Should Abortion Be Legal?

I am not an atheist, but isn't it a good thing that people who need to be told not to kill their children are not passing down their genes?

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Genocide is the answer.

Yes reduces Blacks. White women rich enough to get one anyways even if illegal.

That text can't be real. Source?

Yeah, sure

Why do you guys think of parents mercy killing severely retarded children?


I really do not understand why cuckservatives are so anti-abortion... if feminists want to kill their babies then let them, less feminists in this world.

Parents should screen themselves for possible birth defects. If it's above a certain percent that the baby will develop them, they shouldn't try.

If they pass and get pregnant, and find out during pregnancy that it has some crippling disorder, depending on what it is, I think abortion is okay during the first trimester.

After the first trimester, abortion is never okay.

>legalize murder

no thanks

Is not having sex also murder?

fertilization is the defining point when a unique human being is created

anything after that is just an arbitrary point during development

abortion is the legalized killing of your own child explicitly because you don't want to own up to the responsibility of your own actions

Abortion is a necessary evil. Yes, killing an unborn baby simply because you are irresponsible is extremely degenerate. But this also means that the degenerates are not passing down their genes and are not spreading their influence. The degenerates are killing themselves off.

Poisoned ideologies are spread not through, birth but through words and ideas. If the idea that the life of a child is disposable and that having children exists as only a benefit to the parents spreads completely and utterly to whites, then all is lost. We see this now with the millennial generation not having children. The idea of children as a burden has spread successfully to whites, and has caused their birthrates to collapse.

>responsibility of your own actions

You know what the most responsible thing to do would be if someone is in a position where they shouldn't or couldn't have a child?

I agree. A permanent solution would be to destroy the "hook up" culture that is responsible for most illegitimate children.
If people are so dumb that they will kill their children just because they are told that they are able to then they should be shunned.

I'm an atheist and I'm pro-choice so long as the number of aborted nogs supercedes whites.

No evil is "necessary".
What a stupid thing to say.

No. The most responsible thing to do would be to not fuck someone when you're not in a financially stable position to handle the potentiality of a child.

Ask yourself who is guilty and who is innocent in this scenario. Then ask yourself who gets punished. Every single time, without fail, the unborn baby is the most innocent party.

>No evil is "necessary".
Are you just some butthurt christfag? Abortion is a necessary evil just like the government.

It should. People should be able to do whatever they want as long as they don't bother others.

>I'm an atheist
Do you believe in any sort of "other worldly" thing so to speak? Do you believe there is a god? An afterlife?

I bet he also believes that a family should raise a child so severely retarded that it will never contribute to society. A parasite.

Abortion by choice should absolutely be illegal, yes.

Because the world totally needs more niggers

Killing niggers isn't wrong

And there will never be a nigger in a "responsible" position

>that pic
Charity to foreign countries should also be illegal. Africa only had ~200 million people in 1950 and now it has 1.2 billion.

It is natural selection. The parent is so inferior it kills it's own child. We shouldn't waste our trying to stop natural selection.

yes it should

I laughed. Looks like they keep their baby monkeys.

>Do you believe there is a god?

No? I'm pretty sure that is the defining trait of an atheist. And no, I don't believe in any form of afterlife or anything that isn't physical but I like to entertain the thought of a "spontaneous reincarnation" if there were to be any "afterlife" to speak of. Most likely an eternity of emptiness though but It's interesting food for thought.

Has killing your own children been necessary to civilization over the course of human history?

At least be logically consistent and admit that you'd be okay with killing retards regardless of whether they're in the womb or not.

Giving Africa food only enables them to breed more without changing their ways. It is like giving a drug addict money... you know they are just going to buy more drugs with it.

Legal, but not paid by the state.

>most responsible thing to do would be to not fuck someone

Amongst other things in the top10 list of what people are not going to stop doing: Sex
This is why we have condoms and pills, to stop it in the first place. And abortion as a last possible measure against pregancies.

>Then ask yourself who gets punished
The 15 year old girl who was experimenting with sex and is now shunned from getting an abortion due to people like yourself.
Not the little lump of flesh inside her that will not grow a nerva system until another 7-8 weeks.

>Has killing your own children been necessary to civilization over the course of human history?
Yes. Without abortion, the black population in the US would be roughly double and everything here would be much worse.

> killing retards
I am okay with parents abandoning retards. If they cannot survive on their own, they are useless. Raising them is only enabling a parasite.

I fucking wish I could believe in an afterlife

The saddest thing is that this constant charity is only causing more and more deaths. This is a disaster waiting to happen. Africa has only become a massive population center because of idiotic "humanitarian" efforts.

why do you care? not the potential productive members of the society are mostly aborted, but the ones that would have lived on welfare anyway. Institutionalized abortion is the best thing since the industrial revolution.

>top10 list of what people are not going to stop doing: Sex
The reason why feminism still exists is because men are being controlled by their penis. Men most learn to control their biological urges and not be manipulated by women so easily. The Earth has a limit to how many people it can support. Eventually people will need to be eradicated.

No, thats BS. Old ideaologies do not die because they are defeated in reasonable dialogue and debate, they die because the proponents of them literally pass away and the new generations that replace them have different ideas.

human life is not special, a random baby is not special. id be ok with legalized post birth abortions up to 1-2 years

We as a civilization know nothing about the universe. Who knows, maybe there is an afterlife the NWO is keeping a secret.

what about 32 years for basement dwellers?

What the hell does atheism have to do with anything?

Abortion makes sense if the baby can't live outside the womb. If it can already live outside the womb, it is murder. That is why abortion must always be legal before viability.

>why do you care if we sit by and do nothing while our own babies are murdered and our race is on the inevitable path to extinction?

