Season 3 was boring

Season 3 was boring.

How do we fix it?

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i just finished season 2 what is wrong with season 3 annon???

is Sup Forums watching this legally?

if not someone link me non scam torrent sites plz

I wish they would hire better writers instead of just having him randomly forget he has superpowers

S4 with Wally as main flash and Barry tutors him from the speedforce. It sucks that Wally already knows many of Barry's abilities, but there is still room for the learning that we saw throughout S1 with Barry. The writers suck ass though, so it doesn't matter what concept S4 goes with - they will shit it up.

>How do we fix it?
By stop watching capeshit

Uh... I hope you're not referring to the episode where they take his memories away... I understand your point but they did actually fuck with his memories in one episode

Wally can't carry this show at all.

Speedsters are too OP. All of them will always only be as competent as the plot demands.

the problem with season 3 is that to believe that a time remanent would have been treated so badly by team flash you would have to change everybody's personality.

they have dealt with doppelgangers and different earth versions of themselves without issue.Are we to believe that they would have completely pushed away and rejected a time remnant with exactly the same memories as the original to turn him over to the Darkside?

Time remnants after a period of time ( black flash) shouldn't be able to exist. But saying as they do. A the time remnant could have easily gone to a different multiverse with no Barry Allen or flash and carved himself a life there

I mena right in the finale, hbarry had a parle with savitar bringing him into star labs. If he be civil to someone who was goign to kill his fiancee and did kill a member of his team is he really goign to reject him for existing?
Plus dont they all owe thier lives to a time remnant who sacrficefed himself for them all last season?

This whoel seoasn made no sense they let the "fun" go fromthelightest dc tv show.

None fo the first episodes this season did anything for me either. we should have stayed in flashpoint for a couple of episodes. it started badly this seoasn and i was bored by the end. a pity as s1 and s2 of the flash are fantastically good. hardly any filler at all.

> flash doesn't have a cape

ledditors are so dumb lol

Because it's the CW, who is Iris going to be dating in S4 because she couldn't wait for Barry to find a way out of the speedforce? After all, they need drama because plotforce.

MFW> Iris shoots Savitar with a gun.

SHIELD (fucking SHIELD) managed to be the series to "find out" how to handle too-long and drawn-out seasons:

Make it into 3 mini-arcs, since 8 episodes are enough for a compelling story not to drag out too much.

you're doing gods work

Agreed.. Of all the on tv capeshows at this level ( i.e not legion and Netflix)
AOS has killed it this season. pity, it took so long as the viewers have left because of the shite that was the first three seasons.

SHIELD has been better than all but S1 Daredevil Netflix shows. It only looks a bit less well-shot, since it probably moves at a faster pace.

The finales have all been a lot fucking better than anything Marvelflix or Legion managed to put out (although Legion's second-to-last episode was better than the finale). They are just so cathartic.

I agree with this poster. Plz don't put two suicides in the back of my head Sup Forums

Make Slutty Frost a nudist.

No more time travel. It has become an annoying crutch and they don't follow their own rules.

Make Barry pay for his actions

Barry is literally LITERALLY the villain

Adam Sandler with the Click controller would be more OP than Barry, or any speedster villain.

eobard pls go

eobard plz

Remove all the forced drama and kill off Iris for real because she's easily the worst part of the show.

Soros won't allow a black to be removed from a Netflix show

Good thing this isn't a Netflix show then...?

Oh yea. Still find it hard to believe they will remove a black character in any tv show now a days for very obvious reasons which have been discussed trillions of times

Have some fucking consequences and commit to them. Get rid of the shitty 'I'll just spend 30 seconds and invent supertech/biotech for the ep'. Flash as a character is too overpowered for weekly TV, it feels artificial how weak he is and how fucking stupid the cast is.

Maybe it feels just right to comic book readers, hero wins in the end against MotW with little fragments of development for the season arc.

The main thing they could do away with is the teen romance drama.

It feels artificial when sometimes he can go so fast that everything around him is frozen in place and other times he is slower than a snail. The inconsistency of his speed is the greatest flaw in the show imo.

>Make Barry not be fucking retarded when fighting villains and need Team "Friendship is Magic" to tell him he gotta go fast
>Make Iris useful as an investigative journalist
>Have Wally not be a useless jobber
>Savitar isnt killed by a fucking gun
>They follow the Barry's goodness is his strength plotline through so Savitar redeems himself like Barry would
>Savitar willingly fucking goes into the speed force instead of present Barry for some goddamn reason because it'd make sense thematically
Honestly the writers could've just not been fucking stupid and forgetful and keep a story Bible around--like most goddamn decent shows--to keep track of the bullshit they put on screen so the plot doesn't turn into a doily by the finale

I still have like 6 episodes to go to finish season three but what I hated the most was Wells. He carried the show for me the first two seasons and this new personality for him is just irritating.

Reboot it
Stop wasting GOOD villains every week (RIP mirror master)
No more speedsters as the main villain
Either nerf Barry or stop making him artificially weak via stupidity.

This season pissed me off for numerous reasons. One of which was Kaitlyn. Why the fuck did she turn evil exactly? Because Sisco vibed her?

cancel it

>a pity as s1 and s2 of the flash are fantastically good


s2 is trash, s1 is trash too but i can at least excuse someone saying it's good

s2 tho is inexcusably bad

You'll be pretty happy then.

Her body chemistry changes when she goes cold and alters her mind.

Mirror Master didn't die.

He might as well. The writers made him useless.

Shield died when they killed ward. My main grievance with shield was that I hated the protagonist organization. I just felt they were a ball of hypocrites and wanted them to fail miserably and be gutted and removed.

I genuinely enjoyed S1 from about E12 on through to S2 (the first 12 episodes of S1 were really, really shit. Some actors couldn't do TV combat at all).

It's just one of those shows where the villains/antagonists are more entertaining than the main cast (often justified and right).

He can always level up.

>Asspull cop out to save Iris instead of adding real stakes back to the show
>Pointless romance buildup between HR and Reddit scientist this season
>Iris shooting a speedster in mid-run with a gun
>Caitlin going from Edgy to being Emo instead of just taking the cure shot or coming back and learning to control her powers
>Wally and Cisco not getting maimed in some way like in the future to add an interesting sub-plot next season
>Barry sacrificing himself for another time wasting half season plot that will mean nothing
At least Julian didn't die. 2/10 season, famalams.

More comicbook villains and lighter plotlines instead of all this "Someone's going to die so let's be dour all the time" bullshit.

The worst part of Season 3 was killing off Cisco's brother offscreen just to make Cisco hate Barry.