Is this the most redpilled region on earth?

Is this the most redpilled region on earth?

>Venezuela expelled their Israeli ambassador years ago and called Mossad a terrorist organization that attempted a coup against Chavez
>Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, Chile, El Salvador and Argentina call their ambassadors and condemn Israel.
>Argentina calls for guaranties for the safety of a Christian priest and the Gazans he hosts and protects. Currently defaulting because it refuses to bend over to ZOG.
>Brazil putting the B in BRICS and their anti ZOG bank
>Overwhelming support for Peru's decition among diplomats and even their own (small) Jewish community (albeit they try to blame Games as well)
>Uruguay condemns Israel saying they are committing war crimes
>Nicaragua's president says Netanyahu is possessed by the devil and needs to be exorcised by Argentinian pope Francis, and calls for sanctions; Nicaraguans hate Jews for selling arms to a dictatorship in that country

Step up your game, whites.

Other urls found in this thread:

Venezuela is a socialist cesspit and basically all the other countries have meme economies apart from Chile.

>Venezuela being used as a good example for anything.


Holy shit paco, you just went full retard.

I was talking about their views against jews, not about being left or right.

all does actions were just to rile leftist support
for muh free Palestine
luckily leftism in Latin America is dying and heading for free markets and rule of law.
just waiting for the last ones to fall

Bachelet makes me nervous , she spent years on Germoney , what if she reicieves a call from Merkdog and accepts to receive more refuges ?


it's already happening here wn

I could show you 10 hobos that think the same thing about Israel. Doesn't mean shit, you dirty beaner.

BRICS is a meme

Tell me about it.

Shut up nigger

Don't worry, we got refugees and they auto-deported to Syria. We gave the adventages and a cultivable terrain.
After some cases of domestic violence and rapes, people just tell them to fuck off.

Ecuador has giving Julian Assange asylum for the past 4 years.

>mexican thinks he isn't a nigger

We Dont have nig nogs paraguay

SA is whiter than México you walljumper

Majority of Latin America is catholic.

Catholicism teach their kids to hate the jews, because they killed Jesus, Basically it's one the first lesson to make the first communion, and all kids need to learn that

>Perennial underachievers
>Degenerate culture

>anything not West Europe


No, provincia africana, mexico 50 white millions

> redpilled
> filled with brown people

Whats next, somalia being the most redpilled place on earth?

Inmigration and demographic porcentages are something weedbro

y despues se quejan de argentina

wasn't her family caught on some shady business?
anyways foro de sao paolo is soon to be dead

Not true. In (Catholic) Sunday school here they taught us that the Jews no longer exist and it's Christians who are the true inheritors of Israel. So I was pretty confused when I first met "Jews"

They are yellow pilled.


>implying only white people can be red pilled


Latin America has more whites than US

>>Venezuela expelled their Israeli ambassador years ago and called Mossad a terrorist organization that attempted a coup against Chavez
Nigga, Chavez thought everyone and everything wanted him dead
broken clock is right twice a day, no redpills here (although most of my friends in college support trump, or oppose hillary)

mmmm right

You can only get fucked by America so many times before you start to wonder why your ass is sore.

Less than 150 mudshits, come at me bro!

They can't mess with us as they mess with puny weak euros.

> brazil
> mexico
> land of gibmedat

Whites don't have total ownership of redpillness, but they're a shitload more redpilled than fucking salsaniggers

Never go full retard bro, you are making us look worse than Argennigga


Yeah, I got confused too. But they never tell you jews are bad, they tell you that "we" (humanity) killed Jesus.

>replies by this ID
Do you know what percentage is?

>Apparently is wrong that goverment is covering basic human rights as healthcare and education

And they are doing a shitty job BTW

Forgot Vazquez, hope this lefty fucking dies for once. They'll probably lose on next election anyways...

Aw yeah
Im so fucking tired of it, when will it end?

Brazil called their ambassador from Israel because our countries are bickering

Brazil said the retaliation attacks Israel made were way over the top, killing too many people

Israel then told brazil to fuck off and called us diplomatic dwarf

From this it evolved to more crap, Israel not following ambassador rules on brazil or some bullshit like that

It was nothing against jews, just some high school drama

>make them cultivate terrain
What are you, a racist biggot? They should only recieve wellfare

Brazil has a free trade agreement with Israel

Argentina is not in default read the fucking news.

The government agreed to pay literal American kikes the face value of thousands of billions of dollars in defaulted bonds that they bought for pennies in 2002.

Also taking Syrian rapefugees and millions of Bolivians, Peruvians, Congolombians and other illegals.

This is the most bluepilled Western nation in world history.

actually, during the last year of Mujica's presidency, he had a meeting with Soros adn afterwards the actual president made new deals with israel and we no longer condemn them.

What uni you from niggu? All I see on FB is ex high school mates posting leftist shit, and they are not even chavistas.

>Tupamaros and jews
Just a (((coincidence)))

People is redpilled, my grandma hates jews, when I was young, every time I was selfish she told me to "no seas judío" ("don't be a jew"), and we are talking about 90s.

