Climate change?

Is climate change blown out of proportion?

Even CNN stated that the antarctic is getting more sea ice.

Redpill me on this subject pol.

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99% of anything that's ever lived on Earth is now extinct. There is no stopping that. Earth is in a CONSTANT cycle of self cleansing which results in global flooding, then refreezing, then thawing, then heating, then reflooding again and again and again etc etc etc.

Humans have had 0% impact on nature for the billions of years this has been happening and has little to no impact on Earth's cleansing cycle.

It has always been, and will always be. No amount of carbon offsets and taxes can stop it.

>Humans have had 0% impact on nature
Yes, goyum, carbon emissions have NO impact on the atmosphere. Now here are you stock options for investing in heavy industry!

The real question is why should we care? Even if we burn all the oil and evaporate all the clathrates, how does having worse weather adversely affect anything on the planet other than humans? I don't see it as a problem and since Liberals are always masterbating themselves while covered in their own shit when ever a politician mentions 'change' it's probably a good thing.


hey, how come there have been a few other ice ages? The dinosaurs weren't driving hummers
>muh asteroid
what about the other ice ages?

youre a fucking tool man.

god damn you make our nation look like a bunch of inbred assholes.

you can't argue against it

the left has complete control of language and will just endlessly rearrange it to fit whatever agenda they want to push

melting ice in the north pole: proof of climate change!
growing ice in the south pole: proof of climate change!

I think climate change hysteria will prove to be the mechanism by which a one world government is put into place

people underestimate the danger of this hoax


you realize people other than the "huurrr i'm southern i don't believe in science" don't buy the climate change horseshit, right? and that it's nothing but propoganda that gets you to believe it's hurrrr rednecks that believe it?
you have been jewed

we're heading towards a solar minimum. everyone get your coats ready

Very obvious excuse for what's desired. More government control over production. The kikes will then tax the fuck out of all smaller businesses while pushing carbon allowances through for kike run abominations.

Science literally CANNOT PROVE that the climate change we're seeing isn't natural. Even though data shows swings from Globally Warm to Globally Cool throughout history, and the fact that Earth is overdue for a Warm Cycle after the Ice Age, they're still convinced we're killing the planet. It's all bullshit. The planet is a lot tougher than they make it out to be.

Theoretically if things got really bad then there'd be hellish storms and flooding everywhere to the point that large portions of the human population would be killed off by natural disasters, thus reducing the strain on the planet and bringing things back into relative balance.

The bible explains all of this.

Its probably the most dangerous thing the left is pushing.

It will

Curtail economic progress in western nations
transfer existing wealth to poorer nations
cause millions of deaths from starvation and preventable diseases when energy costs soar

banks and governments are the middle men in this scheme

governments spent 350 billion dollars on 'climate change science' in the past 4 years.

The propaganda and fake science on this issue are of the utmost importance to governments, its a scheme of proportions that many people do not realize.
AGW probably more dangerous than the threat of nuclear war.

And it is so easily disproven when you give 1 second to contemplate the arguments against the 'science of climate change'

The global climate is changing from historical norms, because it always will. Climate changes and nothing can stop that. We don't have control of the climate and we never will.

What we do have control over is our reaction to it.

Money to combat climate change ought to be focused on measures to protect cities, farms and industry from the effects of severe weather events.

Ice build up and the albedo effect, atmosphere composition, and where we are in Quaternary period.

I don't understand what your point is, though.

Conspiratard shit.

>you have been jewed
We're the ones being jewed, making the world less habitable for human life for the sake of marginal profit.

This guy shows up every climate catastrophe thread like clockwork

governments have shills that literally sit around and watch forums to spout propaganda, that is the importance of this scheme. It is massive. Do not underestimate how completely vile this cooked up hysteria is.

According to Al Gore and his little business ten years ago that made him immensely rich, climate change should have hit the whole planet right about now with +5 to +10 celsius in temperature, massive flooding, and storms all over the world.

Every computer calculated temperature change prediction up until now by the IPCC has been proven ... to be false. Every. Single. One.

And that's just a drop in this ocean of bullshits they've been serving for more than ten years now.

You fail to understand that the earth is a global ecosystem, if it isn't maintained we will collpase as a species. For example, you would need to maintain forests for erosion control, water filtration and also recreation

>marginal profit
lol. see all of this
say the US went completely carbon neutral. what would you do about China? or the volcanoes? The earth emits 1/3 of the carbon, naturally. Saw the earth went carbon neutral, and the temperature continued to climb. Then what?

