How to fix this shithole called Mexico

>Cyclist was in his lane
>FaggotLord in Audi enters cyclists lane
>Starts pushing / honking him
>Drives over his bicycle
>Security guard comes to help the cyclist
>Audi Beaner starts saying that this is Mexico so he can do whatever the fuck he wants
>Starts pushing security guard
>Civilian comes to help
>Audi Beaner tries to escape in his car
>Cop & Civilian trying to get him out
>Audi Beaner runs off dragging the bicycle under his car
>pic related, stupid beaner
How can we fix this shithole called Mexico?

We have a governor that publicly stated he stole money, but he didn't stole much because there wasn't a lot of money.
Nothing happened to him.

Please be serious, how do you think we can change things here?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck Mexico.

10/10, so intelligent

Im actually curious on what people has to say

Nice slide thread. Fuck off taco this isn't politics.

Nuke everything and start over again.

Hay que acabar con esta mierda de raza que nos trajeron los españoles. IQ < 110 = exterminado

It's called having a CONCEAL CARRY FIREARM.

puros putos idiotas en ese pais

>mfw Rockwell hit the nail on the head

elect more intellectuals into office

Death penalty

every intellectual leaves mexico, theres no support for STEM here

It's obvious Mexico has severe problems with corruption, even more than the US which should be impossible.
Start holding people accountable when they fuck up and either get rid of the cartels or legalize and tax them man.
Start improving your local economy and making mexico's middle class if there is one, easier to get into.

Honestly its not your fault, Mexico, you share a border with all of south america, you're a proxy country for the drug trade.

No culpes a los Españoles idiota
Lo poquito que tenemos de bueno es gracias a ellos

¿O qué?, Has visto a alguien en España comportarse como un chango?

I don't know. Just looking at some of the cities makes me feel exhausted.

Es de mediocres hechar la culpa a otros user
Por favor no seas asi

mira lo bien que les va a ellos
pero tienes razon, fue la mezcla de ellos con los de aqui

A right wing government willing to make corruption, organized crime, and senseless violence capital offenses and willing to follow through with the punishments.

that's like indians pooing in loos

elect Pinochet 2.0

No era penal


Mexico was a mistake.

Let's all go to the USA and start over.

en buen pedo, si nos invaden, no me pongo triste

i literally feel like this is a pic from elysium


sounds good, see you there.







Where is the vid

its @ facebook, let me search

Not worth it then. I don't go to kikebook on principle

>How to fix this shithole called Mexico

You have 5 nukes you can drop anywhere in the world.....

Link since OP is puto

Im already here, faggots.
Step it up senpais, I've been here for 18 years.

gracias pinche puñetas, justo lo estaba buscando

de nada jotito, a la próxima busca antes de hacer un thread

Is this the self hating Mexican I hear about all the time?

fuck you and fuck mexico really

I dont think so, I changed from Sup Forums to Sup Forums just a few days ago

we don't hate Mexico, we hate mexicans

We latinos need a fucking change of mentality in society. My country's politicians don't even give a fuck about El Salvador

Yo creo que el primer paso realmente. significativo sería acabar con la guerra contra las drogas. Todas las drogas.


No. There is your first mistake. You are trying to say this is anyone's fault but Mexicans. You are the problem.

Build a wall

Lol you Nip, I say we as for US MEXICANS

so basically, South America is an entire continent full of little Elliot Rodgers

"War" might be your only option.

Supreme Gentleman here

esto desu. You've made a mess of things.

donde vives mexibro? Paso mucho tiempo en mex.... me encanta las mexicanas

disfruto teniendo sexo con tapatias y chilangas

Consider "death squads"

cool, I hear the Texans are getting bored, when's a good time?


jajaja gracioso ese

>white guy is the douche
How else would you cope with living in mexico?

When Trump wins, convince him to invade us and kill everyone with a low IQ


Nothing will get done until the Mexican population takes to the streets with guns and machetes and lynches the Narcos in an organized, persistent campaign of civilian justice and murder.

Get us to stop being drug using degenerates, kill narcos, shit gradually declines.

Drugs truly are degenerate.

as far as I remember the guy who uploaded the video is white too... or I could be wrong, only seen his face very few times and I'm too lazy to check

Beaners can't fix shit. You can't run shit, at the very least I can say you're a little better than niggers.

autodefensas tried that.. but since they were extremely poor people the government bought them

If the Cartel has enough influence it's possible to use them to change things.

Build a wall on the northern border.

I have a win/win proposal.
Send niggers to Mexico.
Send sandniggers to Mexico.
When they try to do their crime/suicide bombings, they will kill some of us but we will exterminate them.
>Dead niggers
>Dead muslims
>Dead Mexicans

Then you guys help the ones that survived

No that's me.
Fuck beaners.


Turn the borders into a warzone so no more Mexicants can get across.


Im actually Wishful for a Mexican exodus back to Mexico.
Leave all the Chicanos in the Sonora Desert to roam it like the jews.

