How can you be gay yet support far right views like conservatism...

How can you be gay yet support far right views like conservatism? Aren't conservatives / alt-right opposed to homosexuality and what they perceive as 'degeneracy'?

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Trump isn't a real conservative

Milo is there to divide and get you to hate what you think he represents. He represents zionism like all righties. I cant stand this shit

yes but alt-right supports the freedom to choose

You can't. They're faux conservatives with no actual conservative principles.

Go back to sucking Justin's cock

Nah, conservatives don't care about what people do, as long as they do it in private. It's the dems who want to invade your personal space to make sure you're not homo-, trans-, islamo-, or whatever-phobic.

Just because you're conservative doesn't mean you're a republican. Milo is a classic libertarian, he just doesn't associate with that party.


He's not a "conservative"

He's a liberal nationalist

The major difference between liberal and conservative voters is that the latter believes a law is the LAST solution to any given problem.

Laws are the first, best, and in many cases the only solution in the eyes of liberals, so anytime a conservative states a belief they mistakenly assume they are demanding governmental action.

Milo is really only fiscally conservative and supports small government. He's said on a few occasions that social conservatism is dead, which he is pretty much correct about.
Trump is most certainly not a conservative

Cocksucker here
Any actually good person with half a brain would value the needs of their country over getting off and personal emotions. And has he even said anything anti lgbt?

alt-right is a label created by the jews


Milo is just an attention whore anyways, like the rest of them. He doesn't believe a word he says but he knows it's an easy buck to put on a little show for the "alt right"

Homosexuality is a medical problem not a political problem. It is caused by a parasitic brain infection which modifies behavior to optimize for pathogen transmission.

Neither side of the political spectrum has committed itself to the eradication of this pathogen.

Sucking dick doesn't automatically make you retarded.
There are plenty of fags who know what would happen to them if they lived in a Muslim country.

What differentiates the from the average male low T SJE is that they usually have a higher income than them and also don't need to buy into feminist bs because that's the only way the have even the slightest chance to get a to touch a female

>1 post by this ID

Pools close kid.. Go home

Conservative don't give a shit what dicks faggots fuck in private. They don't want to see it promoted to children by faggots sucking each other off during a parade. They wanted a defined separation between Church and State.

Instead of leaving the church alone and defining a marriage of the state vs a marriage of the church (one is legal, one is a religious ceremony) they instead decided to fuck with the Christians and sue a bakery in the name of faggotry.

Even many gays hate faggots and think trannies are mentally ill. Milo is of the faggot variety. He's doing this for attention.

They're alt right, not cuckservative right retards.

There's more to being right wing than just being a bible thumping retard.

>more identity politics
Just fucking kill yourself

The alt right is opposed to everything except themselves.

"how can a gay guy be conservative? we all know gays are eternal slaves to the left"

Common enemy: ISIS.

youre making the mistake of thinking that the alt right has some kind of consistent non-contradictory ideology other than pure chaos worship. theyre a fucking mess, if youre trying to analyze it youve already lost

only atheist redditors believe that the right is only for southern bible thumpers. the right is the party of the economoy, they lower taxes and shrink government.

If you think the alt-right is about shilling for Zionism then you're fucking high.


Says the cuckservative

I'm not reading your blog, faggot.

Conservatives and the alt-right are two very different groups. The alt-right sneers at gays, yes but, at the end of the day, they don't really care, as long as the gays stay in their lane. Gays like Milo understand that gays have it really well in the West and that the alt-right is one of the only groups in the West willing to stand up and fight for their civilization. He understands that it's all good in gaytown, until they fall a couple rungs down the Progressive stack.

Milo isnt one of us senpai. He is infiltrating decent, sane political circles to promote and normalise his utter degeneracy within the last bastion of defence against it.
Honestly if you like milo you are part of the problem.

TIL Sup Forums turns f.a.m into senpai

You misunderstand what the left and right are.

The left are the progressives, they push an idea of change.

The right are the reactionaries, they react to this idea and call the left stupid, they either don't want change or want to revert a previous damaging action that the left put in place.

Neither deals with concrete views in the long term.

Sometimes the lefties is right, and sometimes the righties are right. Also you don't have to pick one side 100%, one left wing idea might be a good one, that doesn't mean they all are.

Often the current right wing's views are previous generations left wing views. Believe it or not, it used to the left wing who valued Freedom of Speech and meritocracy.

Currently the left are mostly talking shit however.

>not shilling for Zionism

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you're voting for Mike "the Kike" Pence and Donald "I Am Very Pro Israel." Trump

You couldn't suck that cut cock any harder.

The alt right is literally a catch all meme name for the right wing anti establishment movement that hasseveral different ideologies . Milo is a cultural libertarian, not a conservative in the traditionalist sense although he has some traditional values. The part of the right that hates him are the old guard hardcore white nationalists simply because he is a degenerate faggot kike coalburner. They see him as co-opting, liberalizing, and watering down their movement.

Milo is milking you goyim for all your worth. He just has to say things you want to hear all the while laughing to the bank.

B-but they have to say those things! Only Democrats and Republicans that I don't like should be taken at face value when they praise Israel!

Milo only wants your money.

It is degeneracy. A good Christian realizes that they are flawed and Jesus loves them anyway.

Silly troll, I don't give a shit about Milo, or his affirmation. He serves almost exclusively to help break up the stranglehold contemporary fag culture and the left has on gay money and gay activism.

