Dc rebirth dr. manhattan questions

since geoff johns says manhattan's not the villain what are the odds he's working for someone else

He said that he's not a villain just the antagonist.

The implication isn't that Manhattan is working for someone else, just that he's not especially evil.

yes but wally said there was a darkness infecting everyone even beofre the new 52 I don't think he was talking about manhattan

The "darkness" is the cynicism and deconstructionist philosophies Watchmen helped give rise to.

Manhattan's literal involvement in tampering with the DCU is being used as a metaphor for that real life trend.

But just because Manhattan made the universe darker doesn't mean he MEANT to.

He could be apathetically playing god, unaware of or unable to help inadvertantly skewing the results of his experiment because his own personality is cynical.



Maybe he's doing it for a good reason?


you want your throat slit asshole?!

Only if it's slit TO my asshole.

Do we have any idea what book(s) this plot line is gonna be followed up in?

Probably Titans.

And the Superman books if "Mr. Oz" does turn out to be Ozymandias.

>thinking his involvement is gonna be grand
>zaps 3 people and fucks off
Hello Pandora 2.0, can't wait for your cameos on the num 1s.


I can find out where you live, and kill you

wally did say there was going to be conflict with Hope and Despair, Love and Apathy.

not Hate or Anger, Apathy w/c sums up Doc Manhattan.

Titans. Look at the background

>The "darkness" is the cynicism and deconstructionist philosophies Watchmen helped give rise to
>tries to be insightful
>uses figurative quotes
>ends sentence with a preposition

can't wait to see booth do 3x3s

I just wonder how long they are going to fucking drag out the on-page reveal Manhattan is the villain. Especially if Geoff Johns is gone from writing comics for DC.

Still have fucking flashbacks to how long it took for Pandora to show up properly and how by that time, they had ditched her entire plotline for the sake of doing a fucking Crime Syndicate storyline.

At this rate, I fully expect Reverse Flash to get the knod for who is to blame, as far as completing Zoom's transition to Green Goblin level hack writing plot device for bad shit happening to Flash/the Marvel Universe.

2 years. Manhattan isn't a villain either.

Depends on sales.

If they start slipping, I would expect an appearance by Manhattan by the sixth month mark.

At worse, they'll save his big return for either Action Comics or Detective Comics #1000, for maximum synergy.

I can see that hppening on action comics, but Detective comics? no way, Batbooks always have stronger editors than the supes line, no way this crap is splitting on that.

It's not idiotic it's just tacky as fuck.

So you're saying dr Manhattan hates lesbians getting married so he prevented the bat woman wedding
This is genius
Is dr Manhattan a trump supporter? Was he just trying to make comics great again but in this new age they just want to all be gay and he can't seem to stop it

I mostly agree with this.

Also, Manhattan and whoever's manipulating him are metaphors for comic editors and the boards of directors who want more moolah.

>So you're saying dr Manhattan hates lesbians getting married so he prevented the bat woman wedding
This is lending credence to the bullshit "Rorschach got Manhattan's powers" theory.

Detective Comics would get the big reveal because that book would need the sales boost far far far far far far far more than Action Comics could.

hail hydra

You said that all wrong, man. It's supposed to be


Wait what Dr Manhattan is literally in DC books now?

Yes. He somehow traveled to the DCU and interfered with time when Barry was restoring it at the end of Flashpoint, so he is in fact the one responsible for the Nu52 being so shitty, not Barry and Pandora.

>ahurrrrdurrrr I don't read comics but I want to know things so I can complain about them because they're related to other things I know


He killed 3 people already!

What's wrong with that? I do read comics but the big "event" ones are fucking pointless. learned that the hard way.

DC's event comics usually have emotional moments and character development.

I mean, not always...but Infinite Crisis and Flashpoint did and this one isn't really an event so much as a series of tearjerker moments starring Classic Wally West

Maybe I've been burned one too many times, I'm not even complaining about this turn really, though I bet Alan Moore is.

Why did Wally visit so many people? Did every one of them have ties to him? Also how come nobody but Barry recognized him? I'm probably missing something, so I apologize in advance.

>Did every one of them have ties to him?

Yes. Except Johnny Thunder, that was just because he thought he might be remembering the past.

The reason Barry is the only one who recognized him is because Barry's connected to the Speed Force, and partially responsible for history changing in the first place.

Everyone else's memories have been overwritten by Nu52 continuity.