Holy fuck Mexican user. You'll be the only Mexican welcome after we build the wall.

I don't even know anymore.

el salvawho?

Jin-Roh Claded Mexican Death Squads looking for degenerates

theres not really much that can be done desu
>honest politicians
already tried that and was JFK´d
>civil war
impossible because there is no 2nd amendment
and if by some miracle it happens the kike government of the U.S would probably back the government
>end drug
literally impossible

Roaming the Street and Rail yards of Mexico looking for Central Americans

you can start by building our wall, pepe.


You need to elect trump to put them in check

as much as i'd like to say there's a way, i'm afraid this user is right. The corruption here is unbelievable, the motherfuckers don't even hide what they do on regular basis anymore (having people waste a fucker that annoys them or stealing tax money while laughing at us because we're pretty much powerless against them and their pals the drug lords because we have no guns and we're demoralized as fuck). Burn everything down and then start over is what is needed (and make sure no socialists survivem that cancerous ideology has been around for far too long and did not, do not and will never work).

Assclowns United Shill your Shit music somewhere else.

Hopefully the fine gentlemen that Trump wants to send back to Mexico will help you guys out

>Kill all but the gama
>import some white nordic omega+ and beta+ males and female That hate leftism.

Literally just that, them the place will become a super potency in a few years if they survive they jewish corruption.

Get rid of democracy, people are stupid, if they don't know shit about politics, why let them choose what's best for our country?

Stupid amerilard.
Do you want more illegal immigrants?

and what of the goverment itself?
the gov wants to devolve it's dogs so they are even easier to manipulate, you gotta replace the gov too.

THIS if the smartones stay in there them there will be hope, you really are a smart one my ally.

Game plan for Mexico

>Make a political party
>Drink some Cervesas with your buddies
>Go out in the Streets and Kill commies
>Become friends with the people in the Establishment
>Campaign for Mexican presidency
>Burn the Presidential Palace
>Blame Commies
>Ban all political parties
>Start Purging The government of political opponents
>Militarize Southern Mexico blame the NeoZappatistas
>Secretly Genocide the Indigenous people
>Make youth Groups
>Make a secret police
>Hunt down Cartels
>Get go to war with Guatemala
>Get beat by Nato
>Get Cucked by Nato
>Angela Mercades cuckes your Nation
>Guatemalans,Salvadorians,Hondurans rape your women
>Mestizo Guilt

no,no,no,no,no don't nuke us, mexico is a landmine of natural resources and tourist shit, just infect everyone with a fast killing disease and be done with it, begin again without turning this into fallout.

You literally executed your only chance to become a proper country.
Nothing's gonna change.

whos dat?

Our Emperor Maxilian the first of Mexico

Gas all mexicans not white enough.

maximiliano de hasburgo, he did more for actual mexicans than Benito Juarez

Maximiliano wanted to educate the uneducated so they could be successful

Benito Juarez wanted the "indians" to become educated so they wouldnt be indians anymore, destroy their heritage

>one of our greatest presidents was an indian who died before becoming a dictator

Honesty, he was the best chance for Mexico's Future.

He was too progressive for The conservatives
And too Conservative for the Progressives.

Fuck my life when Max should of been Monarch of Mexico.
He would of Modernized the country faster than the PRI
We would of Have the Protection of France and later Germany and Austria.


your best leader was the one that killed the most indians, since they're not white and everything they touch turns to shit

Kills me Everytime

A nosotros nos va muy bien, de hecho somos un país de 46 millones de habitantes y con un PIB nominal al nivel de Corea del Sur y Australia y un PIB per cápita al nivel de Italia y solo un poco por debajo de Francia. Tenemos empresas y corporaciones exitosas por todo el mundo, como Inditex (Zara, Mango, etc.) Los problemas de España siempre se exageran especialmente por como somos los españoles, que gustamos de maldecirnos por todo, pero lo cierto es que tenemos un nivel de vida altísimo y las cosas van en general bien y funcionan bien, la corrupción existe pero no es al nivel de México, ni siquiera el nivel de Italia o Grecia, es casi siempre desvío de capitales y cosas así. El problema de España es el desempleo, algo que viene traído en gran medida por el gran número de migrantes que hemos recibido en los últimos años (6 millones) y por el llamado paro estructural creado por la desindustrialización a presión de la UE durante los 80 y los 90, que fue solo maquillado durante un tiempo por el sector creado durante la burbuja inmobiliaria.

El IQ de España es muy alto y las regiones del norte de España tienen uno de los IQ más altos de Europa y del mundo.

El crimen en España es bajísimo, más bajo que en Francia, Alemania, Italia y Reino Unido y es cometido sobretodo por extranjeros y gitanos.

España abandonó México hace 200 años, y por entonces era Nueva España, una región/país más grande y rica. Si estáis en la puta mierda es por vuestra culpa.

Why do all of Mexico's leaders Eventual go Full Dictator mode

>Its like if the Mexican people only listen to a man with an Iron fist.