Wally West Storytime - Part 8

>My name is Wally West. I'm the fastest man alive.

Previous parts:

Hey, new logo.

There's been so many good storytimes popping up lately. Anons like you are what keep me coming back to this board. I'm still a few threads behind, but thanks again for posting


Hey, that's cool, thanks man




























Kapilalist Kourier were great, I wish they had gotten better propagated through the DC Universe.

Like, a random issue of Nightwing were he ends up working with one of them after they deliver a package to Bludhaven or something.
Just in the background, existing, even if they weren't prominent supporting cast members.

They probably got phased out as the Cold War stopped being relevant I guess.

Why do I have a feeling this is disgustingly accurate to new TV hires?





>Frite Nite with GAZONGA

Wonder how she got THAT name.
































Oh Wally.





Wally's dad: worse than most of his villains.







Fantastic cover.








It's amazing he lived in Nebraska of all places with the level of conman he is.



>1500 shares in Justice League Island

Y'know, I'm pretty sure Max woulda gotten in on that kind of action.


I dunno, there are people like that everywhere.


Wait, is this one of those Chi guys from when Wally went to Hong Kong?

