How closely are they based on Charleton characters?

How closely are they based on Charleton characters?

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They were originally intended to BE the Charlton characters until DC made Alan Moore change them. The script stayed the same though. So all that was changed from the original version was their names and costumes.

The original Charlton comics though could not have been less like Watchmen.

Was Ozymandias' Egyptian connotation added in this rewrite?

You mean the plot. The script wasn't written that far in advance, at least not most of it.

Irrelevant fun fact: the character that The Comedian was based on (Peacemaker) acted as a sort of mentor to the third Blue Beatle(the second and first Blue Beatle being the characters that Nite Owl 1&2 where based on).

We remember. He made friends with Jaimie's dad.

"I'm too old for this shit" mentor Peacemaker was fucking great

Silk Spectre being a legacy character of her mom is actually taken from Black Canary. Also, Nightshade had powers and she obviously doesn't...but she was Captain Atom's love interest, so that carried over.

Manhattan is way closer to Marvel's Molecule Man than to Captain Atom. Even their origin is almost the same.

Not true, Silk Spectre and Comedian were nothing like Nightshade and Peacemaker.

Actually, Manhattan is closer to the Gold Key version of Doctor Solar, Man of the Atom.

Yes and no? Ozymandias's Charlton equivalent trained in the Himalayas. So the basic concept of training in remote, exotic locations was there.
The obsession with Alexander the Great was Moore's idea.

Watchmen began as a grim n' gritty reimagining of the Charlton characters. So the basics are the same, but the most sinister connotations are absent.

I would love to read Watchmen with the art redone with the Charlton characters.

The question wasn't a murdering fascist

It's called Pax Americana

Solar can't manipulate matter like Dr Manhattan and his body wasn't ripped by a machine.

Also, Watchmen was published in 1985, just after Secret Wars, when Molecule Man overcame his limits and became a god.

Nite Owl - The Blue Beetle
Rorschach - The Question
Silk Spectre - Nightshade
The Comedian - Peacemaker
Ozymandiad - Thunderbolt
Dr. Manhattan - Captain Atom


hey kid

Not at all which is why Moore's versions function so well as distinct surrogates.

Moore was trying to Miracleman them. That is, making things edgy and "real". He didn't have the hindsight to understand what he was facilitating.

The Dark Knight Returns actually had a bigger immediate influence.

I just wish they could've stayed lighthearted and fun like they how they were on their cartoon show.

i dont think thats the right description.
They are more psychological flawed.
But away from being angst ridden to be really called edgy.

For me its maybe 1 or 2 steps away from being egdy, but influenced many edhyness