Hey Im going out for a bit to watch the New Star Wars, I heard it has a 93% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes

Hey Im going out for a bit to watch the New Star Wars, I heard it has a 93% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes

can you watch my image for me? Make sure nothing bad happens to it?

Thanks ill be back in about 3 hours



> counting arctic Canadian and jungle African lands out of human reach, let alone effective control
> counting fucking Antarctica
Is this small pecker complex?

don't ever associate the empire with your gay yank nerd film ever again

Allright mate. I've heard it's Feminism propaganda, BTW.

>out of human reach, let alone effective control
Read a book you tiny child

they only know how to ruin lad, it's in their nature.

Lead is British,

Support Nigger is British

Filmed at British Studio,

Dont you have a Muslim Mayor to go vote for?

>Not enjoying star wars at least on the fundemental level of great effects and sound

>Muslim Mayor

Dubs and we rebuild the British Empire

Don't even think he can even reach for the shelf lol

But any shitty big budget summer blockbuster has effects on par with SW now, it's like enjoying a movie because it has voices we aren't in the 20's anymore

lmao I voted for the best Presidential candidate in my lifetime

A lot of """"American"""" films are made in the UK, because we have superior production crews, set designers and visual effect studios.

You still got ruled over by a half-Kenyan with an Arab name for 2 (two) full terms totaling to 8 (eight) years


because you are and have always been utterly useless at doing anything on your own. the fact we have to do the hard graft for your shitey kiddie films is not something to be proud of.

Ok why don't you go back to your
light a
and pray the globalist don't further integrate the EU while your gone

Yeah but star wars resonates with my childhood. I sperg out when I hear the tie fighter howl and the distorted light saber sound.

name a British version of a tv show that is better than the American version, other than Top Gear

Hell's Kitchen UK is infinitely better than the USA version

The Office

Stop making shit versions of our shows pls.

got me but the success of Top Gear and Hells Kitchen mostly centers are the personality of the stars making them unadaptable

but he was protestant

they all got immediately better because we have seasons that are longer than 6 episodes

i honestly cannot think of any american show that's ever made it big anywhere outside the US.
on the other hand i would go over the character limit listing all the tat you've nicked off us.
ps stop ruining kitchen nightmares, you don't need television writing and spastic jump cuts to make a good program.

That's actually even worse

Nobody watches tv anymore.

>longer r better

>Watching a glorified toy advertisement

netflix or whatever then, no need to be a pedant.

We don't have shows like that on Netflix. The shows you are talking about appeal to the older generations. Older generations Haven't jumped on the netflix train yet

GoT was/is big, but Rome is better imo.

GoT is also shit of the highest magnitude after the first season, dropping any pretense of tight pacing or character development for cliffhangers and shock value

>GoT is also shit of the highest magnitude after the first season
Thats why I stopped watching it after S2, you can taste the quality going downhill.

S2 was already a massive step down, with the retarded decision of telling everything in strict chronological order having each episode fragmented between a thousand POV each trying to outdo the other in "shock value" (where Americans are still stuck in the '60s, given their fondness for mild gore and tits) and ultimately going nowhere until the last 5 minutes

>S2 was already a massive step down
Yes, S1 carried it for me, I had hopes, they got treated as always, so I stopped. Like any sane person should have done.