Is this even remotely true? If it isn't, is there any contrary data available?

Is this even remotely true? If it isn't, is there any contrary data available?

Other urls found in this thread:

>American college campuses have a higher rape statistic than the Congo

no it's not true

and if women were really that afraid of it they could just not go to parties or be around idiots that get drunk every weekend

>women is

what kind of nigger wrote this

The true number is .03 women in 5.
>source fbi study

It's not. It's a scare tactic old lesbians tell schoolgirls

That same woman is wearing nearly nothing, drunk, and consented

Yeah, FBI rape statistics. It's closer to 1 in 8,000.

this. If you think about it for a second you'll see how ridiculous it is. A college campus is one of the safest places in the world for a woman.

That statistic LITERALLY includes sex that the women reporting regretted. It's sloppily collected data. It's basically the rape wage gap

>1 in 5 women is sexually assaulted in college
>not are

I can guarantee a black chick wrote this.

It's more like 1 in 5 college girls have a story about how they were almost raped that one time.

It's a sort of twisted badge of honour among feminist types.

Probably, but remember that it includes things like ass grabs and verbal sexual assault which even I as a man have had women grab my ass in college.

It's not a badge of honor so much as a rhetorical device

It is true, and studies are available online if you don't believe it.

Women are targeted in universities because of the overarching male domination that takes place. Older, white, male professors prey on young women. They target girls who do well in their classes and give them poor grades. The poor girls, who did very well in HS, get scared and come to office hours. There, these old white professors take advantage of them with molestation and sex in return for good grades. This sets women up for failure later in life.

The toxic "bro" atmosphere and culture on campus is attacking women in new ways. Every week at my university there were rumors of rape gangs, groups of frat "bros" who would go to dorms at night, break in, and rape the girls sleeping there. Girls on college campuses live in constant fear and the media won't listen to their stories. The police are worse, and require to strip naked for invasive "tests" and numerous photographs which are often leaked out on campus social media platforms. Being a rape victim on a US college campus is a sickening, horrifying, and traumatizing ordeal. The authority figures you rely on betray you for no other reason than to silence your voice.

I've heard that the poll they used to get this stat from even asked "Have you ever had sex while intoxicated?" And they counted every "yes" answer to that as a rape, claiming that women cannot consent when drunk. It's pure propaganda rubbish.

This, I'm triggered just reading that

They wear it as such. They expect deference because of it.

Fuck no it isn't true. 76.1/1000 annual rate = .61% = 1 in 164 annual rate, or 1 in 41 over four years at college.

1/5 women is an absolutely ridiculous statistic you can disprove if you know at least 10 women

You're right, but that's what I mean. If they feel as though they're losing an argument, they can literally cry rape

Don't you know 2 in 5 women are raped on campuses? Oy vey why are you shitlords shaming those 3/5 girls that experience college rape from cisshits like youreslves. You owe reparations to the 4/5 college girls that are raped on college campuses oy v-, i mean, you shitlord.

Colleges are actually a haven of safety for women ages 18 to 24. If you are in college you are far less likely to be the victim of rape or sexual assault than if you were not.

It is not true and all stems from a bullshit survey done years ago at Arizona state.
Low quality bait.


> have knowledge of the Jean Clery Act
> Campus across the country are counting "unwanted" advances (e.g. "hey gurl," whistling, stares longer than 2 seconds) as sexual "assault."

We're arguing the same point but from different ends.

This is as pathetic as it is true. I watch feminists like Sarkeesian for the laughs and I can't tell you how many times they get up to speak the first thing out of their mouths is about how they are a survivor of something.


Girl casually mentions she was raped at some point in her life.

How likely are you believe her?

>women is
A testament to the intelligence of whoever made this image.

>"1 in 5 women is" not are
>wrong statistic anyway
shit poster but even if it were true
>don't drink
>don't travel alone
>don't go to a frat with a shit ton of drunk dumbasses
problem solved

It's true. But you need to look at what qualifies as "sexual assault" these days. Even looking at a young women in an "uncomfortable" way or telling her she's beautiful can count now.

>$50? What do you want $30 for? I'll be back later for the $20 you owe me

I didn't know we had that many Muzzies in college in the States.

Fixed it

Depends on if she's a feminist or not. No shit. If she's a feminist, I'm literally like 80% less likely to believe her.


this always makes me laugh

You should be cautious with a girl like that. Especially ones that talk about abusive ex boyfriends. Usually I've found an abusive ex boyfriend means that he didn't cater to her every wish, and she has a bad habit of painting her exes as rapists or abusers. Careful around those ones.


mah nigga

What is their definition of sexual assualt? Is a nerdy manlet complementing you or asking you out sexual assualt?

