Why is North Korea only hostile to South Korea and the United States? Why do not they blame the EU?

Why is North Korea only hostile to South Korea and the United States? Why do not they blame the EU?

EU nations are smart enough to hold good diplomatic relations.

because southern rebels are a puppet regime installed by the US?

mmm EU doesn't do military drills on their doorstep.

EU is not important at all and they only target non white countries

EU nations didn't bomb the shit out of them

hes european undercovered agent, his goal is to create war between china and the states.

Why should they? Kim doesn't want to be the bad guy, he even signed the Paris Agreement against climate change.
His nukes have only one purpose: Preventing him from ending like Hussein or Ghaddafi

Something about a war involving the U.S, can't remember it very well

Is this a real question?

Why doesnt (((north korea))) blame (((EU)))?

You know, Kim Jong-Un spoke every day that he would punish the Western imperialists. And You guys were the West imperialist cunts.

We dindu nuffin'

he went school in some european country, i forgot which country it was. Maybe that's why he's not hostile against them, Good memories during childhood ?

it was Switzerland

It's communist rhetoric
West imperialist=USA

Geopolitics, Baka

It was Switzerland, so any positive attitude he has towards the EU can't come from there.

Not necessarily. The most colonialist nations were european, that's true. But when it comes to imperialism the US is probably the biggest.
That's true. First embassy placed in North Korea was Sweden's, I think. I'm glad I can visit. I''d be pissed if the government passed a law that said i couldn't, like americans.

I'd also be annoyed if our govt put a ban on travelling there. The whole thing about Trump banning his own citizens from visiting a country is un-American.

Pic related, visited last month. It was pretty good, I'd go again.

the EU isnt occupying south korea and causing a strife between two brothers who were once part of one family.

it is the american war mongering terrorist devils slaves doing it.

And it is them who shall pay for it.

Thanks to a Swiss-Italian politician.

They talk about nuking us sometimes

The call that saved Pyongyang.

> only hostile to South Korea and the United States
Japan too. All meme hate roots from korean war. Totalitarianism have no logic

>only hostile to South Korea
because south koreans actually spree killed shit-loads of Koreans before Koean war. its said 1,200,000. more over they have been tring to get away with it.