Kill yourself commie

The whole continent is communist. How is that not jewed?

Everyone says that but it's just a stereotype, they don't really belive it. My friend are pretty red-pilled but that's cause i been slowly giving it to them

Google: Paul Singer
A US court forced AN ENTIRE NATION to enter into default because of 5% of bondholders that had refused a reestructuring deal in 2005.

Argentina was paying its reestructured bonds and a US judge BLOCKED SOVEREIGN INTEREST PAYMENTS TO LEGITIMATE BONDHOLDERS to force Argentina to pay some kikes that had bought the older defaulted debt from US pension funds at depressed prices (pennies)

In the end Argentina elected a Zionist shill named Macri which agreed to pay all defaulted debts at face value and even agreed to pay for the kikes' legal fees, netting them a 1608% rate of return.

If there is anything that proves Jewish kikery it's the Paul Singer saga.

This same kike finances LGBT activist groups with his blood money extorted by buying defaulted debt from crisis-striken countries and was the main contributor to Marco Rubio's campaign.

This may all seem irrelevant to you but the Argentine case has left a US precedent. When other countries like Greece or Spain default, you will remember this post.


Sure but

Oh the south african kike

In the meantime our oil company is bankrupt... and Rockefeller was spotted earlier this year having a few choripanes in Punta del Este.

I have a very bad feeling about this.

I've being redpilling my friends too (even the nigger ones), isn't it quacking crazy?
The everyone says it is true, but my grandmother really hate jews, even she acuses some people to be literal witches, she's fucking crazy.


It's nice that the women act like women here...

Other than that, the culture perpetuates lazyness and mediocrity.

>Red pilled.
>Bunch of corrupt wanna be commie leaders that played too much tropico.
Nah m8.

*Our statal MONOPOLIC oil, alcohol and portland administration company

Dont forget us kick out Haitian niggers out of our country without giving a fuck about international organizations.

don't issue bonds you cant pay


suck my dick. We've chosen a jew for president. And our next possible president might be also a jew. Fuck this shithole continent.

>mexican intellectuals

Watched your debt levels recently?
We have a saying here.
"No escupas para arriba" - Don't spit upwards.

>the commie = jew meme
it was right 50 years ago, now the jews are all capitalists

debt issued on us dollars
we print that shit

I'm sure printing massive amounts of money to pay debt is a sound-proof idea that has never been tried before by any government ever.

FED kikes eagerly awaiting for that.

The anti Israel gommies of here are not something to be proud about.

>there's a woman in that list.
>pedo lady.

Uruguay under Alfredo Strossner
"Pastor Coronel was the chief of the Department of Investigations, or secret police. He would interview people in a pileta, a bath of human excrement or ram electric cattle prods up their rectums.[17][18] The Secretary of the Paraguayan Communist Party, Miguel Soler, was dismembered alive with a chainsaw while Stroessner listened on the phone.[17][19][20] The screams of tortured dissidents would often be recorded and played over the phone to family members, and sometimes the bloody garments of those killed were sent to their homes"

>Anti-Israel meme


Whites in RSA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> """"""""''whites"""""""""" in Mexico

The leftists of here are totally pro palestine and aggressive towards Israel.

that bitch is 5"2. SHE IS A MIDGET HAHAHA

Me llamo la atencion la cantidad de boludeces que dijiste

2/10 me hiciste contestar

>Venezuela a good example
>Kirchnerism a good example

>Thinks finance is just about printing money
Please, are you 12?

my brain is full of fuck

how does this happen with nobody noticing

the US is next isn't it?

ITT: things that happened 10 years ago.

interest rate range of 0.25% to 0.50%.
GDP 17 trillion
world reserve currency
inflation at 1%
growth rate +2.2
interest rate 30,25%
inflation 27,5%
growth rate -1.5%
bonds issued on foreign currency
i do hope that macri fixes Kirchners shitshow so your country saves itself

no he wont, he won by very small margins and his party is in a coalition with other retards

he won't do shit and the socialist or whatever the left is in Argentina will win next election and be in power for like 15 years again



>No debt as a % of GDP
You missed the one stat that has to do with the topic. Don't worry I'll post it for you

lol yeah Paraguay

I remember the time when a lot of people on Sup Forums called Venezuela based and red pilled. Oh boy how wrong were you.

does it matter you cant even pay with that low percentage of debt

We are paying it. We couldn't pay it in 2002 when it was close to your current debt level (+120% of GDP)

Do try to follow the topic, it isn't that hard.

took you more than 10 years to pay it
now you want to go back to the topic fine
i am done anyways

I hope not.

Now back to the matter at hand, see
And back to the printing money thing.

Printing money decreaces its value.

It is being paid.
Actually Argentina is out of default since March 2016.

They are leftist anti-Israel bc they see them as FUCKING WHITE MALES oppressing poor non-whites (palestinians)
blue pilled faggots


Have you been indiscriminately printing paper money or not?

NO, you haven't.

The "printing money" talk was about "I can print muh dollars so I can have more".

If you indiscriminately print paper money, it decreases its value, that's an economic fact.