What the FUCK was this cunts problem?

what the FUCK was this cunts problem?

he was scottish

He was a manlet, and attempted to overcompensate for this by being the loudest and rudest person in the room. A right cunt, he was.

hes mad

He didn't do drugs. He did people.

The so called hard cunt...


No way would he poison his viens with that shite.


He sucked at pool.

The entire cast was roughly the same height. And being tall and bashing man lets isn't going to help you overcome your blatant crippling insecurities , social retardation and sub 5/10 face


Wasn't he in the closet?

Drugs, psychotic, felt the need to compensate so he took his frustration out on others.

He didn't do drugs (except alcohol).

why isn't robert carlyle in more things?

Just another jock cunt I guess

Back when he started Stargate Universe, he said that he was looking for more stable work in television because he was trying to be more of a family man and tv schedules and paychecks offered more stability. That's probably why he's been on that Disney show for the last 5 or 6 years.

thanks deary

I think the wino dad and the story Mark told about meeting him on his first day of school is all you really need to know about why he does what he does.

He was gay for Mark and his pent up homosexuality made him a violent, angry and insecure man.

t. manlet

all thos' cheemicals

The one thing I didn't like about T2 is how they turned him into a straight-up psychokiller instead of just a guy with serious anger issues

The projection in that last half of the post

but he was already a psycho in the first one, anger was just another one of his issues

He kills the same number of people in this movie as he does in the first one.

why does everyone say he's gay? just because he accidentally made out with a tranny while being drunk? the tranny hardly passed but that still doesn't make him a poofter...