I think the culture war is going to be increasingly strained over the next 4 years

I think the culture war is going to be increasingly strained over the next 4 years.

I was talking to a female friend who I regularly chat about everything with, including relationships and politics. She's pretty liberal and pro-Hillary, but anti 3rd wave feminism and jokes about it with me. I sent her a comic this morning making fun of SJWs and it got her asking about my dating life. This led into her giving me advice and I sort of snowballed into talking about how women my age either "have their shit together," "don't have their shit together," or "are still sluts." I then told her my best shot at this point was to sell myself better and maybe even become a man slut to counteract the bullshit.

She got quiet instead of her normal funny response and told me she'd talk later. She ended up calling a few hours later and we talked the election first. I said I felt crummy being pressured to vote Hillary, she told me I shouldn't. I then joked that no matter what I say about Hillary over the next 4 years, it's going to make me sound like a misogynist. She then corrected me and said, "no, you already are one. Who calls women sluts?" She went on this long rant about how close-minded and woman-hating I am based on everything she hears from me. She then handed the phone to her boyfriend who continued to say that I had no right to discriminate against women who had a choice to be promiscuous. He said that I clearly had a low opinion of women and myself to think that any woman who has sex is a slut. I defended myself by saying that I didn't call all women sluts and even said that men could be sluts too, but he wouldn't listen. I asked why she put him up to this and I could hear her laughing and crying in the background. I pretty much told them to leave me alone and hung up at that point. She texted me later and tried calling again. I figured I'd check to see if maybe she apologized, but nope: she asked me to own my misogyny and apologize to her for using the word slut.

I don't know, anons.

I was recently told by one of my "flings" that I was a "catch," but came off as feeling "owed a woman." It was so confusing. One minute she wanted to be the damsel and put me on this pedestal of masculinity, but the next she was berating me for being this old-fashioned pig who felt that he deserved a woman.

I'm beating a dead horse, and you of all people know that I have been through such a ridiculous series of relationships in my 20s. I think it's only natural to reflect and think often of dating and women in general. Not to an obsessive degree, but to a level that's reflective of my experience. I don't feel owed a wife or anything. But I do want one. I'm not sure if that's same thing. Or if that makes me a misogynist. I understand my use of language and behavior might be offensive to some, but it's who I am and I'm owning it. I will not refute my belief that some women are just loose. And I will not refute my belief that I want to be a family man and want to get it started soon.

Why are these bad things? Why should I be admonished for wanting this?

...I need to join a church.

Quit being such a fucking pussy. That'll solve most of your problems right quick.

Women who are sluts are more likely to divorce you and less likely to commit to a relationship. Quit being pussy-whipped. Also the fact you are even considering Hillary is disgusting.

Your friend is a liberal cunt, the fact that she had her boyfriend do the work for her shows what a lazy and uncaring cunt she is. If she's going to make such a big deal about you using a word then you're better off not being her friend. Whatever you do, DO NOT APOLOGIZE and do not change your views for the sake of emotion. Just listen and wait for her tears of sorrow once november comes.

OP, you seem to have a dillema. Here's the solution:
Stop caring about being authentic to people whom you shouldn't be authentic around. Stop giving a shit about representing yourself to people who don't know shit. Stop caring about lying when there's no reason to tell the truth. These people don't have actual values, they just virtue signal. If they want a signal from you, either give it to them or don't, but don't mistake it as a solicitation of your opinion. LOL!

Here's an idea

tell them to suck your fucking dick

why are you even around these people

She is a slut and her boyfriend is a cuck. She doesn't like her boyfriend very much, and she didn't like the fact that her future options are worse than she would like.

Now, if you want to be her friend, then I don't recommend calling her a slut. You don't need to apologize or defend yourself. Women, almost all women, take everything personally.

>fuck you slut
or you're a cuck

I would of hung up the minute her faggot boyfriend started talking. He psuedo-cucked you.

Tell her that you're out of her league because she's a slut.

To be fair, if you're on Sup Forums you probably are a women hater to some extent. I don't see how you couldn't be, unless you've tried to hold onto the cognitive dissonance and pretend 'it's just the feminists who are like that'.

If you want a decent comeback, though, ask your friend how she feels about men who play the pump-and-dump game. Ask her if she can honestly say that she's never heard women refer to men who have lots of casual sex as 'pigs' or 'misogynists'. Then ask her why you should be expected to give any more respect to women who do the same thing.

>having women friends

How bluepilled are you? You're either courting them, or they're a relative.

Anything else and you're a emotional tampon.



Nice blogpost, OP

She wanted to sleep with you but she felt she had to shit-test you first. Google heartiste

>wwaaahhh you are missojinnist
*hands phone to boyfriend*
>fix it for me

Typical woman, inferior at everything compared to men. Including chewing people out over womanly bullshit.

>losing contact with a woman (((friend)))
good riddance

Tell her to fuck off, if she's escalating things to dominate over your viewpoint rather than playfully joke around, this is not a person you want in your life.
t. Someone who went down that rabbit hole, and regrets it to this day

>culture war
you mean you want to do abc and force everyone to do abc and get pissed off when they instead want to do xyz? fuck off. nobody gives a shit about your pathetic "culture". wake up, brush your teeth, put deoderant on, take a shower, go to work. after that, whatever you do is on you. fuck off.

I don't care if you like blacks, hate niggers, conflate the two or whatever. You're gonna work at your workplace, and fuck off otherwise.


My ex GF gave me almost the exact same bullshit when we were breaking up. She basically told me that I was a really condescending asshole. The reality is that I'm a fairly normal person with a successful career and I'm proud of my own accomplishments, nothing mean or condescending about that. But she decided that she felt my mild self-pride constituted that.

The reality is that even though it seems like she really understands you and has some incredible insight to your personality, she doesn't. She's just insulting you, and girls have a special way of insulting people that really gets to your core. They know how to make you believe that their smears against you are true.

Nobody can make such sweeping value judgements about who you are as a person. Only you understand yourself at that level.

You feel rattled because this girl seems like she peered into the crystal ball and gave you a revelation that you have actually been a misogynist this whole time. But that's bullshit, girls just know how to insult you so that it really hurts. None of it is true, it's just one of the female race's fiendish tricks

Had a similar situation with a female friend of my own who I jokingly called a "bitch" a few times when we were both getting drunk together.

I always said it in a joking manner, but after almost 2 years she slowly started saying thing to me like

>well I already know you hate women
>you have the potential to be a murderer
>you shouldn't call women bitches and cunts when you're angry at them
>you just don't like anyone else

Our friendship has went sour burner still talk, albeit rarely

>had a choice to be promiscuous
That is even worse. They can be anything they want, doctor, lawyer, entrepreneur but they CHOOSE to be the lowest form of human trash and are proud of it.
I would have more respect for a hooker in a third world country selling her body just to survive.

/ Thread

"Okay come meet me at _______ and we'll talk about it."
Then try to fuck her, what do you have to lose?

Stop having close female friends who already have boyfriends, pussy.

I guess you shouldn't go full autistic with your Soviet brainwashing and just be nice to your friend