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The left is out to kill Captain America.

First, it was the internet campaign to make Captain America gay – a ridiculous hijacking of a popular American icon originally designed for children and teens for the left’s pathetic agenda.

Now, the editors at Marvel have announced that they’re going to make clear that Captain America is a bad guy. And he always was.

According to Time, Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 will make clear that Captain America supports the Nazi-founded organization Hydra, and was always a double agent. Marvel executive editor Tom Brevoort explained:

It means on the most fundamental level that the most trusted hero in the Marvel universe is now secretly a deep-cover Hydra operative, a fact that’s really only known to the readers and to him. That makes every interaction he has with anyone take on a second layer, a second meaning.

So, what drove all of this? According to Time, having Cap talk openly about the threat of Muslim immigration to Europe and illegal immigration to America’s borders makes him ripe for Hydra. Here’s Brevoort:

We try to write comics in 2016 that are about the world and the zeitgeist of 2016, particularly in Captain America….Any parallels you have seen to situations real or imagined, living or dead, is probably intentional but metaphorically not literally.

>Wanting Holy Terror but with Captain America
How about no.

Brevoort says that Captain America – the face of patriotism – is turning evil beause “we want to push that button”:

There should be a feeling of horror or unsettledness at the idea that somebody like this can secretly be part of this organization. There are perfectly normal people in the world who you would interact with on a professional level or personal level, and they seem like the salt of the earth but then it turns out they have some horrible secret — whether it’s that they don’t like a certain group of people or have bodies buried in their basement.

This is what happens when the original values for which Captain America stood – American pride and patriotism, defense of Constitutional freedom – become unpopular with the left. They either have to convert Cap to leftism, or make clear that he was the villain all along. Because America must either be converted to leftism, or it was the villain all along. As Brevoort says, “Captain America, because he’s draped head to toe in the flag, has more of a larger, more symbolic meaning than many other characters. In an allegorical fashion, you want to make his adventures about where America and where the world is.”

Of course, the left can’t play this game indefinitely. It turns out that most Americans don’t like the idea of a patriotic Captain America as a Hydra villain. They don’t believe America is historically evil. They don’t believe patriotism is inherently evil, or that pointing out threats of benighted cultures makes you a Nazi. And they’re not going to keep patronizing movies or comics in which the bad guy is America, or in which traditional good guys become bad guys just by virtue of remaining loyal to their principles.

So watch for Marvel to twist this storyline back into place, making Cap the hero again. But not before learning, of course, that he should be more of a leftist than the traditional right-winger he always was. That’s how the game is played

Remember when Frank Miller was going to do a comic about Batman fighting al Qaeda called "Holy Terror"? Remember how even DC thought it was a bad idea and wouldn't let it be about Batman?

They're ballsy enough to make fun of themselves.


>or it was the villain all along
It was though. America has always gotten involved where it shouldn't, or committed atrocities in the name of "freedom".

They even busted out Forbush Man for this.

That's a very simplistic and uneducated way to look at two centuries of history

First time I saw this I thought it was about Daredevil fighting Mummies

Osama would be a D-List villain at best in Marvel

>implying Islam ISN'T evil


Are you just going to copy pasta your Infowars diarrhea in every thread you can?

>implying that is false
>implying infowars is so tame
Newfag kys

>America has always gotten involved where it shouldn't

I really wish we wouldn't, but the problem is that people won't let us stay out of the way. When we do get involved, they say "America, you're not the world police!". When we don't get involved, they say "America, how could you let this happen please help us".

He's already fucking dead. What do you want Cap to do piss on his corpse?

who's dead?

Bin Laden

Rick Sanchez put it pretty well.

>They just put you at the center of their lives because you're powerful. And then because they put you there, they want you to be less powerful.

Why would Captain America punch a US government agent?

Yeah, didn't Captain America canonically wreck a lot of major Hydra operations over the decades? Obviously he needed to do something, but I feel like he's done too much to have been a very good double agent.
Especially given Cap's combative relationship with SHIELD. He's been at odds with US law over personal ideals that were now at least partly supposed to be an act.

>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that think Islam is q religion of peace

>X-Men move to Tampa

I actually want to read that

Don't bother. Let leftists keep protecting people who would gladly see them all killed for their degenerate, haram ways. Sheep protecting wolves.

>In an allegorical fashion, you want to make his adventures about where America and where the world is
Captain America himself was never where America IS, though, it's where he SHOULD be. His stories have always been about this ideal figure within an unideal America

What happened to 'I'm loyal to nothing but the Dream'? What happened to this Cap?

