Can i pass as white in your cunt?

Can i pass as white in your cunt?

Maybe in Sweden


No, you look like an albino freak

maybe in argentina


> pass
But you ARE white.

Montreuil here.

You'd certainly pass as a local.

Of course you would
Fucking wh*tey

no your too white

fuck off nigger

this is why i dont know where to point your country out on a map

Yes. You have european facial features. Pigmentation is irrelevant.

t. irrelevant eastern europe shithole

we don't need shitskins like you here

t. spic

thats blue

I like his nose Change of colour hahahahaa

Is he from Sudan?

he's just mad because op's whiter than him

Hell yeah. Guy looks aryan af.

He looks scary, like some barbaric alien

>even the white in his eyes is turning black
Yeah you pass, how many women do you want when you arrive?