So poll, how many points will Hillary win this election by? I think it wil be 18%
t. #ImWithHer


This is not a shill.
This is just a troll.
Move along.

Less, but still the first Lesbian appointed to the puppet position of President in the US of A

I predict she will lose by 4% at worst and lose by 9% at best

Assange's """""big leak""""" is coming


Not if i have anything to say about it

hope it's not as big as those voicemails. topkek.

So, how many invalids will they bring up on stage to use as sympathy bait for the millennials?

waiting for the wikibooom
I think it's going to be voter machine fraud- place your bets

Clinton is faced with a conundrum: how do I make a capstone speech at a major democratic event while running for the presidency... *while also having as little screen time as possible*

You may have noticed that clinton doesn't do news conferences. She doesn't talk to the media, unless under extremely tightly controlled circumstances. When the media talks about her, they rarely ever actually show her speaking, and just paraphrase her comments for her instead.

The fact of the matter is that hillary is, well, shrill. She's incredibly unlikable at a fundamental level, regardless of your politics or what you think about her positions. It's impossible for your average person to listen to her talk and like her. She's just inherently grating on the nerves. So how then is she going to give a major speech like this? There's nothign she can say that will make her likeable. Her strategy is going to have to be to simply speak for as short a time as humanely possible, hopefully with some other shenanigans going on in order to distract people from even watching her at all.

I don't remember any conference that was this much of a circus sideshow

she Turned off bernie supporters and all men i doubt she is going to win

Her voice bothers me so much. Did she smoke when she was younger or something? Fucking disgusting.

Time to salvage this thread.


>$0.02 have been deposited into your account

I know girls who have that raspy smoker's voice. No, it's not that. HRC's voice is grating on a whole different level.

And it's not just her voice. It's the whole package. Especially those fake and awfully-rehearsed attempts at positive body language and smiling. Good god

>everytime something negative is said she laughs and smiles
Yeah it's all too rehearsed. She's robotic, doesn't seem human.


Reddotors are taking up seat filler positions in order to boo at her and they'll be paid to do it

The worst was that time she started cackling like a witch during the benghazi hearing right as they were asking her about the americans that died.

She's a lizard

what's the over/under on the duration of her speech? how long does she usually talk at her rallies?

F U, cuck

I'm betting on a 5-10 minute speech, tops. Maybe shorter.