I mean it's obviously gonna turn out to be brainwashing or a space-bug inside him or some shit but still

A pair of American Jews depicted an American hero punching out a very powerful dictator in 1941 while America remained isolationist and many people in America spoke approvingly of that dictator. It was a tremendous political statement, and a risky one.

Pretty sure punching out a stateless Islamic terrorist that everyone already hates is nowhere near as courageous. You may as well have him punch out Satan.

But 5/10, got me to reply.

Captain America hasn't taken part in America's wars since Korea, wasn't it? I can understand why, seeing the ambiguous nature of American foreign intervention since Vietnam.

>Captain Rectitude
>Even *I* don't remember me!

>Evil somehow triumphs
>Goblin going "Ha-cha-cha!"


Would you mind sharing your examples about how evil Islam and perhaps other religions is?

It was great tho

>Muslims bombing Gotham
>Batman goes even crazier

Wonder how Afflek would have reacted

America's problem is that it has lost every war it participated in after WWII, because war has changed and Burgarstad refuses to keep up, because modern war can't be won through troops, and it thinks just spending even more billions will somehow fix that

This kind of explained Hydra Cap to me. A lot of people see Steve Rogers wearing the American flag and calling himself "Captain America" as a wholesale endorsement of US policy. They make no distinction between the character's personal views and nation he chooses to represent.
By revealing that Cap "was always" working for Hydra, Marvel is using that perception as the basis for political commentary.
But they did the "Patriotic hero who represents America's dark side" better in the 80s with John Walker.

It's okay to call us "liberals", you know. I realise "leftist" makes us sound less like human beings, but it also makes you sound like a gigantic tool.

>attacking muslims

Ummm........ NO??!??!!?!

>dat Spider-Storm

someone should keep reposting that panel so we can get loads of R34 for it

She-Shang Shi is superior.
They're essentially the same though. Either said with enough disdain is equally dehumanizig and without it's just descriptive.

why does he look so fucking smug?

Why does it bother you?

>In this moment I am euphoric, not because of some phony god's blessing, but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence.

>traditional right-winger he always was

Sounds like someone never read a Cap comic

I dunno now it'd be courageous for different reasons ontop of the small chance one of reprisal from said Islamic Terrorist or sympathizer, depicting Cap beating up an evil Muslim might set off everyone's ISLAMAPBOIA trigger

Anyone bitching about this has never read a comic.

It was millers decision to not make it a b-man book.

It was good too.

>His decision
>But he didn't properly edit it so it wasn't obviously a Batman book
He could've done a better job
>Female Lady thief
>Speaks in cat puns and acts sorta like a cat
>Nothing catlike in her costuming or name

How about a comic of Cap behind a drone joystick blowing up a wedding convoy of women and children while Obama pats him on the back

I didn't like Holy Terror
>inb4 muslim
I just didn't like it

DC is really desperate to have something on Marvel, huh?

We are literally blowing up Muslims with flying death robots every single day of the week and have been for years. Our government is combing over every bit of data it can snoop from every single person in the country and in many other countries, all day, every day. Sikh store owners have been attacked after being mistaken for Muslims, protestors have stood outside mosques. A presidential candidate is calling for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country (even American citizens). The radical Islamist fighter is universally viewed as a monster within the western world.

Showing Cap beating one up is not brave or interesting. At all. Cap punching out Hitler was a political statement. Cap punching out Osama is "no fucking duh."

That wouldn't really be accurate given leftist and liberal aren't the same thing. These days the right tends to be more liberal than the left.

Honestly, I'm not opposed to the idea of Holy Terror, I just wish the execution had been better. He didn't even try to rework what he had done to make the heroes NOT be an off-brand Batman and Catwoman. Seriously, the "Fixer" Who wears suit with no distinguishing features? Also, his art seemed particularly shitty in it, maybe I'm just generally not a fan, but I think I'e seen him do better in that department. I think people should be making comics where Islamic terrorists are portrayed as villains, it should just be done better.

why not? are you a muslim-lover?

>We are literally blowing up Muslims with flying death robots every single day of the week and have been for years
good. but not enough.

You're about 14 years too late

idk man, i think her eyes were pretty catlike, the bright green on heavy black.

Not a problem with that user

And the next thing you see on the news is a bunch of sandniggers bombing Marvel's office.

>"Fixer" Who wears suit with no distinguishing features?
I honestly liked the outfit, it was very basic and workmanlike, as if Marv from Sin City went fuck it and decided to fight crime.