Walking into the "LGBT" buzzsaw was one of the dumbest things the right ever did, and people like Milo provide the opportunity to unwind some of that narrative.

We'll sort out who goes to the camps later.

There are no true conservatives in this country anymore.

Both of those men are liberals.

Yes there is.

You're a moron. The regresssives are just as reactionary. Your political alignment doesn't exclude you from irrational push back

It's remarkably easy. You simply accept the fact that you're a degenerate - which doesn't fucking matter in this climate, and isn't anyone else's business anyway - and then grow up and realize that being a conservative is the only logical fucking choice politically.

It's all just an act for attention. Faggots, especially milo, are huge attention whores usually.

B-b-b-ut reality has a liberal bias ;^)


>and then grow up and realize that being a conservative is the only logical fucking choice politically.
So are Muslims also making the logical choice?

Oh right, Americans don't even know what liberalism means.

I like trannies, which I realize is degenerate, but I like my money and guns more.

I never said it it did.

>How can you be gay yet support far right views like conservatism?
>far right

I place the need of my country before my own.


>Take away rights from women
>Punishing open degenerates
>Enforcing strict punishments for crimes

I dont agree with the religious aspect, but theres a lot of shit about Muslim-run countries that I like.

>I like trannies
Only the passable ones right?

My understanding of "reaction" is different then. I see it as overreacting rather than responding or countering.

Because I'm not as selfish as you are.

>I dont agree with the religious aspect
Freedom of religion is liberalism.

Maybe in Muslim run countries but in America it's conservative.


Conservatism isn't far right.

Life is about trucks, God, good homegrown 'Merrican beer, God, and trucks mmhmm

Oh yeah and cowboy hats mmhm


I am repressed homo so I am against gay rights and want to see great harm done against them

Orlando was such a fucking brilliant thing to witness

More like trump is too hardcore for cuckpublicans

You are too scared to build a wall. You fucking leftist wannabes

milo is intelligent, funny and informed on issues. while i dont agree with his gayness,he has freedom to do as he please and he is smart and not narccistic like the many gays ive ran into. milo talks about how most gays literally are just attention whoring and dont care about anything else. if there were more gays like milo then i wouldnt even care.

>informed on issues
Like his fat shaming and science article which had sources that told exactly opposite things to his "facts"?

Milo is intelligent only to an edgy alt-right teen who isn't capable of media criticism because it's too much effort to read the sources in a shitty clickbait article on Breitbart.

But I admit he's intelligent in way he's extremely good manipulator.

You can't, but you can shout conservative positions and troll people on twitter to become famous and make a lot of money.

The alt right aren't generally religious conservatives. They're just nigger hating nationalists.

Alright I see you're using it as a political term. I've often heard it used with the colloquial interpretation. The more you know.

Correct. Completely passable.

I'm not a religious idiot so why would I give a fuck about where people put their peepees?

Yeah like Twitter accounts w/ anime avis in Trump hats! #MAGA

>if there were more gays like milo then i wouldnt even care.
He's literally a walking stereotype. Materialistic and obsessed with consumerism, shallow(if someone disagrees with him, they're ugly), promiscuous and makes sure everyone knows it, bitchy, narcissistic.

At some point it stops being ironic.

Because it's still an affront to masculinity and makes you into a social outcast

fiscal responsibility-- anti-globalism, secure borders-- just cause you like dick doesn't mean you hate these things-- you fucking bigot

>Aren't conservatives / alt-right opposed to homosexuality and what they perceive as 'degeneracy'?

Those are usually Stormcucks trying to steer alt-right in the direction of their failed politics. Entryists, if you will.

How much did you cry when Milo got banned from the twitters? :(

Usually Republicans have to pander hard to evangelicals, Trump changed this dynamic.

I am no fan of homosexuality, but it doesn't mean I have some great ill will against them. I think hardly no one cares if you suck dick in private. The problem comes when it turns into a fake culture war as Peter crypto-shitlord Thiel put it:

>Post yfw the far right are more inclusive than liberals and they don't even have to puppet around minorities to feel good about it

Good one.

Because I realize that the direction of society is more important than my personal sexual/emotional issues.

Batman hunts pedophiles and he usually hang out with kids in spandex every night.

Homosexuality is hardly a major issue no matter your political tendencies. Homos, trannies, etc, are a tiny population. Better just ignore that stuff. Unless you want to waste your time for near zero reward.


>Far right veiws like conservatism

They are against homosexual marriage, not homosexuality.

>far right views like conservatism

>far right views like conservatism

>implying Milo isn't an actor

fucking nigger shut the fuck up.

Holy shit you couldn't be more incorrect.
Milo is 100% a social conservative. He's hard-line pro-life and is in favor of legislation that would impose completely arbitrary limitations on a person's ability to have privately-funded elective plastic surgery.
The cunt is as in favor of legislating for arbitrary social / moral as lib-cucks are. Small government is not on his vocabulary.

Check out his podcast with Ann Coulter, or the last two conversations he had with Joe Rogan on Rogan's podcast. He's full of completely contradictory bullshit.

an (((actor))), you mean

here's the thing, LGBT are voting for Trump because of survival, Muslims hate gays and they want to kill gays! Hillary wants to take in 500 percent of theses Syrian cunts which 90 percent of them are Sunni. left wingers don't give a shit about Muslims killing gays because that's part of their plan of white genocide.
>more Muslims
>more LGBT
>means lest white babies
and that is the main goal of progressives is to eliminate all white people! the alt-right are all right in my books.