Question to AltRight and nationalists of Sup Forums

Baltics and Poland are real actual white ethno-states that are what a lot of you claim to strive for.

Then why are you so keen on selling us down the river to Russia AGAIN?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's impossible to defend the Baltic states from a Russian land army.

Just tell me how this could be done.

Russia knows this, NATO knows this.

Also, the Baltics are not spending much on military.

>Why won't you start WW3 for Eastern Europe?

Have you ever considered the possibility that the reason you are 'real actual white ethno-states' is because of the Russian sphere of influence on your borders?

Or do you think you're going to stay an immigration-free zone with a nice economy and strong European ties?

I am surprised that you can't deal with Russia on your own

what the fuck are you talking about?

hasnt nato expanded enough, despite assuring the russians after 1989 that nato will not expand to the east?

Also, you have to understand that the ONLY thing germany cares about is

a) muh exports, so they are friendly to everyone
b) muh free and open society, so they are friendly to everyone.

germany 2016 just has zero clue about realpolitik. dont count on theses autists to understand your situation.

Alt right is full of Putinistas

Fuck ethno-nationalism.

Baltics are among the only 5 nato states that spend at least 2% of gdp for defense. The other two are USA and UK

germanys actions are not even due to mal intentions, they are just literally an autistic people.


>it's a westerners are spineless cucks thread
gib 1938 reparations pls

Because your country is a freeloader and America doesn't need any passangers like the tiny Baltic states holding it back.

Also Trump/Putin > Baltic shithole.

>Thinking America cares about your country

Georgia made the same mistake.

>old pre-2014 stats

If you expect us to deal with your problems, then you need to deal with our problems, too. Which means migrants. Loads of them.



>hasnt nato expanded enough, despite assuring the russians after 1989 that nato will not expand to the east?
That's a myth, no such promise was ever made

No one can ever link to a document, because it doesnt exist

We can actually link a statement where Gorbie says it doesn't exist.

You aren't white. We just say that to make ourselves feel better that there are uncucked white nations out there.

>Able to touch the fence
Pretty sure they electrocuted those fences and shot anyone that got close.

Why did you betray our and german soldiers who escaped to sweden in may 1945 by sending them to the Soviets?

Hello Europeans, is it safe to visit the Baltic states as a kiwi? I would like to go soon

How do you betray someone that neither is your citizen or fights for you?
And plain and simple, the Soviets were big and strong and we just wanted to be left alone so we pussied out.

You aren't white either, cuck.

Nah nah nah dude. Balts are the whitests people on earth. Swedes, gernmans and whoever else is saying they are the true "white" race is lying to themselves. And you know it.

You want to know why we dont sperg out every time about our whiteness? Because it doesnt matter at all. You are living in an illusion that somehow your imaginative "whitness" will be looked up on in 50 years while in reality you are just another "subhuman" to put in Sup Forums's terms.

So go ahead, keep on sperging out, keep telling those lies to yourself. Balts dont care about how you take false gloryfication for what you are not.

or in other words:

>Top Keke

Who cares? I haven't heard anything about that, and even if it happened, who cares.
Why did the danish kill innocent peasants in western sweden? Why did the russians invade finland? Why did america invade iraq?

It's all irrelevant questions of the past, some more irrelevant than others - such as yours.

I'll tell you what, though, I'd take a pinko ruskie any day over a freaking potato slav tbqh senpai.

Yes I am, pekka. You on the other hand.

>Why did the danish kill innocent peasants in western sweden?
what exact event are you referring to?

Whitenes is a construct of American cucks who have nothing except skin color.

We in Europe have our people, languages and culture.

>Balts are the whitests people on earth

>brown eyes

You never were white and never will be, cuck.
Now go back to fellating your muslim masters.

>Whitenes is a construct

Go back to tumblr.

The Latvian is actually right.
The definition of whiteness depends on culture and religion rather than science.

I hope Russia fucking wipes you subhuman, mongol filth out.

Baltics are nice, but we aren't going to die for you. You should work harder to improve your relations with Russians.

please latbro, stop making daily balt threads you gigantic attention whore.

