>be CHI
>try to learn about the ancestral homeland, Mexico, and its culture, speak Spanish
>Mexicans chimp out and proceed to tell you you're not Mexican, you're an Americanized faggot and should integrate and forget about Mexico and never ever speak Spanish again

>be CHI
>vote for Trump and support the Republican Party, consider yourself an American first and foremost, only speak English and have English name
>Mexicans chimp out and call you a house nigger, Uncle Tom, bootlicker, etcetera for not taking into account Mexico's best interest, for not speaking Spanish, for not having a Spanish name, for not knowing every little thing about Mexican culture...

Okay, so what the fuck do Mexicans actually want from us CHI's? If we try to be close to you, you insult us, if we try to be only American you get butthurt... So what is it?


>you're an Americanized faggot and should integrate and forget about Mexico and never ever speak Spanish again

mexicans are right. you're either with us or against us you faggot. also get rid of that abomination of a flag you have in your pic

CHIs will be put in concentration camps soon

focus your Chi on building a wall. It won't build itself

>be CHI
If you identify yourself as CHI you are cancer, indio LARPer.

That's a fucking disgusting flag

>vote for Trump and support the Republican Party
Unironically kill yourself. You will never be accepted.

Why do spics think voting republican makes them okay? Over 2/3rd vote Democrat so it doesn't even matter.

They're basically the new Italian-Americans or Irish-Americans. They're criminals and non-whites now, but in a few generations they'll just be average Americans as they're European and committed Christians.

Irish and italian are white and euro you dumb fucking anglo faggot, they will never be American because they are inherently socialist and brown as a piece of shit

Probably an inferiority complex. There was some literal mutt here the other day from Michigan who was trying so hard to pass himself off as American it made me sick to my stomach. He was such a cringy cuckold.

You're fucking kidding right? More Mexicans have blue eyes and blonde hair than Italians.
>inherenly socialist
What does that even mean? The Mexicans have been fighting a war against the communist Zapatista army for 2 decades

>Listening to whatever people say instead of caring a shit about them
Be what you want to be, you fucked up faggot

If they really wanted to help America they would go to Mexico, they will never be American and always will be a 5th column
Nice bait you dumb anglo faggot

>Italian-Americans or Irish-Americans
Boston and NY/NJ are blue. CHI'S try so hard to fit in they become contrarian cuckolds and bow down to the Republican party. It's disgusting.

Yet 70% of spics vote Democrat. These people will never assimilate becuase they aren't white and they never will be.

What are you?

>being this delusional
The majority of Italians that went to America were Arab looking Sicilians, literal Latin Americans are whiter than they'll ever be

The swarthiest Sicilians left nut sack is whiter than any CHI ever will be

As long as you speak good spanish, you're ok in my book.

I'm a "tourist" on "extended stay."

Why do you care about opinion of some people you dont know even them? Fuck them, be american, it's your country now.

Los mexicanos morenos les da gusto que los chi les interese la cultura mexicana, los mexicanos blancos les molesta que los chi se interesen en la cultura mexicana y quieren que seas lo mas americano posible esa es la verdad.

Realmente haz lo que te plazca, no pidas opinion de gringos ignorantes.

This, the USA will literally just be an extension of Mexico in 30 years, Spanish will be the de facto language. There's no reason to kiss this much ass. It's white people like me who will have to integrate into the their society

Mexicans and Americans want you to find a white wife and have castizo babies

Que asco

Tourist from where?

>aryans aren't white
The absolute state of America

Hello CHI with a proxy

whatever CHI's are doing are doing it wrong, they are doing it so wrong that the pure rage against their kind is so violent that americans elected a senile old millionaire that spends his time watching fox news and tweeting just to get rid of them.

Why does such a difference of opinion exist between Brown Mexicans and White Mexicans?

And, just to make it clear, I do speak Spanish, but I want everyone to understand the thread.

Central Americans are worse than CHI's

Wherever you want

More like mad paki

Are you the autistic Mexican?

>being this butthurt
I'm white British, and definitely whiter than a m*tt and a shitalian

Why are Italians so white?

I realized this a long time ago too when doing the same.

I finally have a solution. The only way to win is to be American as fuck but have a Mexican wife.

No, what does he do?

You're posting Sardinians and Sardinians are the purest most uncontaminated European peoples on the planet

>spends his time watching fox news and tweeting just to get rid of them.
>so violent

What if I'm not trying to be accepted but believe in a strong American Empire.

Go out and buy some reading comprehension, dumb fuck.

¿De verdad te crees que vas a poder aparentar ser un mexicano y uno un goblino mestizado sin cultura propia?

Then you're a cuck tied down by government propaganda, or "patriotism."

Racismo, por que mas, el sueño humedo de los mexicanos blancos es que Mexico sea otra Argentina y tirar a la basura la cultura antigua como las piramides etc.

Que lugar tiene la cultura vieja en el mundo nuevo?

Not a cuck but you can call me a patriot

So, are you even any kind of non-White? I was in that thread you were talking about earlier and I thought you were a chi

Ya quisieran los gringos tener nuestras piramides comida y cultura, de que sirve, un pais sin pasado hace quela población se sienta vacia, los gringos no tienen cultura y se andan apoyando en los nazis y europa, patetico, ademas se crean negocios con la cultura ve a china como lucra con la cultura, y recientemente se hizo un videojuego basado en la cultura mexicana con la serpiente emplumada los luchadores, piramides etc.

Pero al final es tu decisión tu vez lo que te convenga y nosotros vemos lo que nos parezca.

Wait what thread? Are you on Mexican proxy?

>siendo este delirante

Los gringos tienen cultura, tal vez seas demasiado ignorante o descerebrado para notarla. No se por que todos los latino americanos con algo de dinero sienten la necesidad de atacar a la yoosa. Tal vez es la moda.

Sabes que tengo razón, jamas cambiaria el chocolate y los tacos por hamburguesas, ve a besarle las botas a los anglos, mijo.

Los gringos no tienen cultura y la poca que tienen es de los mexicanos, los "cowboys" son los norteños de Mexico Texas era mexicano, el deserebrado es otro.

opinions of japanese CHIs?

Congrats for your (You)s, Here's another one

Como vos digas niño fresa

Parecen filipinos, y pensar que los nativos mayas venian de china.

Me das asco.
Disfruta el racismo gringo y que no se enteren los gringos de tu apellido hispano. (Sarcasmo).

Tene , es el ultimo ya no tengo mas.

Pero los indios son y eran asiaticos

A eso me refiero, y no se les dice indios se le dice indigenas, pero que se puede esperar de un ignorante como tu.

No erew mexicano pendejo


Dafuq is a chi?
ain't that that thing from the korean anime kung fu panda?

What's a CHI

>tfw a little bit of both
Feels good hombre


They're just jealous. I have family in Mexico and the only time they ever call is When they need money lmao