Angela Merkel defends Germany's refugee policy after attacks

> you cant make this shit up

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Great! A now waiting for the next happening, may it come soon.

Lets start preparing racewar.

Retards always double down.

And she'll get away with it, too. She's going to lose a few percent of the vote but she will still be in power after the next elections.

Germans will do nothing, as usual. It's over.

lol people are literally being massacred because this dumb old bitch won't change her views. Wake up Germany, boot her out.

Every day Germans tolerate this cunt, my respect for them dwindles a little.

Give it 1 year before someone rises up and does something significant. Shit is at boiling point.

You know what to do kraut

Let me just grab my gun....oh wait, only psychopath and criminals own one

Become a psychopath criminal.

Soon brother.

>not having a gun

feels good being an American stationed in Bavaria

she's a Jewish shill, her mother is literally Jewish, look it up

Germanstan is now officially the most cucked country in europe, well done :^)

Too old for that shit. Got family and a job in civil service.
You selling? You Americans like to make money-money, ja?

I never thought I would be sad for germany.

Are you dumb fucking krauts ever going to do anything? Is there no impeachment process for utter incompetence?

>Women are never capable of admitting they're wrong


Onshow is out

I heard German girls love to fuck Black American military men... is this true in your experience?

I'm not german but I've seen it. I know two mulattoes with German mothers and one white German girls mom who became a huge coal-burner after divorcing her white husband.

Then, welcome to die.

Stop being an edgy faggot, please

I think it's completely true.

I think that is a great position on the matter. Canada should take in far more Syrians. There are 13+ million displaced Syrians and not one good reason we couldn't take them all. Let's do it. Think of the Diversity. Think of the selfie potential. I just got a semi thinking about it. Things are going so great here; we should share.

>I just got a semi thinking about it.
How long before we get semis plowing through crowds of children on Parliament hill?


t. Tyrone in Japan

It's quite simple: if she admits a mistake then she loses her power. So she will keep dragging the German nation towards annihilation because of her megalomania. Sounds familiar? Too bad we didn't get a 20 July plot this year. Maybe next year, if Germany still survives that long.

Inb4 Trump wins and builds a wall along the Canadianistan/U.S Border to keep all the mudslimes out.

That has nothing to do with Syrian refugees and I don't know how you could even say that. Do you think they are getting adequate treatment for their HIV in Cairo, I-i mean, in the refugee camps?


I'm recommending every african peddling chinese crap on the beach i can get my eyes on to go to Germany.
Convinced today a small group of long bearded malawians to go to Germany since the locals like islam and it's full of beautiful blonde women looking for a strong muslim man to settle down.

Departed with large smiles and shook their hands, they promised me they would have gathered enough money to move in Germany asap.
While leaving i could swear one of them was informing his buddies overseas about the existence of such a wonderful land
Hope you appreciate the gift germany,your women will have plenty of brown muslim kids that will teach you how not to be a nazi

Regards, Italianon

Nothing to fear. They are just like us. There will be some growing pains, but that is okay. We must do this to grow the economy and save our pensions and social programs.