Actually it is planned to gradually raise the spending to 2% GDP in the next few years for a lot of NATO member states that got a slap on the wrists for having a non-existent military budget. This includes Latvia and Lithuania as well.

Spending jack shit on military when we have been fucked in every war involving Russia since the dawn of time is pretty retarded even if we have other budget issues.

sorry balts, but americans and tanned germans will not die for you, this place is reserved only for Israel. Remember, your "countries" were always part of russian sphere of influence or directly part of Russian state for centuries.

You are so insecure and easy to make incredibly mad.

Feeble ravings of a dying, degenerate and pathetically backwards nation. The best thing is that you did this all to yourself with no help from any of us.

Look, this is your country.

You're destroying yourself and stripping off what shreds of whiteness you had left.

You're a third world country now, you're not white and never will be.

This is it exactly. They've avoided getting completely fucked by American psy-ops thanks to shorter amount of time they've been exposed to them. The dissonance is pretty heavy in my country as well. It's because of the cultural "sphere of influence" that Russia has.

What they stand for is in complete contrast to what the elites are pushing in the West. The reason nationalists in the West deride you is because you are (usually) too fucking stupid to realize it and instead blame everything bad on Russia. Oh a bee stung me? Fucking russians! Oh degeneracy in society? It must've been the russians! Oh bad weather? Fuk RUSSIA!

Actually no.
German nobility was in charge hete even during the Russian Empire.
Thats why literacy rates and living standarts were as high as in West Europe here until the Soviet occupation.

See: Baltic Germans

It's pretty safe all around and plenty of tourists at this time of year. If you are not afraid of people sometimes not speaking the best English you should do just fine. Just avoid shady looking bars.

because we do not give a shit about you, vile nazi scum banana republics. Russia does not want you either.

What the fuck happened to the Swedes?

hah, we have accomplished more throughout history than you psuedowhites ever have. our time isn't over, but even if it was we'd have more accomplished than you finns ever have. You've literally sat up there for thousands of years and done next to fuck all. You are and always will be irrelevant.

What happens to them if Russia takes them?

As long as you don't visit bad parts of town you are fine. If you somehow end up in a place with a lot of commie blocks you might wanna watch out for shady types. However, I haven't head anything serious happen to tourists in a long time (unless said tourists did something utterly retarded).

Every now and then you used to hear stories about bars and night clubs giving massive bills to foreigners, but I dunno what the case is nowadays.

>Russians are subhumans
>Russians are inferior.
>Yet we are absolutely terrified of them!

Save us America!

Ever watched Hostel?

> Baltics and Poland are real actual white ethno-states
Not. You are welfare niggers and major socialism driving powers. You created communism in Russia, now you cry that Russia want to implement communism for you and Russians owe you anything, while oppressing the rights of Russians on the daily basis, while dying out by yourself, because EU does not give you so much gibsmedats, as USSR was given.

Nobody needs your territories, although returning territories joined to you by soviets would be the right thing to do.

What is really mandatory is you stop oppressing ethnic Russians. If you would not do this, we all will look for any opportunity to fuck you up major way.

>You created communism in Russia

> Soviet "occupation"
Yeah, right.

>our time isn't over
Yeah, I dunno about that. I used to have respect for Sweden as a nation, but now you've become a joke. Scandinavians in general need a nice, thorough purge in the governmental, educational and science (especially social) sectors.

You fucks have swung so hard left you've got the ideological pendulum stuck and bent like hairpin.

German nobility served russian state so and polish nobility, georgian nobility etc, because russian tzar confirmed their privileges after territories were included in Russian Empire
yes germans were - upper aristocratic class, jews - business class, balts - dirty peasants in Baltic provinces.

Just as white as us :^)

slavs aren't white, fuck off

Hired merceneries.
They were tried, inprisoned or executed when they returned.
Learn your facts

Oh yeah, even Czechs and Slovaks?

Their local military betrayed the empire and Russians, who opposed bolshewism. They where literally fighting for bolsheviks, literally gassing the whole towns of Russian people, who tried to fight commies.

