Seriously what the fuck was this guy talking about the priesthood rising for?

Seriously what the fuck was this guy talking about the priesthood rising for?

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make a religion right to claim land, and colonise.
You should support this.

how did that relate to Ted Cruz in the slightest? Jerry Falwell endorsed trump as well as other christfags

he literally wanted his dumb cult to take over the US with Cruz

Cruz has his own cult that his dad raised him in where the "priest class" goes and takes the "spoils of war" for the church

religion is a powerful tool people have forgotten how to use.

cult, great, no rules on killing. cruz sounds alot like crusades

They basically think they will become the Jews 2.0 and take over the world

At least the Mormons didn't massacre Indians en masse like the British did

>trying to outjew a fucking jew

judaisum is a tribal construct, you can only marry or be born into, or allowed to join if you a fortunate. it insures the blood lines of those who follow

Edgy, OP

Doing just what the liberals do, making fun of religious jargon that you do not understand.

Ted Cruz was a conservative constitutionalist and so called "conservative" libturds who tore him down are now proud of yourself. Enemies.

ahahahahahahaha this nigger remember when he melted down and stuffed his face in a bowl of cheeto crumbs ahahahahhahahah aha hah ah hah a

Lol u don't know SHIT about Utah history, otherwise you'd know what you just said is wrong.

Except they're all annoying cucks like Cruz who only care about "muh bible" and think race doesn't exist and nations and economics don't matter beyond helping the church

they are basically Mormons

I know

Christians don't believe in race/tribe anymore

Yeah Mormons massacred whites with the help of Indians instead

bravo Mormons

this Mormon nutcase has been trying to cuck evangelical Christianity for his globalist agenda for years -- he's failed badly, as Trump's voting base is demonstrating

i do, im pseudo christian. christianed at birth.

so am I

Christianity needs to become racist again

It needs to become the religion of pro-whites not the rleigion of cucks like it currently is

if the world became over ran with mudslimes, we would be able to claim a relgious state, like israel. or like ISIS trying to do in a muslim dominated country.....


christians are mk. 2 jews, we need to create a new sect with in the church! (have you seen the angliton church? nothing wrong with the blacks but i would like a sect which was dinominations, not just minorty races. we've been tought this is wrong and racist and white privilage but i do not see how this complies to the idea so many minortys follow

i wants to live in a peusdo christian state, like england but without anyother religions

In the Mormon cult the priests are the elite and control everything

In the FLDS enclaves, the priests re the only ones who can impregnate women.

mormon is a cult, and theologon at that, its geared for war.
no i would like things the way are like in britain now, but immragtion control allowed no other religious items on display apart from christian items or any denomination. nno one is allowed to stay in the country apart from people in the religion, and the religion would adopt a jewish stance on who would be allowed in the sect.

discussions can take place on forums, have meet ups at the holyland, any land owned by the sect. it would be open to reform, but only the leader can say yes or no, and give reasons to his followers