I really dug the art as well, the panelling and use of black and white was incredible. In my opinion anyway.

Showing poor imagination. Obviously there should be proper ideologically matched supervillians for him to fight.

Hell, they managed to pump up the glorified neighborrhood watch that's "volunteer border patrol" into almost a half dozen stories.

Hell, even if you want to leave the regular people crystal pure, a plot like Flag Smasher taking advantage of the refugee situation to smash border control and passport/legal immigration infrastructure, and cause chaos, for both anarchy and profit would be a thing you could do.

It's a pity the actual story kinda sucked

I wish Spencer would have had Cap punching out Trump. That would have been something worth talking about.

yeah, but "leftist" has become the go-to word for right-wing clickbait writers to describe anyone who isn't a God-fearing conservative
>leftist and liberal aren't the same thing
>These days the right tends to be more liberal than the left.
Yeah, this was easily one of the worst runs Cap's ever had... but Sup Forums will probably swear it's the best because HURR DURR MUDSLIMES

Could somebody storytime this to show people that Cap fighting Islamic terrorists doesn't automatically make a good story?

That page doesn't look that bad.

Storytime it if you like, but thinking that a particular political matchup automatically makes anything good? That's dumber than Sup Forums.

>america is bad
yeah keep suckling at the tit of the bad guy while you behead women for showing an ankle Mohammed

That page is fine, it's the rest of the story that's bad



classical liberalism is about as far away from progressive leftists you can get


There's really not much brave about fighting the same fictitious former Nazis and poorly disguised Trump analogues either though.

>that time when retarded leftists children got BTFO by Frank Miller

Exactly. Cap was a blonde-haired blue-eyed American white guy who was shown socking Hitler in the jaw, and fought Nazi subversives in the United States. That was bold. You want something bold in today's world? Show an American Muslim hero socking ISIS fighters in the jaw.

There's nothing "liberal" about restricting free speech.

>american muslim

pick one and only one desu


restricting rights goes against everything that liberalism is. leftists aren't liberals. they're Diet Fascists

It's a real shame that the Trump era has ushered in a new wave of asshole-ery. Suddenly, being an immature, edgy retard is considered 'having balls' or being 'anti-PC'. I only hope the Sup Forums mods come to realize this, eventually.

Hey man, Cap got white guys to think they could be heroes, and not Racist too, so anything's possible.

>muh PC hugbox

kys tumblrtard

Case in point.

Wouldn't that completely destroy the movies then?

told the truth to your face is better than being lied to behind your back. I'm sorry if that offends you. Maybe you can go to your local university safe space and cry about it to your teachers who want to restrict every portion of a right that offends them without any regard for who else it affects.

I think this image predates Trump.
Surprisingly people have disliked Muslims BEFORE Trump came about and said Terrorists need to keep out.

I always thought liberal sounded duhumanizing, as someone with liberal leanings myself.

You know, you make a point. Black people and middle Eastern people, too, need someone to get them to think that they can be heroes and not racist.

>You don't want to nuke the entire middle east
>"Hur Dur religion of peace strawmen"

The Trump era hasn't even BEGUN, cuckold. But it will soon.

Buckle up.

>I think muslim hate has grown since trump
>it's not like blowing things up make people mad
>wow I remember when Sup Forums was a #websiteofpeace #notallchanners
Fuck off to reddit, stormfaggotry is cancer too but no one has ever liked muslims you autistic faggot

When Cap was written, there was still some question on whether poor irish catholics would ever integrate properly and be part of America.

An obvious story beat there is when the American muslim hero gets called a white supremacist racist and gets cockblocked by ultraleftists.

>There are perfectly normal people in the world who you would interact with on a professional level or personal level, and they seem like the salt of the earth but then it turns out they have some horrible secret — whether it’s that they don’t like a certain group of people or have bodies buried in their basement.

Not liking a certain group of people is in the same category of "horrible secret" as having bodies buried in your basement? What?

>Don't want to roll over for ISIS

Smug? Looking at that picture makes me feel like I've just woken up in a basement, tied to a chair.

"We'll give some land to the Niggers and the Chinks, but we DON'T WANT THE IRISH"

Based Blazing Saddles

>R-restricting my rights!

No one's restricting the right to freedom of speech, you losers. Just because someone calls you an ass for saying something racist doesn't mean they're restricting your rights - their expressing theirs. Fuck off with your ad hominems.

>making "hate speech" illegal
>not restricting rights

fuck off bernie

Where's that even coming from?
I feel like you're arguing in a different discussion.