And the traitors where major power in anglo-funded bolshewism, they got occupied by their own national powers, they had national communist party (along with other "minorities"), while Russians where nothing more than slaves. No representation in politics, last in "wealth redistribution" lines, biggest "plans" for manufacturing.

For example we had to produce in the north on quasi-fertile lands the same amount of greens, ukrainians (half-turks) had to produce on black soil in warm south.

Now they spew some ridiculous excuses about "we just wanted some independence, why Emperor hasn`t given us some" and "Russians occupied us then and want to occupy us now". At the same time making stories about how their people have rights on currently-Russian lands.

In reality Emperor was implementing all the things they wished for, driving the Empire towards liberal society with elections, constitutional monarchy and all this stuff.

How is that image in any way related to your bullshit statement?

>you created communism in Russia
Right, never mind. You are clearly fucked in the head.

Also, ethnic Russians that got imported as labor forces after Soviet Russia was done with their genocide can either:
1. pass an exam and get citizenship if they don't have it already (many do)
2. stay as non-citizens
3. fuck right off to Mother Russia that they so much love ( but still somehow don't wanna leave Latvia ).

We had to put up with Soviet and Russian bullshit for half a century and have every right not to like you cunts after an oppressive regime was forced on us. That said, one of the largest parties in our parliament, which the mayor of Riga is part of, is pro-Russian. Talking about oppression is about as legit as claiming blacks are being oppressed in the US. The ones complaining are essentially Slav versions of niggers. The rest are getting along with Latvians just fine.

> Hired merceneries.
Yeah, they where regular imperial military. But somehow the next day they became just hired mercenaries.

Time to remember shit about Nicolas abdication. No matter that it was written in pencil on random piece of paper and was delivered by man, who sabotaged the railroad, when the Emperor was going to the Tzar Selo by train and that this man ended his life living in UK on luxurious welfare.

Poland doesn't have immigrants because it's an ex communist shithole where no one wants to live.

Come at me, Kawalski.

uhh sauce for the pic?

>Russia will absorb Baltic States!!!!
Why the fuck should I care? Do you think I'm worried about Russians getting wealthier or Muslims slaughtering my children in the street? Which sounds like a greater existential threat?

And make no mistake, the decision is binary because we've allowed liberals to take control of every aspect of government. Even the far right in the mainstream doesn't disavow neoliberal values like egalitarianism.

I want a purge, and I want it now.

It's the only true form of nationalism you faggot

Not an alt right autist but why should I as a British man care about the squables of the eurotrash on the continent? If it has no effect on Britain then why on earth should we risk British lives and economy?

If there is a war then there's probably many opportunities for Britain to profit if we stay neutral, if there are many dead in the Baltics then we could sell more of our services over there which would be even better.

> Right, never mind. You are clearly on the wrong side of history.
Yeah, right.

> ethnic Russians that got imported as labor forces
To Russian territories, given to you by "mercenaries" soviet "elections".
This nonsense about importing is very weak-forged, as shitty as katanas.

> pass an exam
1. If allowed to and can be deprived of the exam results anyway.
2. They will be deprived of learning Russian language. Because soviet genocide of Russians, that was called "korenization" continues. And the traitors like you where in the first lines to implement it, even earlier, than the scum named stalin did.

> We had to put up with Soviet and Russian bullshit
That is your own shit, just labeled "soviet and thus Russian".
We had to put up with this shit for a century. Thank you.

> one of the largest parties in our parliament, which the mayor of Riga is part of, is pro-Russian
Good. If they end the oppressive politics on your side - you will be safe.

> Talking about oppression is about as legit as claiming blacks are being oppressed in the US.
Not letting Russians, whos parents and who themselves all their lives worked for welfare of nigger like you to be citizens, because you do not like them - is the oppression. You are the welfare nigger, not them.

kys my man

While I do understand where you are coming from, why are you in the NATO or why did you let the Baltics join if you can't be arsed to actually do your part in the alliance? We've sent troops to Afghanistan and other shitholes on NATO missions. If somebody (we) in the NATO gets attacked your job is to invoke article 5. Otherwise the integrity of the whole alliance goes down the shitter.


