Why Brazil is so fucking?

I can't believe the fact that such a brutal country exists in this 21st century.


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t. nine bodies and severed heads' found in house in tokyo

t. country with a cannibal celebrity

>see flag
ahem en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta

>Traffickers torturing and beating a drug dealer CV (Red Command), and as you already imagine the fucking was brutal!


>el nipAno

>serial killer on the loose in japan
>cops visit prime suspects house
>he invites them in
>"oh he invited us in, that must mean he has nothing to hide so we don't need to come in, ok bye!"
>"aren't our low crime rates glorious?"


>Why Brazil is so fucking?

Would rather live in Brazil than in J*pan

Japan doesn't glorify its criminals the way Brazil does.

>Issei Sagawais a Japanese criminal who in 1981, while in Paris, murdered and cannibalized a Dutch woman named Renée Hartevelt. After his release, he became a minor celebrity in Japan and made a living through the public's interest in his crime.

No, it glorifies them more

Please no, that story made me cry

>Leader only got 20 years of prison. After release he was re-arrested for fraud, but released due to insufficient evidence
Wtf, that's some Russian-level justice system.

It's just men women don't do these things.

How was she even alive for half of that?


Not only alive, but still somewhat sane

>On the 40th day of confinement, the four boys challenged Junko to a game of Mahjong, which she is said to have won. Out of frustration, the boys beat her with an iron barbell, kicked and punched her, and placed two short candles on her eyelids, burning them with the hot wax...

This story is fucking disgusting. Now i can't even jerk off cause i start to think about it and that's an instant boner killer

Japan has low murder rates because cops put label suicide on any murder where they cant find the murderer.

Not to mention they are afraid to confront the yakuza and let them do whatever they like without investigation

Maybe the rapists were so retarded, they lost Nip Gin Rummy to a girl that was addled from tourtue that was considered barbaric even by middle Evil ages standards

It's cool no humans were armed in the making of that video


one thing I don't like about japan is how they'll literally blame zainichi koreans for every crime

Why these useless mods from Sup Forums take so long to delet liveleak threads?