States that should be dissolved and adsorbed immediately

States that should be dissolved and adsorbed immediately

why norway?

He's butthurt because Norway is a much better country than Sweden

Actual map


They're standing in the way of a fully united Europe

Luxembourg should stay, it's literally a giant gas station for neighboring regions (and that's a good thing)


>mfw the Kingdom of Norway is LITERALLY the longest continuously existing state in Europe (and maybe even the world?) and there is NOTHING sw*doids can ever do about it

You forgot us?

Kingdom of Norway is 872-2017 so we beat you by quite a wide margin my cod loving friend.

Portugal is one of the most stable countries in the world.
It's not dissolving any time soon.

Cod confirmed for country maker.

So is England

can the County of Portugal count?

>occupied during half of your existence
btw we've existed since the 8th century

Yes. Both Norway and Iceland are Danish clay



hahaha no

Pretty sure ching chongs have you beat there my friend.

I suggest you go to Switzerland and say it out loud, preferably around military personnel


Sovereignty is what matters.

Inb4 they get so devastated they swear no be neutral forever.
Oh wait, the French did that already to them.

Norway went willingly into the union, at a very strong position.
It's funny how Danes and Swedes try to make it look different from what it is, though.

Are you retarded?Portugal is older anyway even if you don't count the foundation since they were under sweden,denmark and german occuptation throughout those years

No, i'm not retarded, the first instance of recognized sovereignty is what matters.

And the Danes?

it doesn't matter if willing or not, fact is that both sweden and denmark were dominant in their unions with norway and had the main saying.

Fodasse onde é que estudaste historia meu filho da puta? Na secundária da amadora ou o caralho?

Portugal is what made this world, cry all you want but the fact remains is we shall never perish.

That doesn't make it an occupation, and it doesn't change the fact that they have been a Kingdom for that long.
Just because the claim to throne has been Danish/Swedish, doesn't mean they ceased to exist, as their neighbors like to claim every time this discussion comes up.

Give all that to England, nobody really cares here

Poor extremeños, they deserve to have a sea.

Can you actually shut the fuck up?
You're not even a fucking poper uniform and stable country.
Go masturbate over your princesses

Filho da puta diz isso na minha cara castelhano de merda

occupation doesn't mean ceasing to exist. just pointed out that saying norway has been on its own since 872 like it is today is false

>Portugueses comportándose como gitanos

Nada nuevo bajo el sol.

that's why they did dams and all that
would anex Porto maybe other than that is a shithole

Só estás zangado.
O condado nem foi estabelecido por gente do condado, mas por leoneses e galegos que não queriam as metrópoles de braga e de Santiago sob o poder de uma só pessoa. Era apenas uma zona administrativa, e sendo assim, há zonas administrativas mais velhas na noruega do que em Portugal. Até em Portugal há zonas administrativas mais velhas do que o condato, e ninguém anda por aí a dizer que são os estados mais antigos da Europa.

galicia should join portugal or even better, form its own country

You misunderstood, I'll make it more clear:
Occupation cannot be voluntary.

Galicia would anex North Portugal 4 Spen maybe, all the other tugas aren't worth the effort

kek. All the right wing nationalists pro-Spain are from Galicia.


Sweden is just extremely mad that not everyone wants to selfdestruct before 2021.

So all the worthy people are of portuguese desceant?hahahaha

>caciquism, the country
kek, that would be hilarious to watch

>would annex Porto.

But... Why.

Obviously they're the best, they're the closest thing to portugas in your cunt

Portugal is a collectivist hellhole.

Im from Porto and i would rather eat shit then to be annexed by anyone.
Podes ter a certeza que espancar castelhanos é o maior dos deveres dos meus compatriotas e nada cria uma maior união entre nós do que enfiar o vosso crânio para dentro.

>Implying the right wing nationalists are rich
Some of the drug dealers come from there and we have industry there too but the region isn't ultra wealthy
I really think is the best region, I've been in Estoril twice too and is nice, but I don't really like all the rest of the country

Yeah, just like you

>Muh castellano

kek. Nunca entenderé el odio que los tugas le teneís a los castellanos y el miedo cuando castilla es literalmente un yermo donde vive cuatro gatos. Además, una cosita te digo tuga la mayoría de los que posteamos en Sup Forums somos de regiones periféricas (No somos castellanos)


The region is nice, but the people...
They are extremely chimpy.
You can see it itt. The Portuguese being over the top is from there. His "butthurt rudeness" is just a normal conversation for him. He doesn't mean his words. I've seen fathers from Porto telling their misbehaved kids in public to "go to the bitch that gave birth to him" with the mother right next to them and noone reacts. When confronted with this, he will say
>muh culture
Same way a nigger says that when you confront him about his ebonics, and then proceeds to double down on it.
Only other Portuguese can deal with people from Porto.

Fuck off, Ukraine is european and white mentally, very free, safe and rich, it's Russia that shouldn't exist

Periférico? Não me faças rir.
Povos que foram subjugados por Castelhanos não são dignos de sequer referir.

We will repopulate with Andalusians ofc, is what we do


Mother of God, you wouldn't dare...

>Abaixo do douro tudo mouro.

Sabe o teu lugar lixo, sabes lá o que é ser um homem português.
E esses contos de fada nao enganam ninguém, só um idiota acredita.

>Povos que foram subjugados por Castelhanos não são dignos de sequer referir.

Los castellanos están cuckeados a niveles inimaginables desde que las grandes marcas turísticas decidieron de cambiar la imagen del típico castellano por la imagen del típico andaluz como la "españa verdadera". Estos últimos 40 años de democracia se pueden resumir en Andalucía cuckeando al resto del país .

we already have enough gypcies around this parts

Isso é assim em todo o lado.
Aque em Portugal fazem de conta que os lisboetas são portugueses e como se nao fosse suficiente fazem crer que são os únicos que importa.

Depende, de onde venho, os nortenhos gostam de se apropriar dos seus sucessos, mas dizem "abaixo do Douro tudo mouro" quando lhes apetece. Eu sei que não estás a ser honesto quando dizes isso.

>Implying You can stop the eternal andalusian.

let's not get ahead of ourselves

ele esta a projectar, nao o alimentes

They are already invading your old colonies though

why netherlands but no portugal?

All Europe should make teritory of USA.

is he holding a seatbelt?

what the fuck, 1 million just like that
I mean, not much is lost, but that's a lot of people

swedes are insecure, the netherlands are simply too scary to provoke (they have almost twice sweden's population, after all)

Tens que ser mais específico já que todas as linhagens de sangue que importa são originalmente do Norte.
Apropria o que? Quem fez o maior esforço de barcos e homems para a conquista de Ceuta? E como este milhares de exemplos.

>that flag

Who could've thought

>"abaixo do Douro tudo mouro"
literalmente nunca ouvi isto, voces vivem onde? lmao que autismo

Deves ser de um zona periférica na cidade do Porto é tradição cantar esta frase quando se passa para Gaia.

Actual map

>Denmark, Luxembourg, Estonia, Kaliningrad (seriously now) not absorbed.

Let's just ignore the fact of the current borders of Poland

Yep. There are 1 million of ethnic andalusians in Brasil.

>literalmente nunca ouvi isto
é uma frase popular, não tem uso recorrente. Hoje em dia ninguém usa, mas quando era puto lembro-me de a ouvir.

Don't know about Norway but the rest is perfect.

I see you are a very intelligent man.