>Why did you..
I didn't do shit, my man. I was born in the late 80's, long after liberalism had taken hold of the public.

>Integrity of the alliance goes down the shitter
The alliance does me no favors at all. It's the military arm of globalism, fuck that.

It sucks that you're a small country next to Russia, but a few dead Latvians in Afghanistan aren't enough for me to want WW3 with Russia and die for Jews. Neither are thousands of dead Americans in the ME.

A drop in the fucking bucket compared to the big picture.

What's with the daily baltics threads?
Truth be told, we don't really matter all that much to the fat and rotten eurocore. And US sees us as an expendable pawn.
We shouldn't expect aynone to help us but ourselves if shit goes down. (still kinda counting on you though, Finland)
We should really turn the Baltics into an unified fortress against degeneracy from both sides. Otherwise we will surely be bartered or sacrificed to appease Russia for a few more years..

>Then why are you so keen on selling us down the river to Russia AGAIN?

Can't remember doing any of that.

Also, I'm Austrian. If I wanted to put on something superificially interchangable and white then I'd get white underpants.

>To Russian territories, given to you by "mercenaries" soviet "elections".
To territories that were ethnically non-Russian for all of known history and have always been closer to Western Europeans than Slavs, largely thanks to Western Europeans ruling over the lands directly or indirectly (German nobility keeping their lands during Russian rule). Nationalism was growing strong for a long time before WW1 and we took our chance to finally rule our own lands. Deal with it. Blame the Czar for letting Latvians have their own battalions if you want.
>This nonsense about importing is very weak-forged, as shitty as katanas.
Shit, I dunno how these demographic changes might have happened or how Siberia has Latvian communities. inb4 >wikipedia. Sources are Soviet.

>1. If allowed to and can be deprived of the exam results anyway.
>2. They will be deprived of learning Russian language. Because soviet genocide of Russians, that was called "korenization" continues. And the traitors like you where in the first lines to implement it, even earlier, than the scum named stalin did.
Citation needed.

>Not letting Russians, whos parents and who themselves all their lives worked for welfare of nigger like you to be citizens, because you do not like them - is the oppression. You are the welfare nigger, not them.
Haven't met a single decent Russian that wasn't a citizen (or at least I am not aware of them not being citizens). These non-citizens also have a special status and have many benefits of citizens, however, cannot vote and have some welfare restrictions (they CAN be members of political parties, however). Travel within the EU is also unrestricted. Children born to non-citizens with this special status can register as citizens as long as they have been born after 1991, have lived in Latvia for at least 5 years, have a non-citizen status and their parents have had the same status. There are no tests in this case.

>this could only be said by someone incredibly ignorant of history and culture

Are you retarded?

Russia is single-handedly responsible for the decline and obstruction of progress in the Baltic states. Everything the USSR touched turned to shit, I say this as an ethnic Russian myself.

Our people are the niggers of Europe and our country is garbage. That's the true redpill for you to swallow.

Baltics during the Bush era:


Baltics now:

>"WAAAAH WAAAH HELP USA LE BIG BAD PUTIN ;___;" *kisses Obama's black ass*

I would totally agree to a Baltic alliance, but I doubt that would be enough. Our territories aren't easilly defensible military nor are our armies anywhere near relevant at the moment. We need the polaks and others on board unless we want to make it purely an ideological fortress against propaganda from both sides.

>I didn't do shit, my man.
I was mostly talking in a national sense. I'm aware that the citizens had 0 say in this.
>It sucks that you're a small country next to Russia, but a few dead Latvians in Afghanistan aren't enough for me to want WW3 with Russia and die for Jews.
The whole point is to flex just enough muscles to prevent a war with Russia. Overdoing it is bad too.

While biggest risk for us is subversion (from both sides), to be honest, I really do wonder what plan of action NATO has if shit does go bad military. Unless they do some political gymnastics, NATO can't simply say NOPE when asked for military assistance.


Honestly dunno. I just happened to saw the pic on a ruskie board ages ago. It's some domestic porn there that they decided to use for memes.