>post birth abortions
wew lad

Only for niggers though

Parents should kick out lazy neets and force them to survive on their own. Basement dwellers only exist because their parents enable them to be parasites.

>Let's apply the state force to save the genes of parents who are willing to kill their children.
If that's the race you want to save, don't count on me m8

Abortion is legal..

Where did you go to school? The south?

Consent to sex=consent to results.
Abortion is a right in three cases. Pregnancies from convicted rape cases, children and mentally retarded which are both rape anyway. Every person has mandatory sex ed before reaching legal age.

Simple and to the point.

Do you actually believe someone is superior simply because they are white? Doesn't them killing their own healthy children make them inferior?
Is war also "post birth abortion"?

if thats your argument then you need to spend some time developing your ideas before you post

Retard babies and nigger babies should be aborted

American public school is useless. Homeschooling is the way to go now.

sterilization of those who should never reproduce, and proper education on why you should fucking wait to have sex until you are in a stable loving relationship with somebody you trust.
abortion should be legal, but very frowned upon, and very much discouraged, except in unfortunate circumstances.

>The idea of children as a burden

>Cost a fucking fortune
>Consume your every waking hour

How are they anything but a burden? Sure, they can be a rewarding burden but they're not sunshine and unicorn farts.

>if thats your argument
At least I posted an actual argument.

Are you refusing to acknowledge the role of the state in promoting healthy, family values and stability? And the wider effect that has on society?

Note the correlation between the British Abortion Act of 1967 and the beginning of the breakdown of the traditional family unit and general decadence of society.

This. We would be swamped with niggers without it.

Healthy functional children can be a reward. A retard can only be a parasite.

It should be mandatory for non whites.

If the west wasn't such a degenerate piece of shit, abortion would rarely be used.

We should round up most non-whites (except Asians) and deport them to a prison colony in Africa.

>Do you actually believe someone is superior simply because they are white?

Bit of a leap.

>Doesn't them killing their own healthy children make them inferior?

Inferior to their peers who choose not to. Still superior to the roaches emanating from sub Saharan Africa en masse, as well as south America, both where abortion is largely illegal and fertility rates are the world's highest.

>that deviantart fetish shit
How does one drift so far from God's light

I Want to fucking vomit

Whites should just know not to get unnecessary abortions without being told by the gov't.

At least it isn't inflation porn.

>Still superior to the roaches emanating from sub Saharan Africa en masse, as well as south America, both where abortion is largely illegal and fertility rates are the world's highest.
It's because they are stupid. That's literally the only reason. Abortion is a pro eugenics policy.

I am all for eugenics.

All coal burners should be deported to africa too.

Christ imagine how many more niggers there'd be if Abortion wasn't legal

It should be mandatory for blacks and latins

First-degree felony for whites

I agree.

isn't that the established opinion for Sup Forums?

What about in the case of birth control failure?

Not talking pills or condoms. But IUD failure.


natural selection

That is insane. Can't help but think of Kalergi-esque conspiracy when I look at it.

I posted that accidentally. Why do people respond to this stupid shit?

They might be stupid but they have a chance not to be stupid if they're grounded with morals from birth and leftist degeneracy is not promoted by the state. Case in point: pre-1960's western culture.

>hey have a chance not to be stupid
No they don't. Not without genetic engineering or radical eugenics.

SAT scoes by race, 2013-2014;

1,651 asian/pacific islander
1,576 white
1,428 american indian/alaska native
1,352 hispanic
1,278 black

>uh so yeah, ms patient, i see you're seeking an abortion, and you seem quite certain about your decision, but this anonymous guy on a tibetan gametemixing guideline database said it should be frowned upon and discouraged, so now i have to frown and discourage you in some fashion first even though i am supposed to be an objective, non-judging practitioner of EBM

can I score with black 18-21 year olds as a european tourist? im caucasian

slim size, not american size.

If you walk around with a swaztica on your shirt, will you be frowned upon?

what is the point of banning abortion if, as soon as you legalize it, the people who should have been aborted abort their own offsprings? In our society, where people who want to live degenerate lives are sustained by tax payers, the fact that these people abort their kids means less children with bad genes and educated by degenerates aka less welfare sustained degenerates in the future. Do you know what that means? Non-degenerate tax payers will spend less on taxes, therefore more for non-degenerate things. Non-degenerate industries will start employing people that worked in the degenerate industries, because the activity of the last wouldn't be profitable anymore, due to lack of demand, as degenerates had been aborted. We'd lose some potential workers, who, miraculously didn't become degenerate, in spite of being born from degenerates. Instead, we'd get the workers from liquor stores to work in normal shops, the ones from liquor factories to work in textile industries, etc. Abortion is how society regenerates. Keeping the nocive genes is how it degenerates.

Anybody can score with an ape... you WILL get HIV, even if your wearing rubber.

stupid nigger

Average income by race;

$74,297 asian
$60,256 white
$42,491 hispanic
$35,398 black

Poverty rate by race;

10.1% white
12.0% asian
23.6% hispanic
26.2% black

Yes they do. Upbringing and state law counts. Otherwise why should the state prohibit any degenerative acts if it's only stupid people who'd ever commit them? You don't account for the welfare-leeching couch potatoes with low IQ's who live off the government with their 8 kids at home instead of getting an abortion, either. And I'd still rather have them than sub-Saharan shitskins.

do they smell black, is black even a smell? I've only ever seen spindly somali chicks, and they are walking carpets that smell of shit food.

nice dubs

fucking faggot ! hope your mother dies in your sleep

One of us is confused. When I said "no they don't" I was talking about sub-Saharan and those in Latin America. Hispanics are probably less promiscuous than the west really; they just pop out a bunch of kids.

That sounds very idealistic. If abortion weeds out the bad genes, then why since it became legal has western society been in decline?
