No marvel. YOUR wrong. He won't be hydra. #NotMyCap

No marvel. YOUR wrong. He won't be hydra. #NotMyCap

Of course he's not Hydra, this will either be explained or retconned within a year.

I hope

>YOUR wrong
One job...

He's right, he's not referring to "my wrong" or "their wrong" he is referring to the wrong possessed by you; ergo, "your wrong"

You are* that's where the speech from EMH came from

If you think it's anything less than an absolute certainty, you must be new to Big 2 comics. The status quo trumps all.



I think it's a 1 percent certainty

Man, I hope that he says this thing again.

But for Hydra against other heores.

Hell, it would be great if he said the same about that "do you think that this "A" is from Franc?" too. I want my nazi Cap to parody everyone of his famous speechs for the sake of irony.

The butthurt would be trully GORGEOUS.

Seeing moviefags on the twitter whine like little bitches is already fun as hell, while every people who read a single comic on their life knows that this is temporary.


You hope? YOU KNOW, you fag. Stop acting like this is a big deal.

You can't tell me how to feel user


>Did you think this A stands for America?
>It actually stands for 'Ail Hyda! because of my accent

Shut up Tumblr


I will never forget

>When your fanbase asks you to make your character gay to satisfy their boy-on-boy fetish, but you make him Hydra to satisfy your Nazi fetish


Hydra is right
the world is a sick degenerate hell hole

Captain America wins and hydra takes over the world turning it into Leave to Beaver.

>OP's speech, word for word, since it can be used for anything

>"Do you think this 'A' stands for America?"
>"It stands for 'Aryan'"

I concur, would be fant4stic

It's gullible schmucks like you that allow marvel to keep making stupid shit like this

fixed it for ya, old chap

Someone need to edit these right now.

This this this. Has anyone outraged over the Hydra thing even fucking read a comic book before? Hydra Cap is 2016's electric blue Kool-Aid Superman.

Suck a dick Sup Forums

>Not just using the classic Edit of "the holocaust never happened"
4/10, you tried

No you suck it fucking Trans

Grow some balls faggot

Literally nazi trump supporters

what? Hail Hydra is the hot shit now...

The longer people scream nazi at people they don't like, the less they'll shrink away from the label

Superior Spiderman was a more believable permanent shift in the status quo.

>replying to every post in the thread

Thats what Tumblr would say


Superior Spider-Man lasted for a year, which was way fucking longer than it needed to, and had plenty of people at Marvel saying it would last for like 5 years.
Marvel would have to be out of their fucking mind to try make this last more than 3 issues.

ya cheeky cunt...

What gets me about all of this is that EVERYONE is mad.

Liberals, Conservatives, Sup Forums, Reddit, Tumblr, comic fans, movie fans, fucking everyone.

I have never seen something so despised universally.

I'm not

I'm laughing at everyone who's getting mad

same here

We get it, you're not a sheep. You're such a special snowflake. Nothing ever bothers you.

You know whats more annoying that outraged people? People smugly stating how unaffected they are. It's like a vegan who wont shut up about being a vegan. No one cares.

I'm more upset at how well this is going to sell. I hope I'm wrong and people don't buy it but I doubt it.

If people had any integrity then everyone mad about this wouldn't buy any issues in Captain America: Steve Rogers run.


It's a "I don't care about this thing, but I like laughing at people who get really mad at things"

Calm your tiddies, you'll have your cap back against eventually


I fucking hate the MCU.

Not him, buuuuut I'm just saying that what would have make you mad is the patethic click bait-style story tellingand he Marvel an their press treated it.

Not the shitty twist. It's normal for things like that to happen on comics. Cap was a fucking werewolf for fucks sake. We are just saying for YOU to don't get mad and enjoy this ride.

I dunno, I actually wanna buy a comic for once because of this shit. Along with the other thing of Captain America teaming up with Red Skull. Seems awesome.

>doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right
Who the fuck are you to disagree with the will of the majority? Who died and gave this faggot some privileged insight into The Moral "Truth"™? From where does he rationally justify this stubborn indignation? What makes him different from any edge lord supervillain who just thinks "DUDE everyone's blind and corrupt because they have different values than me LMAO"?

You'd think this faggot would be all for democracy.



We get it, you're a sheep. You're a hypersensitive bandwagoner. Everything triggers you.

You know what's more annoying than smug unaffected people? Outraged people getting offended that others aren't validating their whining. It's like a retard who won't shut up about being a retard. No one cares.

>You know whats more annoying that outraged people? People smugly stating how unaffected they are
What a shame, faggot
Keep crying, I'll keep laughing at you



Sup Forums help

america man has given me flashbacks to the nazi ovens even though he's not real and I'm not jewish

>getting buttmad over obvious publicity stunt
>hashtag activism

all casuals should be gassed

Nice try Plankton

>President Red Skull

Surprised this happened yet. Hell, if Trump gets elected they'll probably make it the next event

Thats like, the most nazi like speech steve ever gave


Quantify this.
I didn't see any statements regarding the values of national socialism or the everlasting reign of the third reich.

huh, I guess it's not that nazi-like at all.

Here, have a (You).

>Quantify this.
>I didn't see any statements regarding the values of national socialism or the everlasting reign of the third reich.

"This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world — "No, you move."

That's pure Nationalism, that quote has been called fascist, nationalistic and irrational by a lot of people in this board for YEARS, only dumbass burgers never got how fucking irrational it was. Pure american exceptionalism.

exactly the kind of speech a nazi would give

>Nationalism = natsoc
>That quote
> only dumbass burgers never got how fucking irrational it was. Pure american exceptionalism.

Glad to know that the whole thread can just ignore you, then. I'll watch as you sputter and stagger for another post or two about dem ebil burgers while equating opposing political ideologies when you clearly haven't graduated high school social studies yet.

>That's pure Nationalism, that quote has been called fascist, nationalistic and irrational by a lot of people in this board for YEARS, only dumbass burgers never got how fucking irrational it was. Pure american exceptionalism.

Yes, but how is that a 'nazi-like' quote when it's unrelated to nazi-ism?
Just painting shit with buzzwords when you don't understand what they are. Pure kek.

Well, Red Skull was once Secretary of Defense...


>The bullies are the filthy kikes btw

>Yes, but how is that a 'nazi-like' quote when it's unrelated to nazi-ism?

You really dont know shit.

If freedom is short of weapons, we must compensate with willpower.

It shall always be only a fraction of the people who stand out as truly active fighters, and more is expected from them than from the millions of their fellow countrymen. For them, the mere pledge of "I believe" is not enough, but rather the oath: "I fight!"

We want this people to be peace-loving but also courageous, and you must therefore be peace-loving and at the same time courageous. We do not want this people to grow soft, but we want it to be hard so that it will be able to withstand the hardships of life. And for this you have to harden yourselves in your youth. You must learn to be hard, to stand privations without breaking down. We want this people to love honor and you already in the days of your youth must live up to this concept of honor.

Remain strong in your faith, as you were in former years. In this faith, in its close-knit unity our people to-day goes straight forward on its way and no power on earth will avail to stop it.

OP's quote is pretty nazi.

Okay, so Cap was a Hydra double agent.
Saved the world and thwarted Hydra's plans countless times, sure. Meaning his mission superseded those.

What exactly was he after? If he revealed himself, then the mother of all opportunities must have presented itself. What was it, Sup Forums?

>All this garbage over nothing but not actually equating the nazis to the quote

That's great, but that isn't the original quote, nor does it make the quote a 'nazi' quote.

Get triggered harder, idiot. I'm sure if you swap some words around it'll be like something hitler himself said. But only if you swap some words around and pretend really hard.

