Why wasn't the Disney trilogy about him ?

Why wasn't the Disney trilogy about him ?
I would have loved to see Jorus C'Baoth and Mara Jade onscreen.

He wasn't evil enough ?

Why wasn't the Disney trilogy about Luuuuuuke?

I just want to hear his name being said. Sounds like a faggot ordering sea bass


t. Official audio book

Thrall wouldve been so much cooler than cgi trashfuck snoke


Thanks, I was calling him cuh-boath for the last 25 years

They didn't want to pay Timothy Zahn royalties.

You're actually right according to Tim Zahn

I always said K-Boat
It's because I'm a foreigner though

dude it's blue admiral I RECOGNIZE HIM TAKE ALL MY MONEY

Wrong. Zahn said the audio book pronunciation was correct.

>Why wasn't the Disney trilogy about him ?

Because he doesn't fit Disney narrative

The Force Awakens costed a fuckton of money to produce. Paying Timothy Zahn would not have made much of a difference.

By the way, who wrote The Force Awakens ? JJ Abrams himself ?

>but it was done so artistically

No, I'm not wrong. I asked this specific question at a book signing and got the opposite answer.

Yes, user, people actually interact and get information face-to-face rather than relying on search engines. It's happened before and it will happen again.

Blue admiral may not be a great character on his own, but the books were great.

Because they plan to eventually rewrite Heir to the Empire for the new canon and have it as an anthology movie between VI and VII.

They need new actors for the OT cast though, the Han Solo movie is basically testing the waters for recasts

JJ, Kathleen Kennedy and a few sycophants. Then everything got meticulously screen-tested and comitteed and subsequently everything original was removed and everything old got changed up.

This already happened.

Because all of the old EU is embarrassing

The big guy trilogy was fucking book kino.

Blue Admiral is literally one of the best Star Wars characters

The Thrawn trilogy is overrated and boring, not to mention it contradicts prequel canon.

He's cool, but extremely 1-dimensional, and very predictable. You knew exactly what he was gonna do any time he was present.

It came out before the prequels. What can you do.

>It came out before the prequels. What can you do.

Not make the movie trilogy about it? OP was asking for reasons not to.

Tell Zahn that apostrophes are for possession or contractions. Not to make alien names look weird.

Because Didney cocksuckers needed a villain that is cartoonishly evil, incompetent and complete nazi like to #RESIST trumpcucks and evil russian fascists.
Thrawn had purpose, reason, charisma, intelligence, was stern but fair and his crew loved him. We can't have that in this age of dumbfucks with seven second attention span and tumrblr motivationals, can we?

> it contradicts prequel canon.
Where ? The whole "lost jedis" thing ?
I thought it was well-established that EU >>> Canon

EU Clone wars (comics) : grimdark and desperate, with little hope on both sides, and jedis being played like fiddles
Canon Clone wars (films) : HELLO THERE

Disney didnt want the bad guy to be a person of color.

But black people do it

What did thrawn do wrong again? I honestly can't remember.

>bad guy isn't a white cis male
Not believable enough

Mark Hamill, Harisson Ford and Carrie Fisher were too old for play the Zahn Trilogy.

Trust C'Boath too much and rely blindly on the cock-blocking animals
Underestimating Talon Karrde and Mara Jade, which severely impacted his plans
Relying on a notoriously incompetent bounty hunter to get the job done
Having a body guard from a species you keep in line through a big lie which was extremely easy to discover

My dude

>Blue admiral may not be a great character on his own
fuck yourself

I mean what did he do that made him "evil."

Honestly he didn't seem like such a bad guy.

Sad to see him go out like that.

He's make too likable of a "villain"

"they wanted to do fan service"

Would you have liked to see Luuke on screen as well you little faggot?

Imagine being this much of a manchild.

imagine posting in threads about shit you don't even like

Dark Empire was better

death troopers was better

Not worth those star wars dubs but checked

>interesting Aliens

Nah dude, (((DIVERSE))) human cast and mute background monsters that mimic the puppets from the original trilogy is what you get ('MEMBER?)