. America won't react with sanity to her corruption. They'll employ cognitive dissonance and look the other way. What's more, she'll move for disarmament, so if things get really ugly, it'll be that much harder to resist her, which people won't even want to do because she's such a fucking hero.