What do niggers mean when they talk about community policing?

What do niggers mean when they talk about community policing?

I have heard multiple herds of them screaming about abolishing the police and having community policing.

no idea

pigs are pigs to me

They don't want to go to jail for committing crimes.

I'm guessing something like neighbourhood watch?

Basically, gangs roam around and would do whatever the fuck they want, I guess.

Yeah that law and order shit really sucks.
Fucking nigger.

Community policing is supposed to mean the people in that community work for the police force or something like that. I've heard cases where they import cops from other cities/counties.

Another interpretation is no police and if you see someone doing something wrong you say stop.

However, I think that most of them just want to not have police so they can be good lil bois and kill whitey

sharia patrol nigger version

It means that they want police to have more interaction with members of the community so that they aren't brutal to them. Problem is that the members of the community don't want to interact with them for being "pigs" so it means nothing.

And what happens when no one in that community wants to be a cop? Are they just fucked? Will it be the whites' fault again?

they want to self-deputize (i.e. neighborhood watch committees with badges)

They basically want complete legal isolation or a kind of segregation that is very near to it. Why? Because better policing means higher property taxes. Better trained police means higher property taxes and more permit regulations. And better trained localized police means higher property taxes, more permit regulations, and more commitment to the public welfare.

I say let them have their community policing and watch how fast the neighborhoods turn into something like Shirley Jackson's The Lottery or Ursula Le Guin"s The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas.

libertarian paradise

The ability to torture anyone they deem a criminal in their community like africans do in their rural areas where if someone commit a crime they necklace him and brutally torture them to death. You know jungle justice.

blacks are super poor, all have criminal records, and are generally lazy and uneducated and stupid.

dealing drugs is how they make money. So having cops/non blacks around interferes with this business. And blacks are too stupid to deal drugs without getting caught all the time.

Why has there been no major Sup Forums celebration of the Freddie Gray officers getting cleared of all charges yesterday?

Soros forgot to pay for an epic chimpout?

It means you can't expect them to act like decent human beans.

No cops, more gangs.

Truth it would never work in metro cities.

Its something the black panthers did when they were first founded
Pretty much means niggers have neighborhood watch who walk around with guns and do everything cops would do in the same position
It doesn't work though because niggers are retarded and corruption is insane when it exists outside of white culture

It's about the police being part of the community. In a lot of urban cities the police don't live in the communities they serve. It also entails a bunch of other things like being visible in the community outside of your squad car and interacting with members of the community in ways outside of the traditional "cops only talk to you when you did something wrong" mode.

We will have to fence them off from the rest of the community
Otherwise they'll go full detailed and drag everyone around them down

basically they want to create a legitimate organization, that's accountable, that serves the purposes that gangs do in low-income areas

Gangs and the various mafias (especially in new york/new jersey), act as a pseudo-police force for the neighborhoods they live in, because often there is a culture difference between these areas and the greater area around them. This leads to a distrust between the community and the group that is policing them, which results in lowered utilization of the police force by that community. In the black community this is the "no snitching" policy. There are/were similar attitudes found in russian, irish, and italian neighborhoods all along the east coast.

So gangs, especially in the areas where they are well organized, used to act as a pseudo-police force for the community and general source of order. Settling issues over property, disputes over business transactions, etc. Regardless of which specific community, because these groups are unsanctioned and not accountable, inevitably crime-for-profit starts occurring.

So, basically the black communities just want officially recognized sovereignty over their areas so they can sort their shit out and not have crime organizations being the default mode to get this done. Will it work? Who knows. It's not exactly a new topic, it just died down in interest for a few decades and in the mean time the police went and smashed up most of the >organized< crime organizations which were containing the problem, leaving us with the >unorganized< crime organizations, like the GDK, BDK, etc, which are less like the old gangster disciples/black disciples/mafias/or mobs and really just a bunch of punk teenagers with guns killing each other over who can sell drugs where

Anyone else hope they get what they want so they will finally realize how cancerous niggers are to society?

It means Shaquanda and Darell get to stroll down the street at night strapped and if they see some shit they'll take it down and kill the neighborhood kids doing so.

And they'll take a few shinies amid the turmoil because shit, they done nearly got their ass shot. This ain't a charity. And they might tell you that lemon juice and hot water does wonders with blood in carpet.

Why don't niggers just say they want segregation then?

They have. Granted it's all university pussies saying that. And some black Democrats with loudspeakers.

They mean this basically

Precisely what I meant.

Never thought of it that way..
And dubs, no less.

They don't even own the houses they live in.
When the police come knocking and start beating their asses, its property tax payer money looking after their investments.

I don't know why that's so hard to understand.

They want Shariah law

It's actually really effective in reducing police violence but meme away

Nah, blacks are too stupid and violent for that. They need to be led by whites, otherwise you get "honorable membah!"

It means snitches get stitches.