Millar's Captain MURIKA from Civil War is the worst possible example, besides Ultimate also from Millar.

How can you spend several paragraphs saying absolutely fucking nothing?

You'd think the time to reveal he was Hydra all this time would of been after he was given the Infinity Gauntlet.

I'd guess the Hydra thing was a backstory cooked up by himself to make him the ultimate undercover agent for some mission, and SHIELD altered the past reality with that cosmic cube thingy.

I don't understand how it being temporary is supposed to make it less retarded

People act like there's never been a 'good turns bad' storyline before. It's probably the oldest storyline in all comics. You people are fucking idiots.

This isn't a "good turns bad" storyline though. This is Captain fucking America. He's a whole different breed of animal.

It's a story about Captain America turning to Hydra. They're the bad guys. It'll take a maximum of five issues for one of the satellite heroes to figure out how to remove the Red Skull's brainwashing.

I bet you thought Captain America was going to be dead forever after he got shot too didn't you?

It's clearly a racist statement. It's something that the EDF or PEGIDA or the KKK would say.

I'm betting this is a Enemy of The state knockoff with Captain America instead of Wolverine

I'm still not seeing how this makes it not shit. Care to explain?

So you went from Natsoc to racist.

Do you even know what you are on about anymore or is it just throwing buzzwords at the wall to see what sticks at this point?

He's been evil before you useless fucking idiot.


Explain why it's shit.

The butthurt over fictional america man going through an average 'good-turns-evil' storyline is both hilarious that so many people are biting and horrifying about how many newfags we have.

The point isn't that it's shit, of course it's shit, it's rehashed same old plot. What i was getting at is people's insane reaction to it

Wasn't that retconned

Probably in the sense every other idiot on Sup Forums has a problem with that quote.
If you take it out of context and pretend a Nazi said it, it'd be condoning Nazism.
Maybe they just don't like the cliche and don't trust Spencer to make an overused cliche interesting.

>If you take it out of context and pretend a Nazi said it, it'd be condoning Nazism.

That's why it makes no sense to me. If you take it out of context and say a Nazi said it, then a Nazi said it. But a Nazi didn't say it, it has nothing to do with nazis, and didn't even reference Hydra in the first place.

I just have a problem with people trying to paint it as omg-nazis because it's just more smearing. People ignoring the fact that Captain America isn't real, isn't a nazi, didn't even talk about nazis, but fuck are they going to call him one anyway. Then they'll call the writer a nazi just for good measure.

The 'everything is Hitler' smearing needs to stop. It's just name-calling at the same level as calling someone a faggot.

I don't get it.

Captain America was literally created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby to FIGHT NAZIS!

Now he's a Nazi and random people are accusing Steve of being a Nazi?!

All this shit is dumb. Marvel, what are you doing?!

It's a typical cliche where a hero is revealed to be a villain or double agent of sorts. Usually some form of ruse.
Marvel is taking this overused plot and they plugged a tweet/review that made this sound like a world changing event and let it leak. Ontop of a movie being out and#makeCapdoAnal trending this got normies attention. Normies being deathly allergic to comics are apparently unaware that this is an overdone cliche and therefore making a big deal out of nothing.

The Red Skull has mind control powers these days.


The amount of durp in Sup Forums these days is shameful.

God Sup Forums really loves sucking Marvels dick.

This reminds me so much of the ASM 700 apologists.

>b-b-b-but he'll be back within a year
It doesn't change a thing, Sup Forums. It doesn't change a thing.

Those are several different quotes you fucking idiots

When do we get to see ghost Cap watching Red Skull Cap be a better hero than him while trying to fuck a midget?

first leaked image from IW part one

Marvel haven't really had a stable status quo since Avengers Dissembled.

If they're keeping Thor as a woman, don't put it past them to make Steve a Hydra agent.

Although they probably wont because SJWs.

Why you don't want a gay nazi? respect the diversity