>>women is
>what kind of nigger wrote this

The verb is correct leaf boy.
One is the subject (singular).
So "is" is the appropriate verb leaf boy.

This has been discussed to death, I don't know why people are still talking about it.

The one in five statistic that was reported was done so by expanding the definitions of rape and sexual assault so widely that it encompassed normal human sexuality. Quite frankly, with the definition as broad as it is, I'm actually sad the statistic is only 20%. Sad!

I've been teaching at a small college for five years.
Only heard of a single sexual assault in that time.

Now fix the "is".


No, my economics professor red-pilled me on this hard. He also told me that presidential polls have never been accurate enough to predict voting trends.

women is the subject
women isn't singular


"One" is the subject, not "women."

Laughing at all the idiots in this thread that say it isn't true. Live in a college town and talk to girls who aren't freshmen. The 1 in 5 statistic turns into 1 in 2.

Most women who go into college get raped in their freshmen year of college because all they want to do is socialize, let loose, and fuck as many guys as possible. When you go to shit tons of parties you're bound to run into at least a few dudes who are okay with date raping you or full on holding you down against your will and doing whatever they want.

Not saying they deserve it, but when you put yourself into a situation where you're in close proximity to a lot of strangers in a close private environment, there's not a lot of people there that will not go out of there way to help you if you get raped.

If you don't believe in women getting raped at college then you're 3 things. 1, a fucking idiot who doesn't leave his house. 2, you've never socialized and talked with more than 3 women in your life. 3, a person who's never gone to college.

Don't want your daughter getting raped at college? Raise her right and make sure she lives out at your home till she gets married. The rape epidemic coincides with slut culture. Like I said before, not saying they deserve it, (no one deserves to be raped) but they put themselves into situations where the chance of rape is pretty fucking high.

I don't see why its not true. Sexual assault means a guy touching on you without your consent? That is very common. If anything 1 in 5 seems low.


Yeah. I was eye fucking this chick in the subway from a induction course of my colllege. If i could have gotten away with it i would have raped her and many people share this mentality

Yeah, they tout these numbers everywhere, but most colleges have like 2-5 rapes per year reported. Most of these colleges have between 10,000 and 40,000 students.

When you do the math, you realize it's nearly impossible. That is, unless only 1 in 1000 rapes ever gets reported.

Sadly, that's a (completely unfounded) statistic feminists have made up to prolong their other bullshit statistic.

Matters. I met a girl who who was raped as a child and she couldn't be inschool for 5 years and was afraid around males and couldn't be touched without gettingscared and becoming violent.

Women who have truly been raped (especially when not intoxicated) have worse PTSD then soldiers.

Feminists are blowing the definitions of 'abuse' and 'rape' way out of propotions to maintain the narrative of fear and male aggression.

For example my pic shows what they have pushed domestic violence to include. You decide for yourself if that is probably the reason domestic violence against women has increased suddenly.

1 in 3 cheesburgers will taste bad. I can make outrageous claims too. I bet Universities in Europe have a high instance of rape but with out sources I can make no such claim.

>The 1 in 5 statistic turns into 1 in 2.

Define sexually assault.

Hell last time I saw the definition it even included shit like "staring at her" or "refusing to have sex with her".

Abandon ship as fast as possible. Bitch is crazy.


"...they're rapists"
-Donald Trump, 2015

This guy has the right idea , though not all of these man haters are lesbians. It is bullshit that feminists push to scare women about men. They don't want women to be free to go out and have fun. They essentially have the same views as conservative Christians, and promote fear over science. As others have probably pointed out, the definition for sexual assault these studies use include being kissed when one didn't asked to be. Or getting one's ass grabbed at a party. A real study would ask women directly about sexual assault, allowing them to define what happened. If any of these sexual assault or rape studies would be done fairly, by having the women report whether or not the behavior was rape, these rates would be cut down to a fraction to what they are presented as. Why don't feminists just ask women if they were raped or sexually assaulted? The goal isn't to get accurate data. It is to get a study that can scare women.


You're insane. College campuses have fewer rapes per capita than any random city in the USA.

You retards run around spouting this shit, but zero reports ever come along to corroborate your narrative. Meanwhile FBI rape statistics completely contradict everything you say.

Rape is actually extremely rare on college campuses. The statistics prove this!

Considering that all sex between a man and a woman is technically rape even if "consensual", yes it is true

Learn to speak English, fucking niggers.

How the fuck can this be true, Black men don't go to college? Who's lying here?

>. They don't want women to be free to go out and have fun. They essentially have the same views as conservative Christians, and promote fear over science.

This is a lie. Feminists want women to go out and have fun, and want colleges to start teaching men not to rape. That's the whole idea behind stuff like slut walk. They want to teach men not to rape, so that way women can go out and have fun.