He might not be wrong you know.
While stopping climate change is ideal, don't count on it unless you want to nuke developing nations.
Perhaps it may be a better move to start research and building familial/ small-community biodomes.

The 'proof' they are using now is the rise in temps 1970-now
They say it has never risen this fast.

If you simply look at the data from 1900-1945, there is an identical rise in temperature.
There is a cooling trend 1945-1970.
But they attribute the rise in temp 1970-present to CO2 emissions and ignore the 1900-1945 rise (when CO2 emissions were far lower).

Thats really just a single simple thing pointing to problems with AGW arguments, there are so many ways of refuting it, many completely obvious, yet the propaganda is so strong many still believe.

Theres those who buy the propaganda
Theres those who think its just more libtard bullshit
But not many appreciate the scope of what AGW is and what it is devised to do to the world.

Its the false unifier. This plan will bring destruction and death to the planet.

did you know the US has more trees than it did 100 years ago? did you know the earth has more trees than we have stars in our galaxy? There are fucking trillions of trees, only billions of stars.
I'm all for making the world a cleaner place, but we will sooner collapse as a species through war or disease

There is no man induced climate change. There is climate change. You can't stop it. It's not ideal to stop it. It is what it is.

The only reason you would want to build small-community biodomes is because it will completely fuck economies based on cheap energy. It's going to destroy economic progress.

We have no impact on anything. It is retarded to believe so and global warming is a hoax with no statistical evidence. Science is dead btw.

I understand it perfectly and what you're talking about is irrelevant, nature does not require maintanance. Living things including humans adapt in response to changing conditions, it's not a static system that falls apart in the face of dynamic change. Climate change is real but the so called "danger" of it has been artificially manufactured in the name of political agendas.

>Accuses others of failing to understand that the problem is global
>pushes for national restrictions only in white countries.

Get gassed you fucking kike.

Doesn't matter, methane trap are already triggering, and ocean acidification is already irreversible.

I plan to create a company dedicated to making arcologies myself, after all the end of this world order is only an opportunity to set yourself in the new world order.

Hey, if you think climate change is real.
Won't it be a better move to prepare for the worst and ensure your own survival? (Provided you have spare dough)
Don't expect a government assist on this anytime

The Devil hid them to trick people.

>millions of people
there wasn't millions of people you twat

it's white people pushing it on other white people

>muh methane

And Yellowstone is going to erupt any day now too.

Very dangerous. What it will actually look like when shit hits the fan will be daily/weekly happenings/disasters where another major coastal city has had a major landslide. Over and over. thousands dying.

Temperatures will rise, and cities especially in the north might start reporting heat strokes more and more often until it becomes deemed unsafe to go out in the summer heat. At this point most outdoor activity will likely be prohibited during the height of the summer months.

The heat might make for a more tropical sort of climate, with more massive hurricanes and big lightning storms. Suddenly it's not just comfy news happening time.. it's happening to your house, with a roof ripped off.

Slowly economies start to crumble. insurance giants flop, banks fall after them, and big business takes a massive hit, we go into a depression much worse than the great depression. Gold quad-ripples in value.
Some countries/states are deemed safer than other for the moment, and massive waves of immigration occurs. The immigrants are all homeless with very little property/assets but what they're carrying there with them.

The economic weakness might be the trigger for some countries that have been waiting for a long time for a chink in another countries armour to strike, and that strike might be nuclear in order to end the struggle quickly.

This is all in the timespan of maybe 50-70 years.

It is blown out of proportion. We are warming, but it's way behind virtually all of the models. There's no real "doomsday" date.

And liberals never have a real solution anyway. If they really believed the alarmists, then they would advocate switching to nuclear power as fast as possible, but most of these fucks are against nuclear for some dumb reason.

Sounds great desu senpai. That's earths natural way to reduce human population. Once enough humans die things can return back to normal.

Lol dude just because you don't like what I'm saying doesn't mean it's not true.

The climate is changing.
The climate has always changed.
Humans have a non-zero effect on climate change. It is impossible for us to be having no effect on the climate.
The climate cannot be controlled.

Which statement do you disagree with?

Then it means it'll go bankrupt in a fruitless endeavour.
Still though, you should save up, living in my arcologies won't be cheap.
You know, au cas où ;^)

naw men is quite dangerous. I mean nothing bad ever happened to me or you or me, but when it does it does.

I'm pretty sure there's more money in making everything environmentally friendly.

>the climate can not be controlled
>humans have a non zero effect
Then to an extent we can control it

>humans can't affect the environment!
Remember the dust bowl you morons? Oh yeah I forgot most of y'all are historically ignorant rednecks