Remember, Peter, your grandfather was a proud member of the SS

>Remember, Peter, your grandfather was a proud member of the SS.

Wow, what did uncle Ben mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

he meant you shouldn't let the past dictate your future. Nietzsche-esque

>"You know, Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the reaponsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Ben looks directly at the camera.
>"The niggers, the spics, the chinks...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Pete. We'll have every nigger in this country dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me shot in a carjacking this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the American Nazi Party."

Wow raimi

When he made eye contact with the camera I knew he was talking directly to me. Raimi was a true visionary.

>uncle bens: remember peter kill black people heil hitler death to jews fuck white people
lmao raimi bit too much?

>I worked at the natzo (nazi) weiss
What did he mean, what is the "Nazi Weiss"? Is it ever mentioned in the comics?

If I recall correctly, in the very rare extended cut, Williem Dafoe does a short dance and shuffle back and forth in that exact moment from the screenshot you posted. But they removed it for most versions. It's a shame, I thought it really added some more flavor to his character tbqh.

Every damn time

it was a different era

He would be jailed for sexual harassment if he did this today

>"Peter, I can see that your bleeding-heart liberal-arts degree "professor" has left out a lot of the realities the world in his lectures. It's good to take up a cause and all, and my way of trying to make the world better is to try and create a means of widespread electricity outside of the control of big business. But your professor would have you instead go to the streets waving paper signs protesting artificial distractions. When you realize that women and negroes are actually getting a preferential treatment in both a societal and economic standard yet still find themselves head and shoulders below the average white man you must come to the conclusion that there's something inherent about both parties, right? For all the shouting and footstomping and brutality of the so-called liberals, they don't seem able to address the mentality and culture of both women and the blacks as being the biggest antagonist to any progress. Blacks would rather collect a welfare check, sling dope and commit casual murder than get a degree or hold a job. A woman is satisfied with secretarial work or living the life of a spoiled housepet, her husband pampering and feeding her eternal, than to claw and scrabble up corporate ladders and work overtime to get to the same spot her male superiors stand at. I don't blame you, Peter, for not seeing these truths, but I'm disappointed with you for not seeking outside avenues of information than those force-fed to you by "teachers" and "political pundits". Ah, but let's eat. The guilt really lies with that scrawny kike of a teacher at your campus.

Fucking hell Raimi I didn't expect a goddamn lecture


>Peter, did you ever hear the tale of the 6 million missing Jews?
>It was a Holocaust legend.

>my college is like this

help me rami

>you know Peter, remember those stories I told you about when I was in Nam?
>I killed so many of those damn gooks they named their Rice after me

but what the actual fuck I thought Raimi was jewish?

You need to post the full thing niggerigger

We've all seen the movie

>that one scene in the Director's cut where it's just Peter drawing the fuhrer on his sketch book for an hour straight
Is this some kind of weird arthouse cinema or something?
I guess Raimi was in his experimentation phase at the time


That green screen special effect certainly didn't age well.

>le ebin racist meme


I like it because is a call for unity. Classic uncle ben

Someone post the one about uncle sam and the ladyboy

You had to be there, to be honest.

This meme

where is the high society?

If I may, Sir, I've seen things in this house I've never spoke of... The night your father died, I... I cleaned his wound... the blade that pierced his body came from HIS Glider. I... I know you're trying to defend your fathers' honor, but there is no question that he died by his own hand, because he couldn't bear to live in a world where he knew the spics and niggers were taking over. I loved your father, as I've loved you, Harry... And I have tried hard to keep your father's dream alive, where the master race will reclaim it's glory from der juden.

I know I won't live to see that day, Harry, but I see the potential in you. I know you can bring our fuhrer's final solution to it's natural and destined conclusion

fuckin kek

>You know, I'm somewhat of a National Socialist myself

Octavian was in the right.

Memes aside, Marvel has yet to top Raimi's Spiderman triology.

I'm not sure it can be done.

>Peter, move your head, pass the popcorn

why did sony let raimi do this?

The fact that he was married to an "artsy" type woman shows a hidden subplot in which he probably secretly despised her wife leaving him even more guilt ridden after his death.

Braco Raimi.