>the definition for sexual assault these studies use include being kissed when one didn't asked to be. Or getting one's ass grabbed at a party.

Yeah both of these things are sexual assault. So why wouldn't they be included?

I am not even a feminist but you are really grasping at straws here.

the subject of the sentence is the entirety of the group of women

just because it says 1 doesn't make women singular

Wholly inaccurate. You need to spend some time around soldiers who have actually seen combat. Not some motorpool kid that was stuck on a base fixing humvee's throughout his entire deployment.

Sick of fucking faggots trying to equate PTSD to things it doesn't relate to. Rape victims aren't (((survivors))), they don't have PTSD on the scale of military veterans, and they sure as fuck can move on with their lives.

Burn in hell, faggot.

Bureau of Justice Statistics has some great stuff refuting it, real sexual assualt is around 2%, real rape rate is about 7 in 1000

sexual assault includes more than just rape

The real studies show it is about 1 in 3,000.

This bullshit feminist study counts sex that girls have that they later regret as sexual assault and also unwanted flirtation as sexual assault. The foundation of leftism is built on lies.

It probably includes shit like "He touched my ass at a bar!" too.

Which is funny because women do that shit all the time. They cannot keep their hands/bodies to themselves, especially when intoxicated.

>Setting fire to her home
>Taking her money
>Refusing her money

What even is this, i literally can't even


White women who make bad decisions at drunk college parties really it hard for rape victims around the world. One of my best friends are raped back when she was in China (55 million more men than women, 1 in 2 women are literally at risk of an attempt of sexual violence, not even counting the success rape). Most women in China are now taught to keep switchblades at hand to castrate the penis of rapist literally. Literally what the fuck

next time a chick grabs my ass without my express permission then I'm going to knock her the fuck out and hold her down till the cops come cus muh sexual assault, sound beuno?
> feminism the one driving force behind men being okay with hitting women

Yes, but only if you count such bullshit as "stare rape" and "street harrassment" as sexual assault.

No, tard.
(in 5) is a prepositional phrase. Sorry FAGGOT, "1" is the subject,
> "Each, either, neither, the body and the one--SINGULAR"

>nigger detected
1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted in college.

how is this the wrong verb?

The Federal Government got in on the scare tactics by defining rape as any unwanted penetration. This again did not allow women to say if they were even a victim of a crime. If a woman and man messed around once and he fingered her, she stopped him, he completely stopped, and the women did not feel violated in any way, then this meets the definition of rape by these "studies". Also, notice that by defining rape as penetration, then a man who was drugged, strapped to a board, and forced to have his dick inside a woman's vagina is not a victim of rape. Think that one over. These man haters need to be whipped out from the government. We need Trump.

You're wrong. It's fine to be wrong sometimes, but it isn't fine to insist you aren't.
Also pic related.

>Denying her sexuality

>more than one lad has lost his heart to this lass







So I was right

You're either a troll or entirely uninformed (no offense).

The study you're talking about included regretting sex as a kind of rape. These numbers are dramatically inflated, but I'd encourage you to look into the numbers yourself.

It's sort of like the wage game. It completely crumbles under any scrutiny

1 in 5 women are lying sluts.

SJW Humor made a video on this

>want colleges to start teaching men not to rape.

Yes, because men are savages who cannot help themselves.

Better yet, why don't they make it where a woman is just as at fault as a man if they both get drunk and decide to have sex, which I guarantee constitutes most "rape" in college.

No. If they wanted accurate numbers they would let women define whether or not they were sexually assaulted and then categorize it. Currently they just ask very open ended questions like "were you ever kissed when you didn't want to be?" and then count that as sexual assault. You don't know what they fuck you are talking about, cuck.

>next time a chick grabs my ass without my express permission then I'm going to knock her the fuck out and hold her down till the cops come cus muh sexual assault, sound beuno?

Uh no, because self-defense needs to be used only if your life is in danger.

But yes that is sexual assault.

> not having sex with your wife whenever she wants is domestic abuse


Jesus. Learn some grammar, nigger.

>Refusing her sex
Getting raped by a woman is raping women. Feminism is literal nonsense

You don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You cannot just make a blanket statement as you did and expect it to be true in all cases.

I used to have a neighbor that had been gang raped as a college student. She was really fucked up in the head. I felt really sorry for her.

Oh will dig sum data that will rape you retards. Because at the end of the day, we ll meet again. Regards my little trolls. Time has come.

Sexual assault basically means any sexual touching when the girl didn't say you could touch her. So technically 1 in 5 is plausible. Technically, I've sexually assaulted literally every girl I've ever kissed just because I initiated.

>casually mentions she was raped
Would ghost/10